
self-help and mutual rescue ability value UP!

author:Beautiful Wuqing official number

May 12th is

The 16th National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day

This year's theme is:

"Everyone talks about safety, and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies

-- Strive to improve the ability of grassroots disaster prevention and risk avoidance"

self-help and mutual rescue ability value UP!

The Wuqing District Emergency Bureau, together with Dongpuwa Street, the District Fire and Rescue Detachment, the District Red Cross, the District Urban Management Committee, the District Association for Science and Technology, the Power Supply Company and other units, carried out the National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day publicity activities in the Fontaine Tiancheng Community to popularize the knowledge and skills of disaster prevention and mitigation to the citizens and enhance their ability to prevent and reduce disasters and avoid risks.

self-help and mutual rescue ability value UP!
self-help and mutual rescue ability value UP!

The staff of Wuqing District Urban Management Committee popularized household gas safety knowledge to everyone

self-help and mutual rescue ability value UP!
self-help and mutual rescue ability value UP!

"What should I do if someone suddenly faints?"

"How do I perform a standard chest compression?"

Volunteer of the Blue Sky Rescue Team of the District Red Cross Society

It is a combination of theoretical teaching and practical exercises

Explain to the residents on site

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the Heimlich maneuver

and guide them through on-site operations

self-help and mutual rescue ability value UP!
self-help and mutual rescue ability value UP!

The firefighters demonstrated to everyone

Proper use of fire-fighting equipment

and carry out fire extinguishing practice

self-help and mutual rescue ability value UP!

Resident Sun Wei: Through this disaster prevention and mitigation publicity activity, I deeply realized that cherishing life and putting safety first. I also learned some first aid skills such as CPR and the Heimlich maneuver. Understanding the knowledge of gas safety and the correct use of fire-fighting equipment requires each of us to have a firm grasp. At the same time, it is also hoped that this kind of activity will go into the community and the grassroots, so that residents can master more knowledge and skills of disaster prevention and reduction, self-help and mutual assistance, and emergency rescue, improve safety awareness, and further enhance the emergency response ability and self-rescue and mutual rescue ability under public emergencies.

self-help and mutual rescue ability value UP!

Liu Haijun, Deputy Director of Wuqing District Emergency Management Bureau: We want to publicize and explain some safety knowledge that the masses are concerned about through this activity, so that the masses can improve their ability to prevent and reduce disasters, and be able to respond to and resolve risks in a timely manner when emergencies come.

Don't panic in response to disasters

Disaster prevention and mitigation are important on a daily basis

Protect lives

Together, we build a solid foundation for safety