
Hundreds of times a week! 41-year-old male manager with early stage of cancer, doctor: no more than half a year, it is at an advanced stage

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"You need to do a full check-up right away." At a well-known hospital in Zhengzhou, Li Wei's advice from his family doctor made Li Wei feel tight.

The 41-year-old marketing manager often felt tired and sore muscles during this time, and thought it was just a lot of work pressure, but the doctor's words made him have to pay attention.

Li Wei is a typical workplace walker, who goes out early and returns late every day, always holding a cigarette in his hand, and has to smoke hundreds of cigarettes a week.

Hundreds of times a week! 41-year-old male manager with early stage of cancer, doctor: no more than half a year, it is at an advanced stage

He always smiled and said to his colleagues, "This cigarette smokes as naturally as breathing." ”

However, he did not know that such "nature" was quietly eating away at his health.

After the results of the examination came out, the doctor took off his glasses and looked at Li Wei seriously: "You have multiple small nodules in your lungs, and we suspect that it is early lung cancer." ”

This sudden news made Li Wei stunned.

Hundreds of times a week! 41-year-old male manager with early stage of cancer, doctor: no more than half a year, it is at an advanced stage

The doctor went on to explain: "If you don't quit smoking immediately and start treatment, it may progress to an advanced stage after half a year. ”

Such a turn of events made Li Wei fall into deep thought.

He began to think back to his lifestyle over the years, working hard every day, working late into the night, and smoking cigarettes had become a way for him to release stress.

But now, it's been his nightmare.

During further diagnosis and treatment, Li Wei learned that lung cancer is a common disease among smokers.

Hundreds of times a week! 41-year-old male manager with early stage of cancer, doctor: no more than half a year, it is at an advanced stage

According to statistics, smokers have a more than 10 times higher risk of lung cancer than non-smokers.

Moreover, smoking not only increases the risk of lung cancer, but also accelerates the growth rate and spread of the tumor.

While receiving treatment, Li Wei began to try to quit smoking.

He also participated in the smoking cessation group organized by the hospital to share his experiences and challenges with other smokers.

The process of quitting smoking was extremely difficult, but Li Wei persevered, and he found that his body gradually felt much more relaxed during the days when he did not smoke.

Hundreds of times a week! 41-year-old male manager with early stage of cancer, doctor: no more than half a year, it is at an advanced stage

In addition to quitting smoking, Li Wei has also begun to change his diet and physical activity habits, and is committed to adopting a healthier lifestyle to improve his health.

He developed the habit of running in the morning every day and preferred low-fat, high-nutrient foods in his dietary choices. This series of lifestyle modifications significantly improved his physique.

Doctors were very interested in Li Wei's case, and they collected a lot of data to conduct an in-depth study of the incidence of lung cancer among smokers.

Studies have shown that after quitting smoking, even patients who have developed early-stage lung cancer have significantly improved survival and quality of life.

Li Wei's story was widely discussed within the hospital and used as an example of a doctor educating smokers.

Hundreds of times a week! 41-year-old male manager with early stage of cancer, doctor: no more than half a year, it is at an advanced stage

In this way, doctors are trying to make more smokers aware of the dangers of smoking and encourage them to quit as soon as possible.

A year later, Li Wei's condition was brought under control, and he completely quit his addiction to smoking.

With the support of his doctor and family, his life gradually got back on track.

He also began to actively participate in public welfare activities to help more people understand the dangers of smoking and encourage them to quit.

This change not only completely improved Li Wei's daily life, but also had a profound impact on his family and friends.

His experience has inspired many people to re-evaluate their lifestyle habits and choose a healthier lifestyle.

Hundreds of times a week! 41-year-old male manager with early stage of cancer, doctor: no more than half a year, it is at an advanced stage

In this story, we see the courage and determination of a man in the face of a life-and-death decision.

Li Wei's experience tells us that although lifestyle changes are difficult, the positive impact is enormous.

What's more, this change doesn't just affect the individual, but also inspires those around them, creating a positive cycle.

So, the question arises: if a smoker spontaneously decides to quit smoking, completely free of external pressure, how likely are they to succeed?

In order to answer this question, we need to consider not only the willpower of the individual, but also the social environment, the prevalence of health awareness, and the perfection of medical support systems.

These factors combine to give a detailed and accurate answer.

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