
The 56-year-old uncle only drinks tea and does not drink boiled water, and he went to the hospital for a physical examination a year later, what is his physical condition?

author:Möngke talks about health

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"Uncle, do you really only drink tea all year round and don't touch a drop of boiled water?" At the hospital, Dr. Li looked at the 56-year-old Uncle Chen in front of him.

Uncle Chen said, "Dr. Li, I know it sounds a little weird, but I just like the aroma of the tea, and I always feel that the boiled water is too flat. ”

The 56-year-old uncle only drinks tea and does not drink boiled water, and he went to the hospital for a physical examination a year later, what is his physical condition?

In the past year, Uncle Chen has hardly changed much except for his daily work, although he works hard, he is not tired of it. The only special habit is to drink tea for three meals a day, whether it is green tea, black tea or pu'er, and boiled water is to be avoided as much as possible.

"Tea does have many benefits, such as refreshing, helping digestion, etc., but the caffeine and other ingredients contained in tea, if consumed in excess, may have some adverse effects on the body." Dr. Lee said.

The 56-year-old uncle only drinks tea and does not drink boiled water, and he went to the hospital for a physical examination a year later, what is his physical condition?

For people like Uncle Chen, who drink a lot of tea for a long time, symptoms such as palpitation and insomnia may occur. Dr Lee pointed out that while tea can also replenish water, because tea has a diuretic effect, excessive consumption can increase urine output, which can actually lead to water loss in the body.

"Uncle Chen, judging from your blood test results, your uric acid level is slightly higher, which is not unrelated to your eating habits. Your kidneys need more pure water. ”

The 56-year-old uncle only drinks tea and does not drink boiled water, and he went to the hospital for a physical examination a year later, what is his physical condition?

Does drinking tea without plain water really have that much of an impact? Plain water provides the most direct and clean water supply without any additives, which is essential for the maintenance of body functions.

Uncle Chen, he didn't expect that his "little fetish" would have so much knowledge. He looked at his physical examination report and then looked back at Dr. Li: "Then you say, should I stop drinking tea completely?" ”

The 56-year-old uncle only drinks tea and does not drink boiled water, and he went to the hospital for a physical examination a year later, what is his physical condition?

"It doesn't have to be completely stopped, tea also has many benefits for the human body," says Dr. Lee. The key is to eat in moderation and in a reasonable way. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by getting enough plain water every day and enjoying your favorite teas in moderation. ”

Uncle Chen asked another question: "So, I heard that drinking tea can lose weight, is this true?" "Indeed, the catechins contained in tea can help promote fat metabolism and have a certain effect on weight loss," says Dr. Lee. But this needs to be accompanied by a proper diet and exercise, and drinking tea alone is not enough. ”

The 56-year-old uncle only drinks tea and does not drink boiled water, and he went to the hospital for a physical examination a year later, what is his physical condition?

Uncle Chen thought for a moment and asked, "Dr. Li, I also heard that drinking tea can help regulate blood sugar, is this true?" For someone like me who likes to drink sweets, is it possible to drink more tea to balance my blood sugar? ”

Dr. Li explained: "Actually, there is a certain scientific basis for the claim that tea regulates blood sugar, but it does not mean that it can be consumed without restrictions. ”

The 56-year-old uncle only drinks tea and does not drink boiled water, and he went to the hospital for a physical examination a year later, what is his physical condition?

"Specifically, tea is an adjunctive treatment for patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes. However, this does not mean that tea can be used as a substitute for medication or that dietary control is not taken into account. Dr. Lee explained.

He continued: "In addition, you mentioned that you like to eat sweets, and excessive sugar intake, especially refined sugar, can easily lead to a sharp rise in blood sugar, which can have adverse health effects. Therefore, even though drinking tea can help, it is essential to control your intake of sweets and maintain a balanced diet. ”

The 56-year-old uncle only drinks tea and does not drink boiled water, and he went to the hospital for a physical examination a year later, what is his physical condition?

"A healthy lifestyle should not depend on the 'magic effect' of a particular food or drink, but should be based on a balanced diet, moderate exercise and good lifestyle habits. Tea, as an auxiliary health drink, can be consumed in moderation, but the key is to have a healthy lifestyle. ”

Uncle Chen thanked Dr. Li for his careful answers and decided to start making some adjustments in his life, such as reducing the intake of sweets, increasing the intake of water, and drinking tea in moderation in order to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

The 56-year-old uncle only drinks tea and does not drink boiled water, and he went to the hospital for a physical examination a year later, what is his physical condition?

What do you think about drinking only tea and not plain water? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 56-year-old uncle only drinks tea and does not drink boiled water, and he went to the hospital for a physical examination a year later, what is his physical condition?