
Research has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to heart attack have these habits, do you have them?

author:Lao Li Health said

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"Recently, I heard that several elderly people in our community have passed away because of heart attacks, which is really worrying." Zhang Fangguo said to Li Fangyan next to him at the door of the community hospital.

The topic of myocardial infarction has always been of great concern to her, after all, it is a very common disease in the elderly. After listening to her neighbors, Zhang Fangguo decided to go to the hospital to consult with a doctor to see how she could reduce the risk of getting sick.

Research has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to heart attack have these habits, do you have them?

At the hospital, Zhang Fangguo met the doctor, Wang Liang, a young cardiologist. Dr. Wang said to Zhang Fangguo: "Aunt Zhang, in fact, avoiding a heart attack is not only as simple as controlling blood pressure and blood sugar, but also some daily habits are also very important. ”

Zhang Fangguo asked curiously, "What are the habits?" ”

Research has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to heart attack have these habits, do you have them?

Dr. Wang explains, "For example, we need to have a good breakfast. Older adults who eat breakfast regularly have a significantly lower risk of heart disease. In fact, one of the interesting statistics is that the incidence of heart disease is a fraction lower among those who eat breakfast than those who skip or eat breakfast regularly. ”

Zhang Fangguo nodded again and again, and asked, "What else?" ”

Research has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to heart attack have these habits, do you have them?

Also, don't underestimate the daily micro-exercise. For example, doing housework regularly, or walking for half an hour every day, these seemingly inconspicuous activities are very helpful in maintaining heart function. Dr. Wang went on to explain in detail the benefits of exercise for heart health and emphasized the importance of consistency.

Zhang Fangguo asked with interest: "Then how do these habits affect the heart?" ”

Research has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to heart attack have these habits, do you have them?

Dr. Wang smiled and explained in easy-to-understand language the relationship between cholesterol, blood pressure and heart load, and how to regulate these indicators through small habits in daily life. “

Over time, Zhang Fangguo has gained a deeper understanding of how to take care of the heart. Zhang Fangguo began to practice Dr. Wang's advice.

Research has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to heart attack have these habits, do you have them?

Every day, whether it is sunny or rainy, she will walk several laps in the community garden. At the same time, she has also begun to pay attention to her diet, making sure that she has a balanced nutrient intake every day, especially breakfast, and never neglects it.

Research has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to heart attack have these habits, do you have them?

A few months later, at a community health seminar, Ms. Zhang met many friends her age. Zhang Fangguo enthusiastically shared her experience after changing her living habits. Zhang Fangguo is very happy because she not only benefits herself, but also influences the people around her.

When Dr. Wang followed up on Zhang's health, she found significant improvements in her blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This made him very interested in Zhang Fangguo's case and decided to collect the data for further research.

Research has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to heart attack have these habits, do you have them?

He believes that these lifestyle changes have an extremely important impact on the prevention of heart disease and deserve to be promoted on a larger scale.

One afternoon, Zhang Fangguo came to the hospital again for a routine health check-up. After the examination, she sat down in Dr. Wang's office and asked, "Dr. Wang, I am now following your advice every day and feeling much better." But I have a question, although my blood pressure has dropped, it still fluctuates occasionally, is this normal? ”

Research has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to heart attack have these habits, do you have them?

After listening carefully to Zhang Fangguo's question, Dr. Wang reviewed her health records in detail. Zhang Fangguo, your situation is very good. Small fluctuations in blood pressure are normal because a person's blood pressure can be affected by a variety of factors, such as mood, body temperature, activity level, etc.

As long as your blood pressure is within the normal range, this small fluctuation is not a cause for concern. And from your records, these fluctuations are very small, indicating that your heart and blood vessels are stable. Continue with your current routine and monitor your blood pressure regularly so you can stay informed about your health.

Research has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to heart attack have these habits, do you have them?

Zhang Fangguo listened to Dr. Wang's explanation, and the doubts in her heart were released. She thanked Dr. Wong for his patience and professionalism and confidently continued to maintain her healthy lifestyle.

Research has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to heart attack have these habits, do you have them?

Through these daily adjustments, Zhang Fangguo has not only improved her own quality of life, but also gradually become an advocate of healthy living in the community.

What do you think about the elderly who are not prone to heart attack, most of them have these habits? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Research has found that most of the elderly who are not prone to heart attack have these habits, do you have them?