
Reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for the cause of the party and the people to catch up with the times in great strides

author:Tooth stone fusion media

Reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for the cause of the party and the people to catch up with the times in great strides. Recently, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting and decided to convene the Third Plenary Session of the 20 th CPC Central Committee in Beijing in July this year. The meeting pointed out that the whole party must consciously put reform in a more prominent position and further deepen reform in an all-round way around the promotion of Chinese-style modernization. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of incisive expositions on comprehensively deepening reform, profoundly answering major theoretical and practical questions such as why and how to comprehensively deepen reform. Today, the party building network has sorted out some of the relevant important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and invites you to learn and experience together.

Career development is a topic, and deepening reform is a problem

Reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for the cause of the party and the people to catch up with the times in great strides

  Career development is a topic, and deepening reform is a problem. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) put forward new tasks for comprehensively deepening reform around the new requirements for the development of the cause of the Party and the country. The comrades of the whole party must bear in mind that reform and opening up is a key move to determine the fate of contemporary China, as well as the realization of the "two centenary" goals and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Without reform and opening up, there would have been no socialism with Chinese characteristics, and there would have been no excellent situation in which China is thriving and developing today.

  ——On October 25, 2017, Xi Jinping's speech at the First Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

  The practice of the past 40 years has fully proved that reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for the party and the people to catch up with the times in great strides, the only way to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, a key move to determine the fate of contemporary China, and a key move to realize the "two centenary" goals and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  ——On December 18, 2018, Xi Jinping's speech at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up

  I have said many times that reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for contemporary China to catch up with the times in great strides. China's reform will not stop, and China's opening up will not stop. We are planning and implementing a series of major measures to comprehensively deepen reforms, continue to build a market-oriented, law-based, and international first-class business environment, and provide broader development space for companies from all over the world, including U.S. companies.

  ——Xi Jinping's speech at a meeting with representatives of the U.S. business community and strategic academia on March 27, 2024

Comprehensively deepening reform has a direction, a stance, and a principle

Reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for the cause of the party and the people to catch up with the times in great strides

  The reform led by our party has always been a comprehensive reform. The essence of the issue is what to change and what not to change, and some things that cannot be changed will not be changed for a long time, and this cannot be said to be no reform. We are constantly pushing forward reform in order to promote the better development of the cause of the party and the people, not to cater to the "applause" of some people, and we cannot rigidly apply Western theories and viewpoints to ourselves. It is necessary to proceed from the national conditions of the mainland and the reality of economic and social development, have leaders to promote reform step by step, do not seek sensational effects, do not make superficial statements, and always adhere to the correct direction of reform and opening up.

  ——On November 12, 2013, Xi Jinping's speech at the second plenary session of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

  Hundreds of miles of different winds, thousands of miles of different customs. What kind of governance system a country chooses is determined by the country's historical heritage, cultural traditions, and level of economic and social development, as well as by the country's people. Today's national governance system on the mainland is the result of long-term development, gradual improvement, and endogenous evolution on the basis of the mainland's historical inheritance, cultural traditions, and economic and social development. The mainland's national governance system needs to be improved and perfected, but how to change and improve it, we must have ideas and determination. If we copy and copy other people's institutional models regardless of national conditions, we will not be able to draw tigers into anti-dogs, and not only will we not be able to solve any practical problems, but we will also cause serious consequences due to the lack of adaptation to the water and soil.

  ——On February 17, 2014, Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the seminar on the study and implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for major leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels

  What to change and how to change must be based on whether it is in line with the overall goal of improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. We must adhere to the party's basic line, unify the two basic points of taking economic construction as the central task and adhering to the four cardinal principles and persisting in reform and opening up in the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and adhere to it for a long time and never waver.

  ——On December 18, 2018, Xi Jinping's speech at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up

To further deepen reform in an all-round way, it is necessary to give prominence to the orientation of problems

Reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for the cause of the party and the people to catch up with the times in great strides

  Persist in deepening reform and opening up. We will further promote reform and innovation, unswervingly expand opening up, strive to break down deep-seated institutional and institutional obstacles, continuously demonstrate the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, continuously enhance the driving force and vitality of socialist modernization, and better translate the advantages of the mainland's system into the efficiency of national governance.

  ——Xi Jinping's report at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on October 16, 2022

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has deepened reform in an all-round way with great political courage, highlighted the problem orientation, dared to break through the deep water area, dared to gnaw hard bones, dared to wade into dangerous waters, dared to face new contradictions and new challenges, broke through the shackles of ideology and concepts, broke through the barriers of solidified interests, and resolutely eliminated the shortcomings of all aspects of the system and mechanism.

  ——On February 7, 2023, Xi Jinping's speech at a seminar for new members and alternate members of the Central Committee and major leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels to study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

  To further deepen reform in an all-round way, it is necessary to highlight the problem orientation, and strive to solve the problems of stuck points and blockages that restrict the construction of a new development pattern and promote high-quality development, the pain points and difficult problems in the field of development environment and people's livelihood, and the focus and hot issues that are contrary to social fairness and justice, effectively prevent and resolve major risks, and continuously add impetus and vitality to economic and social development.

  ——On March 21, 2024, Xi Jinping delivered a speech when listening to the work report of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government

Invest more energy and make more efforts to implement

Reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for the cause of the party and the people to catch up with the times in great strides

  All localities and departments should firmly establish a sense of the overall situation and a sense of responsibility, regard reform as a major political responsibility, strengthen the determination and confidence of reform, enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of promoting reform, be both a reform promoter and a reform doer, grasp the implementation of reform in the spirit of nailing, twist the key, make precise efforts, dare to gnaw hard bones, stare at it, and grasp it repeatedly, until it achieves results.

  ——On February 23, 2016, Xi Jinping's speech at the 21st meeting of the 18th Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform

  Reform is focused on implementation, but it is also difficult to implement. As the reform has been carried out today, there are more and more favorable conditions for grasping reform and implementation, and the ideological, practical, institutional, and popular foundations of reform have become more solid.

  ——On September 20, 2018, Xi Jinping's speech at the fourth meeting of the 19th Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform

  You can't do things like this, you must be down-to-earth, and you must work hard to implement the work. In particular, the principal leading cadres must not only lead everyone to set the plate, sort out the road, and open up the other party's plan, but also make personal arrangements for important tasks, personally check key links, and personally supervise the implementation of the situation. To do business, we must have the spirit of nailing, grasp the iron traces, step on the stone to leave a mark, move forward steadily, climb a mountain and climb a peak, cross a ditch and then cross a ravine, and constantly create a new situation in work by resolving problems.

  ——On October 10, 2020, Xi Jinping's speech at the opening ceremony of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres at the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration) in the fall semester of 2020

Source: Party building network micro platform

Editor: Zhang Jinfeng

Editor: Zhao Zongjie and Zhang Ge

Final review: Li Enguang and Lei Jianjun

Director: Zhao Huiru