
The "Natural Laxative King" was discovered, eat it once every three days, cleanse the intestines and scrape the oil, and easily empty the black stool!

author:Three-point moment

When the summer sun is scorching, what a light food choice can bring! Winter melon, a seemingly ordinary summer vegetable, not only brings us a refreshing feeling of coolness, but also hides a health secret that many people have not discovered. Winter melon is extremely high in water and has little to no fat, making it an ideal low-calorie food. It has a remarkable diuretic effect, which can help the body eliminate excess water and toxins, so as to achieve the effect of "cleansing the intestines and scraping oil", which is a good product for weight loss and detoxification in summer.

The "Natural Laxative King" was discovered, eat it once every three days, cleanse the intestines and scrape the oil, and easily empty the black stool!

In addition, winter melon is rich in vitamins B and C, which can not only enhance physical fitness and resist summer fatigue, but also promote skin health and prevent skin aging. Eating winter melon regularly can help maintain the stability of blood sugar and blood pressure, which is especially beneficial for patients with high blood pressure and diabetes. More importantly, the dietary fiber of winter melon can effectively promote intestinal peristalsis, help food residues be discharged from the body, reduce the formation of stool, and keep you away from the trouble of "yellow-faced woman" and have a refreshing summer.

The "Natural Laxative King" was discovered, eat it once every three days, cleanse the intestines and scrape the oil, and easily empty the black stool!

This time, I'm going to take you into the world of winter melon, from traditional soups to creative snacks, each dish is easy to make and delicious. Not only that, but these recipes will also allow you to enjoy your food while enjoying your health, bringing a touch of freshness and coolness to your summer days.

Recommended recipe 1: Winter melon pork rib soup

The "Natural Laxative King" was discovered, eat it once every three days, cleanse the intestines and scrape the oil, and easily empty the black stool!

Winter melon has an excellent diuretic effect that can help eliminate excess water and toxins from the body, while pork ribs provide rich protein and essential minerals such as calcium, which helps strengthen bones and increase the body's basal metabolic rate. Not only is this soup delicious, but it also boosts the body's natural detoxification ability and promotes digestive health.

Here's how:

The "Natural Laxative King" was discovered, eat it once every three days, cleanse the intestines and scrape the oil, and easily empty the black stool!

Wash the ribs, blanch them in boiling water to remove the blood, and then remove them.

Peel and cut the winter melon into cubes, and prepare an appropriate amount of ginger slices.

Put the pork ribs, winter melon and ginger slices in a pot, add enough water to bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 1-2 hours.

After the soup is stewed, add salt to taste it appropriately to keep the soup light and delicious.

Recommended recipe 2: Garlic winter melon cup

The "Natural Laxative King" was discovered, eat it once every three days, cleanse the intestines and scrape the oil, and easily empty the black stool!

Winter melon itself is rich in vitamin C and a variety of B vitamins, which can effectively promote skin health and strengthen the immune system. Not only does minced garlic add flavor, but it also has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making this dish an ideal cool dish for summer while also promoting healthy digestion.

Here's how:

The "Natural Laxative King" was discovered, eat it once every three days, cleanse the intestines and scrape the oil, and easily empty the black stool!

Peel the winter melon and hollow out the middle part to form a "cup" shape.

Chop the garlic and mix with chopped green onions, salt to taste and a pinch of oil.

Fill the pot with the minced garlic mixture and steam for about 20 minutes until the melon is tender and ripe.

Before cooking, sprinkle a small amount of coriander or chopped green onion to enhance the fragrance.

Recommended recipe 3: Stuffed winter melon

The "Natural Laxative King" was discovered, eat it once every three days, cleanse the intestines and scrape the oil, and easily empty the black stool!

Combining winter melon, which is rich in dietary fiber, with protein-rich meat filling, can provide satiety while helping intestinal health and promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis. The lightness of winter melon is perfectly matched with the deliciousness of the meat filling, making it a nutritionally balanced home-cooked dish.

Here's how:

The "Natural Laxative King" was discovered, eat it once every three days, cleanse the intestines and scrape the oil, and easily empty the black stool!

Cut the winter melon into thick slices and hollow out the middle to make a small bowl.

Season with chopped shiitake mushrooms, minced ginger, salt and pepper to taste.

Fill the seasoned minced meat into the winter melon and steam for about 30 minutes until the minced meat is cooked through.

Sprinkle chopped green onions before removing from the pan to add flavor.

Recommended recipe 4: Stir-fried shrimp with winter melon

The "Natural Laxative King" was discovered, eat it once every three days, cleanse the intestines and scrape the oil, and easily empty the black stool!

Shrimp are rich in high-quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which are all heart-healthy nutrients. Combined with the high-fiber content of winter melon, this dish can provide a rich vitamin while the low-fat properties make this dish ideal for weight loss.

Here's how:

The "Natural Laxative King" was discovered, eat it once every three days, cleanse the intestines and scrape the oil, and easily empty the black stool!

Peel and slice the winter melon, wash and shell the shrimp.

After adding a small amount of olive oil to the pan, add the shrimp and stir-fry quickly until browned.

Add the winter melon slices and continue to stir-fry quickly, adding an appropriate amount of salt and white pepper.

Stir-fry until the melon is soft and the shrimp is cooked through.

The "Natural Laxative King" was discovered, eat it once every three days, cleanse the intestines and scrape the oil, and easily empty the black stool!

These innovative winter melon recipes are not only delicious, but also packed with a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to your health. The simple cooking method makes it easy to try at home and enjoy healthy and delicious summer dishes. Try these recipes and make winter melon your new favorite on the table!