
The 52-year-old aunt was diagnosed with high blood pressure and has been jogging for 1 hour a day since then.

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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In the corner of a small town, there lives a 52-year-old aunt named Li Guihua.

One day, when she went to the hospital for a routine check-up, she was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Doctors warned her that if she didn't make lifestyle changes, she could face more serious health problems. At that moment, Li Guihua decided to change her life.

The 52-year-old aunt was diagnosed with high blood pressure and has been jogging for 1 hour a day since then.

"I'm going to put my lifestyle on the line, and from tomorrow I'm going to start running!" Li Guihua said firmly in front of the doctor. This decision is undoubtedly a huge challenge for a middle-aged woman who has never exercised.

The town where Li Guihua lives is surrounded by greenery and the air is fresh, making it an ideal place for running. Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight hit the streets, she puts on her sneakers and starts jogging in the town's park.

The 52-year-old aunt was diagnosed with high blood pressure and has been jogging for 1 hour a day since then.

Initially, she couldn't run far and ran out of breath, but she didn't give up and insisted on going out for a run every day. As time passed, Li Guihua's physical strength became better and better, and the time spent running gradually increased.

She began to enjoy running, and she felt as if she was racing against her younger self. This persistence not only improved her heart and lung function, but also allowed her blood pressure to gradually stabilize.

The 52-year-old aunt was diagnosed with high blood pressure and has been jogging for 1 hour a day since then.

Not only is my blood pressure stable, but my heart is also functioning much better than before. The doctor said to her, "Osmanthus, your body is ten years younger than half a year ago!" What exactly do you eat every day? Li Guihua replied with a smile: "Doctor, I eat 'running' every day!" ”

A neighbor who is also a high blood pressure patient asked: "Sister Osmanthus, I also want to change like you, but I'm worried that I won't be able to persevere, do you have any secrets?" ”

The 52-year-old aunt was diagnosed with high blood pressure and has been jogging for 1 hour a day since then.

Li Guihua replied with a smile: "Actually, the secret is very simple, that is, don't set limits for yourself. At first, I was skeptical that I could do it, but I told myself every day that I could do it. ”

Over time, this has become a habit for me, and my body and mentality have changed with it. So, my advice is, even if it's a jog, stick to it, and persistence is victory.

The 52-year-old aunt was diagnosed with high blood pressure and has been jogging for 1 hour a day since then.

This answer not only answers the doubts of the neighbors, but also once again confirms Li Guihua's experience - a healthy lifestyle can not only change a person's body, but also change a person's mentality and life.

And all this change began with her simple but firm decision. In the months following that health talk, Li's story inspired many townspeople to join in the morning jog.

The 52-year-old aunt was diagnosed with high blood pressure and has been jogging for 1 hour a day since then.

Not only has she undergone a dramatic change herself, but she has also become a health ambassador in her community. Her lifestyle change not only allowed her to come out of the shadow of high blood pressure, but also provided a new life possibility for the people around her.

Li Guihua often said: "Do you know that change is not an overnight thing, it requires determination and action." I keep running every day, not for anyone, but for myself to have a healthier future. ”

The 52-year-old aunt was diagnosed with high blood pressure and has been jogging for 1 hour a day since then.

As time passed, Li Guihua not only felt the changes in her body, but her emotions also became more positive and sunny. Doctors have also noticed these changes, and they often use her example to encourage other patients to be more positive in the face of their illness.

One day, a middle-aged man who had just joined the morning jogging group consulted Li Guihua after running: "Sister Guihua, I recently started running with you, but I noticed that my knees began to feel a little uncomfortable, is this normal?" ”

The 52-year-old aunt was diagnosed with high blood pressure and has been jogging for 1 hour a day since then.

Li Guihua replied: "Ah, I have also encountered this problem before. Did you know that when you first start exercising, there may be discomfort in various parts of the body, especially at our age? ”

At the same time, it is best to go to the hospital for a detailed examination to see if it is caused by improper running or other reasons. Remember, health always comes first, and proper adjustments can help you stick to it better.

The 52-year-old aunt was diagnosed with high blood pressure and has been jogging for 1 hour a day since then.

After hearing this, the middle-aged man nodded gratefully and decided to follow Li Guihua's suggestion to do further examinations and adjustments. Li Guihua's words not only gave him a specific advice, but also gave him the confidence to continue to improve his lifestyle.

Li's suggestion is like a light that illuminates everyone in the community who wants to improve their health by making lifestyle changes. She proves that change is always possible, no matter how old you are, and that the key is perseverance and small efforts every day.

The 52-year-old aunt was diagnosed with high blood pressure and has been jogging for 1 hour a day since then.

What do you think about high blood pressure? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 52-year-old aunt was diagnosed with high blood pressure and has been jogging for 1 hour a day since then.