
Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

author:Michito Kusatake
Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory


The purpose of this paper is to explore the importance and significance of schizophrenia analysis to literary research. Schizophrenic analysis is based on the literary concept of life, emphasizing the close relationship between the work and the individual psychology, and taking literature as a kind of expression and presentation of schizophrenia. Through the in-depth analysis of the individual psychology behind literary works, the meaning and value of the works are revealed, and the vision and methods of literary research are expanded.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

I. Introduction

As an important school in the field of literary studies, psychoanalytic criticism has had a profound impact on literary theory and criticism since its birth. Derived from Freud's psychoanalytic theory, it reveals the deeper meaning and emotion behind the work through the interpretation of the subconscious and psychological motivations in the literary work. In the 20th century, the theories of Freud, Jung and others became an important paradigm of literary criticism, providing new perspectives and methods for interpreting literary works.

However, with the changes of the times and the development of scholarship, traditional psychoanalytic criticism has gradually revealed some limitations and deficiencies. Its over-emphasis on individual psychology and subconscious interpretation often ignores the historical, social and cultural background of the work, resulting in a one-sided understanding and interpretation of literary works. In addition, psychoanalytic criticism often falls into a stereotyped and rigid routine when interpreting literary works, and lacks sufficient consideration for the diversity and complexity of works.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

II. Psychoanalysis and schizophrenic analysis

A. Overview of the psychoanalytic theories of Freud, Jung, and Lacan

The development of psychoanalytic theory can be traced back to the contributions of important thinkers such as Freud, Jung, and Lacan. The exploration and explanation of human psychology by these theorists provided a solid theoretical basis for later psychoanalytic criticism.

Freud's psychoanalytic theory:

Freud was one of the founders of psychoanalytic theory, and his theory mainly focused on the unconscious, defense mechanisms, and libido. He believes that there are deep subconscious conflicts behind human behavior, and these conflicts can manifest themselves through dreams, slips of the tongue, etc. His classical theories include the three-part composition of the individual's psychological structure (id, ego and superego), the stages of development of the sexual instinct (oral, anal, phallic, etc.), and the defense mechanism.

Jung's Analytical Psychology:

Jung expanded and developed psychoanalytic theory in depth, proposing the concept of the individual subconscious and the collective unconscious. He argues that there are universal signs and symbols in the human psyche that transcend individual experience, and that these symbols and symbols form the core content of the collective unconscious. Jung's theory, which emphasized the wholeness and transcendence of the human psyche, had a profound impact on later literary criticism.

Lacan's Psychoanalytic Theory:

Lacan inherited Freud's psychoanalytic theory and carried out in-depth criticism and development. He attaches great importance to the role of language and symbols in the individual psyche, and believes that the formation of human subjects is realized through the projection and identification of language and symbols. Lacan's theory emphasized the importance of speech, as well as the relationship between the unconscious and language, which provided important theoretical support for later literary criticism.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

B. Schizophrenic analysis advocated by Deleuze: a critique and transcendence of psychoanalysis

Traditional psychoanalytic criticism, within the theoretical framework of Freud, Jung, and Lacan, has some inherent limitations and problems. Thinkers such as Deleuze put forward the concept of schizophrenic analysis through their critique of traditional psychoanalysis, and tried to go beyond traditional psychoanalysis to provide new perspectives and methods for literary research.

Critique of subconscious interpretation:

Traditional psychoanalytic criticism tends to overemphasize the interpretation of subconscious conflicts in works, ignoring the forces, differences, and generation behind the works. Deleuze argues that subconscious interpretation is often a simplification and ignorance of the diversity and complexity of the work, lacking respect and understanding of the work itself.

Concerns that go beyond the individual psyche:

Traditional psychoanalytic criticism focuses too much on individual psychology and psychological motivations, while ignoring the social, historical, and cultural context behind the work. Deleuze argues that the generation and meaning of a work is not only determined by individual psychology, but also by social and cultural forces, so it is necessary to look beyond the narrow perspective of individual psychology and pay attention to the multiple production processes of the work.

