
Don't soak the defrosted meat, the hotel chef taught me a trick, 10 minutes to thaw, the same as the new one

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Trick Library

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Don't soak the defrosted meat anymore, the hotel chef taught me a trick, it only takes ten minutes, and the meat will melt easily, just like the new one.

Don't soak the defrosted meat, the hotel chef taught me a trick, 10 minutes to thaw, the same as the new one

Audience friends, hello everyone, welcome to watch the magic trick library, I am the magic trick brother, and I will share different life tips with you every day.

Let's talk to you today, like the frozen meat we put in the supermarket or in our refrigerator. If you go home and then stir-fry and cut the meat with a knife, the meat will not be cut.

Everyone will see how hard the frozen meat is, that is, there are relatives who come to your house during the festival. If the relatives don't say it in advance, if we don't take out the meat in advance to melt the freezing, the meat will not be cut out of the refrigerator.

So if a relative comes temporarily and the meat doesn't move, then how can we get the meat to thaw quickly?

It's very simple, let's take a look at it with Brother Trick.

Don't soak the defrosted meat, the hotel chef taught me a trick, 10 minutes to thaw, the same as the new one

First of all, we prepare a container, put the frozen meat in the container, and then prepare a little salt, which is used for stir-frying at home.

As we all know, when the road surface freezes on the road in winter, salt is sprinkled to quickly melt the snow, as long as the salt touches the ice on the road, the ice can melt quickly.

As long as the surface of the meat is sprinkled with salt, we prepare a little white vinegar and pour a little white vinegar on the meat, which has a softening effect and can make the meat thaw quickly.

Because our meat has been in the refrigerator for a long time, the meat will have a bad smell.

After pouring in white vinegar, white vinegar has the effect of removing odors. Pour white vinegar on the meat, one is to make the meat melt quickly, and the other is to remove the odor on the surface of the meat.

Don't soak the defrosted meat, the hotel chef taught me a trick, 10 minutes to thaw, the same as the new one

This method is done and when the meat is eaten, the meat will no longer have a peculiar smell. After pouring the white vinegar, we can rub it with our hands to spread the salt and white vinegar on the surface of the meat, and it only takes a while to press on the surface of the frozen meat.

For example, when the frozen meat is just taken out of the refrigerator, the meat does not move, I spread it evenly and put the meat aside for three to five minutes, and the meat can be cut.

When the frozen meat rests for five minutes, we pick up the meat and take a look, and everyone will see whether the frozen meat on the surface is very soft, and we can move it with a light touch.

At this time, add a little warm water, warm water is about 30 to 40 degrees, clean the surface of the meat, one is the frozen meat we buy back and put it in the refrigerator.

There is a lot of blood on the surface of the meat, and it is very dirty. If we wash it with water, we can wash away the dirt and blood on the surface of the meat. Second, it can wash off a lot of oil stains on the surface of the meat. It can also remove the odor from the meat.

Don't soak the defrosted meat, the hotel chef taught me a trick, 10 minutes to thaw, the same as the new one

After the meat is washed with water, you will see that the meat is very soft like the new one, and when we go to cut the meat again, it is very easy to cut. It doesn't matter if you're slicing or dicing, it's very easy.

Here I will share with you a little trick for preserving meat, that is, before putting the meat in the refrigerator, first coat a layer of cooking oil on the surface of the meat, so that the cooking oil can lock the moisture in the meat, and do not let the meat in the refrigerator, and the excess water will not run out to form a layer of ice when frozen.

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