
Why is the Moon always facing the Earth?

author:Mood exploration
Why is the Moon always facing the Earth?

We know that the distance between the Earth and the Moon is about 384,000 kilometers. The Earth's equator is about 12,800 kilometers in diameter. If you divide the Earth-Moon distance by the diameter of the Earth's equator, it is exactly 30 times. The average period of the Moon's revolution around the Earth is also 30 times that of the Earth's rotation. So we can't help but wonder, these two values are so similar, is there some pattern to be found?

Why is the Moon always facing the Earth?

In fact, if we break the earth and divide it evenly between the earth and the moon, we will find that the moon and the earth are actually one and the same. It can be seen that in the beginning, the moon and the earth were one. And this whole is not disc-shaped, but flattened. The big head of the flat shoulder is on the side of the earth, and the small head is on the side of the moon. In the process of rotation, the material around the earth is gradually attracted to the earth and gradually collapses and accumulates into the earth. The material around the Moon is gradually attracted to the Moon and eventually collapses into the Moon.

Why is the Moon always facing the Earth?

In the process of collapse and compaction, the earth is getting smaller and smaller, and its rotation speed is getting faster and faster. When the Earth collapses to its present volume, it takes one day for the Earth to rotate in one circle. The moon orbits the earth once and the earth rotates 30 times, which is 30 days.

In addition to this particular phenomenon, there is another point worth noting. That is, on the side of the moon facing the Earth, a large area of basalt lava has appeared. On the far side of the moon, there are not such large lava plains, but many undulating mountains. Why is the lava plain on the surface of the moon facing the Earth instead of facing somewhere else?

Why is the Moon always facing the Earth?

It turns out that in the early stages of the formation of the Earth and the Moon, the surface of the Earth and the Moon was dominated by magma, and only a small amount of land floated on the magma. In the process of mutual attraction and rotation of the Earth and the Moon, the land floating on the magma on the surface of the Moon is thrown by centrifugal force to the side facing away from the Earth, and finally the magma side that leaves liquid is facing the Earth. When the magma cooled, it became what it is now.