Emphasis on Strength and Difference:

Schizophrenic analysis emphasizes the strength, difference, and generation behind the work, rather than simply interpreting the work from the perspective of individual psychology. Deleuze believes that there are various forces and differences in the work, and these forces and differences constitute the vitality and charm of the work, which is worthy of our in-depth exploration and exploration.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

III. The Philosophical Basis of Schizophrenia

A. Deconstruction of the concept of schizophrenia: a new way of thinking about life

Schizophrenia is not simply a psychopathological concept, but a philosophical way of thinking that deconstructs and reimagines life and existence. In traditional psychoanalytic theory, the human psyche is divided into three levels: conscious, subconscious, and superconscious, while schizophrenia challenges this dualistic framework and proposes a more complex and pluralistic view of life.

Deconstructing Traditional Antagonisms:

The concept of schizophrenia deconstructs the duality between the conscious and the unconscious in traditional psychoanalytic theory, arguing that consciousness is not a unified and stable form of existence, but is composed of a variety of different forces and influences. This deconstruction not only expands our understanding of the human psyche, but also provides new perspectives for understanding the diversity and complexity of the work.

Reimagining the diversity of life:

The concept of schizophrenia is not limited to the individual psychological level, but seeks to reimagine the plurality and complexity of life. In a schizophrenic vision, life is seen as a process of constant change and fluidity, encompassing a variety of different forces and possibilities. This reimagining allows us to understand more fully the nature and meaning of human existence.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

B. Difference and Generation: The Philosophical Foundations of Schizophrenia

The philosophical basis of schizophrenia lies in the emphasis on difference and generation, emphasizing the diversity and complexity of life. In traditional psychoanalytic theory, the differences and generative processes behind the works are often ignored, while schizophrenia attempts to re-examine the works and human existence from the perspective of differences and generation.

The Importance of Differences:

Schizophrenia believes that difference is one of the essential characteristics of life and the driving force for the continuous evolution and development of life. The differences in the works are not only the expression of the author's individual psychology, but also the collision and integration of different forces and concepts in the process of generating the work. Therefore, understanding a work requires focusing on the differences in it to better understand the diversity and complexity of the work.

The process of generation:

The process of producing a work is not determined solely by individual psychology, but is influenced and shaped by various forces such as society, history and culture. Schizophrenia emphasizes the generative process behind the work, trying to reveal the various forces and influences within it. This process of generation constantly shapes and changes the meaning and form of the work, making it rich in connotation and meaning.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

C. Unorthodox Desire Production: Schizophrenia's Challenge and Reconception of Desire

Schizophrenia's reimagining of the view of desire reflects its unorthodox way of thinking and challenges traditional notions. In traditional psychoanalytic theory, desire is often seen as the driving force of the individual psyche, while schizophrenia attempts to re-examine the nature and meaning of desire from multiple perspectives.

Diverse Expressions of Desire:

Schizophrenia believes that desire is not a single, fixed form of existence, but an interweaving of multiple forces and influences. The expression of desire in the work is not only the embodiment of individual psychology, but also the collision and integration of different forces and concepts in the process of generating the work. Therefore, to understand the work, it is necessary to pay attention to the expression of desire in it, so as to better understand the connotation and meaning of the work.

Desire and Power Relations:

There is a close relationship between desire and power, which plays an important role in the process of production and interpretation of works. Schizophrenia attempts to reveal the complex relationship between desire and power, challenging traditional power structures and concepts, and providing new perspectives and possibilities for multiple interpretations of the work.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

IV. The main viewpoints and methods of schizophrenia analysis and literary theory

A. Rejecting the idea of imitation: insisting on difference and generation

Schizophrenic analytic literary theory rejects the concept of imitation in traditional literary studies and emphasizes the differences and production processes behind the works. In traditional literary studies, works are often regarded as the expression of the author's individual psychology, emphasizing the similarity and imitation relationship between works and works. However, schizophrenic analysis argues that works are not simply imitated or plagiarized, but are shaped and influenced by multiple forces and influences. Therefore, understanding a work requires focusing on the differences and the process of generation in order to better understand the uniqueness and complexity of the work.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

B. Abandonment of structures, symbols, and signifiers: the collective assembly of discovery representations

Schizophrenic analytic literary theory abandons the over-emphasis on structure, symbols, and signifiers in traditional literary studies, and instead focuses on the collective assembly process behind the expression of the work. Traditional literary studies often interpret a work as a combination of structures and symbols, emphasizing the meaning and symbolism behind the work.

