
"Little Mushroom" releases the new "mushroom" power of Hemei Village


"Mushroom Village"

On May 9th, the reporter walked into Shaofangba Village, Huojiaodian Town, and the mushroom cartoons with bright colors and cute shapes came into view, and the wind was also filled with bursts of mushroom fragrance.

"Little Mushroom" releases the new "mushroom" power of Hemei Village
"Little Mushroom" releases the new "mushroom" power of Hemei Village

"The mushroom industry in Shaofangba Village has developed very well, so we have integrated the mushroom culture into the process of improving the 'village beauty' and creating the 'beauty of human settlements'." Wang Haiyan, secretary of the party branch of Shaofangba Village, told reporters that walking in the village, all kinds of paintings, wall poems, and pocket parks seen were integrated with "mushroom elements", which benefited from the joint efforts of the cadres.

"We used the courtyard dam meeting, household visits, and the distribution of proposals to mobilize the masses to join in the construction of Hemei Village, and sat on a bench to chat, so as to talk about 'golden ideas'!" Speaking of the preliminary work of building a new picture of Shaofangba Village and beautiful villages, Wang Haiyan talked about the real work experience. After brainstorming among the masses and many times of research and discussion by the leading group, the "golden idea" of building Shaofangba Village into a village with edible mushrooms as the leading industry and mushrooms as distinctive cultural symbols was finally finalized.


"Little Mushroom" releases the new "mushroom" power of Hemei Village


"Little Mushroom" releases the new "mushroom" power of Hemei Village

"White as white hosta, fragrant as Yutianhe. Pedestrians and don't walk, listen to my mushroom picking song. The small poem of tiles in the corner of the wall is a microcosm of the creation of the beautiful rural scene of Yaofangba Village. The creativity brought by the mushrooms has been sown, rooted and grown in the village of Shaofangba, with roadside signs, stone cartoons, and poetry on the walls...... All of them highlight the innovative ingenuity combined with the development of the local mushroom industry and highlight the industrial characteristics of the village. "Recently, the weather has been relatively cool, my family and I will walk on the road after dinner, and you can see some mushroom paintings everywhere, I feel that the pictures in the pocket park in front of me are very cute, and I can also take pictures and send them to Moments." Xue Yawen, a villager from Yaofangba Village, pointed in the direction of the pocket park and told reporters with a smile.

"Little Mushroom" releases the new "mushroom" power of Hemei Village
"Little Mushroom" releases the new "mushroom" power of Hemei Village
"Little Mushroom" releases the new "mushroom" power of Hemei Village

The development of the mushroom industry has not only brought economic benefits to Shaofangba Village, but also inspired the construction of spiritual civilization and the development of tourist villages in Hemei Village. It is understood that Shaofangba Village has planned and built a number of tourism scenes such as the mushroom town experience center, the "mushroom blossom farm", and the leisure non-powered park, focusing on creating a mushroom industry ecosystem, expanding tourism, research and experience activities, and allowing tourists who come here for vacation to immerse themselves in the unique charm of pastoral life.

The small mushrooms have become the "umbrella for getting rich" for the villagers of Shaofangba, and they have also become a beautiful scenery in the construction of Yaofangba and beautiful villages. The dual operation of beautiful countryside and beautiful agriculture has presented a beautiful picture of "stronger agriculture", "more beautiful countryside" and "richer farmers". (Reporter: Liu Hui, Zhang Yuanhao, Correspondent: Huozhuodian Town, Duan Wei, Wang Xinyun)

Source: Liuba release

Editor-in-charge: Shang Shuai

Review: Xue Xuanmin