
How many kilometers is the right time to run for the first run?

author:Idle talk

Running, as a simple and effective aerobic exercise, is becoming more and more popular with the public. However, for novice runners, how many kilometers should I run for the first run?

How many kilometers is the right time to run for the first run?

1. The benefits of running

Running can promote cardiovascular health and control the three highs; strengthens muscles and prevents osteoporosis; Burn fat, lose weight and shape your body; Boost mood and relieve stress and help you sleep.

2. Running guidelines

For beginners, you must know the initial running guidelines, which is to start with a short distance, gradually increase and increase. In "weeks", the distance is increased by 10%. This helps to avoid overtraining and reduces the risk of injury.

3. Appropriate distance

According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), beginners should start with 10 to 20 minutes of running per week and gradually increase to 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise.

Second, according to the calculation, according to the recommendation of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), according to the cumulative running of 20 minutes per week, running 2~3 times a week, about 7~10 minutes each time. If you start at a pace of 7 minutes per kilometer, you can try to run 1 to 3 kilometers for your first run.

How many kilometers is the right time to run for the first run?

The third is the appropriate distance, the original intention of running is for health, not the pursuit of limits. For first-time runners, bloggers suggest that the distance of the first run should be controlled at 1~2 km. This distance allows the body to gradually adjust to the rhythm of running without putting too much strain on the body.

4. Points of care

The first is to warm up, before running, you must do a full-body warm-up exercise, such as: brisk walking, jogging or stretching, etc., to reduce the risk of sports injuries;

The second is the running position, keeping the body upright, walking naturally, breathing smoothly, and avoiding excessive forward or backward leaning;

The third is equipment and supplies, be sure to choose professional running shoes and socks, and hydrate in time when running.

Fourth, safety, to listen to the sound of the body in a timely manner, each runner's physical condition and exercise foundation are different, should be decided according to the individual's physical condition and feelings, if you feel uncomfortable, you must stop immediately, this is an important lesson that novice runners must learn.

How many kilometers is the right time to run for the first run?

Finally, running is a sport that requires long-term persistence. For novice runners, the length of the first run is not the most important, the important thing is to find a running rhythm that suits you and enjoy the fun of running. It's important to remember that running is an individual sport, and everyone's starting point is different. The appropriate distance for the author's first run was 0.7 km (BMI 29.4). Friend, do you remember the first time you ran the right distance?