However, schizophrenic analysis argues that the expression of a work is not a simple combination of structures and symbols, but an interweaving and collision of multiple forces and influences. Therefore, understanding a work requires focusing on the collective assembly process behind the representations in it, so as to better understand the diversity and complexity of the work.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

C. Writers as clinicians, literature as symptomatology: the construction of a literary view of life

Schizophrenic analytic literary theory regards writers as clinicians and literature as symptomatology, trying to construct a literary view of life. Traditional literary studies often regard writers as creators and works as works of art, emphasizing the aesthetic meaning and aesthetic value behind the works.

However, schizophrenic analysis believes that a writer is not only a creator, but also an observer and recorder of life, and that a work is not only a work of art, but also an expression and presentation of life. Therefore, understanding the work requires treating the writer as a clinician and literature as a symptomatic, so as to better understand the life force and meaning behind the work.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

V. The Application and Expansion of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory in Literary Anthropology

A. The influence and significance of the literary outlook of life on the study of literature

The literary concept of life advocated by schizophrenia analysis has brought far-reaching influence and great significance to literary research. Traditional literary studies tend to treat literature as an isolated art form, emphasizing the aesthetic meaning and aesthetic value behind the works, while ignoring the close connection between the works and life. However, the literary view of life emphasizes the deep connection between the work and life, and regards the work as the expression and presentation of life, and the writer as the observer and recorder of life.

First of all, the literary concept of life expands the horizon of literary research, so that it is no longer limited to a single art form, but is related to all aspects of life. By connecting the work to life, we can gain a deeper understanding of the emotions, thoughts, and life forces behind the work, and thus better understand the meaning and value of the work.

Secondly, the literary view of life emphasizes the role and responsibility of the writer as an observer and recorder of life. Writers are not only creators, but also participants and witnesses of life, who express and present the diversity and complexity of life through their works, record human emotions, thoughts and experiences, and leave a valuable cultural heritage for future generations.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

B. New Ideas in Literary Anthropology: A Re-examination of the Relationship between Literature and Schizophrenia

Schizophrenic analysis puts forward a new concept in the field of literary anthropology, re-examining the relationship between literature and schizophrenia. Traditional literary anthropology tends to treat literature as a cultural phenomenon, emphasizing the historical, social, and cultural context behind the work, while ignoring the connection between the work and the individual psychology. However, schizophrenia analysis believes that works are not only cultural phenomena, but also the expression and expression of individual psychology, and there is a close relationship between literature and schizophrenia.

First of all, schizophrenia analysis emphasizes the interaction between the work and the individual psychology. The works are not only influenced by history, society and culture, but also by individual psychology, reflecting the author's emotions, thoughts and experiences. Through the analysis of the individual psychology behind the work, we can understand the meaning and value of the work more deeply, thus revealing the intrinsic connection between literature and schizophrenia.

Secondly, schizophrenic analysis explores the expression and presentation of literature as a form of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness in which patients often exhibit symptoms such as confusion, mood swings, and abnormal behavior. Literature, as an art form, often reflects the inner conflicts and contradictions of the author, showing characteristics similar to schizophrenia. Through the analysis of the phenomenon of schizophrenia in the work, we can understand the inner world of the author more deeply, thus revealing the subtle relationship between literature and schizophrenia.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

C. Case Study: The Application and Interpretation of Schizophrenia Analysis Essay Theory in Specific Literary Works

Through the schizophrenic analysis of specific literary works, we can better understand the meaning and value behind the works. For example, Moby Dick is one of the masterpieces of American writer Herman Melville and is considered a literary masterpiece full of symbolism and philosophical reflections. Schizophrenia analysis can start from the author's individual psychology, interpret the symbolic meaning and emotional connotation of the work, and reveal the schizophrenia behind the work. Through the schizophrenic analysis of Moby Dick, we can understand the connotation and meaning of the work more deeply, thus revealing the complex relationship between literature and schizophrenia.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

VI. Conclusion

Based on the literary concept of life, schizophrenia analysis emphasizes the close connection between works and life, and regards works as the expression and expression of individual psychology. Its core idea lies in the expression and presentation of literature as a schizophrenic, emphasizing the interaction between the work and the individual psyche. In terms of methodology, schizophrenia analysis reveals the meaning and value of the work by analyzing the individual psychology behind the work, and expands the vision and method of literary research.

Reshaping a New Perspective of Literary Studies: An Exploration of Schizophrenic Analytical Literary Theory

Author: Lu Xilin


Rizzuto, A. M. (2009). The Birth of the Living God: A Psychoanalytic Study. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Holland, N. N. (1990). The Critical I. New York: Columbia University Press.

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