
There are 3 common problems in Chinese family diet: eat too little when you should eat more, and eat too much when you should eat less!

author:Chang Xiao actually said

People take food as the sky, and in the life of Chinese, "eating" has always occupied an important position. With the improvement of living conditions, the style of our dinner table should also change from "eating enough" to meet basic survival needs to "eating well" in line with the concept of health.

However, according to the survey, there are still some irrational problems in the dietary structure of mainland residents, and the three most prominent problems are:

Cook with oil to eat too much!

Eat too little milk!

Eat too few beans!

May 12-18 is the National Nutrition Week, this year's theme is: "Milk beans add nutrition, less oil is healthier", appropriate oil reduction, bean increase, milk addition, diet will be healthier!

There are 3 common problems in Chinese family diet: eat too little when you should eat more, and eat too much when you should eat less!

Health should be refueled, and diet should be reduced

There are 3 common problems in Chinese family diet: eat too little when you should eat more, and eat too much when you should eat less!
There are 3 common problems in Chinese family diet: eat too little when you should eat more, and eat too much when you should eat less!
There are 3 common problems in Chinese family diet: eat too little when you should eat more, and eat too much when you should eat less!

Live a healthier life, eat "idols"

There are 3 common problems in Chinese family diet: eat too little when you should eat more, and eat too much when you should eat less!
There are 3 common problems in Chinese family diet: eat too little when you should eat more, and eat too much when you should eat less!
There are 3 common problems in Chinese family diet: eat too little when you should eat more, and eat too much when you should eat less!

Drink milk every day to be healthy and stronger

There are 3 common problems in Chinese family diet: eat too little when you should eat more, and eat too much when you should eat less!
There are 3 common problems in Chinese family diet: eat too little when you should eat more, and eat too much when you should eat less!

If you don't eat right, your health will be left behind! National Nutrition Week, Changxiao Health helps you to make three meals a day nutritious!

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