
Being friends after a breakup is not necessarily a good thing

author:Xiaoyu said to redeem

Many people become friends with their ex after breaking up, and then they feel that they can still communicate with each other, so there will be many ways out.

Being friends after a breakup is not necessarily a good thing

Xiaoyu said to redeem

We also have to tell the truth, the situation of being friends is definitely a lot better than blocking and deleting, but the specific implementation of everyone does not mean that being friends is useful, because some people will relax their vigilance against redemption and will slow down the resolution of the breakup problem, which are the disadvantages of being friends.

So I hope everyone can understand that being friends after a breakup does not mean that you can act recklessly, nor does it mean that you can definitely get along if you become friends. The two are not equated.

Let me tell you a case:

The consultant is a man, and his ex-girlfriend both work in the same company, and the love between the two is brought together with the blessing of their colleagues, and the two also live a cohabitation life.

But in the case of living together, there were more and more conflicts between his girlfriend and him, and finally the two parted ways. However, when the girlfriend broke up, she made it very clear that the two are still friends, after all, in a company, you can't look up and see you down, and you can't say that you ignore it completely.

However, the consultant was not satisfied with the identity of his friend, and began to entangle with various means, and once made a very unpleasant fuss in the company.

Later, the woman resigned directly, blocked his contact information, and separated completely

Being friends after a breakup is not necessarily a good thing

Xiaoyu said to redeem

We can see that in such a breakup situation, under normal conditions, from the perspective of our outsiders, they have a lot of advantages in reconciliation, colleagues support their love, and after the breakup, the ex also said that they can be friends, as long as the counselor does not do any radical behavior, communicate well, and solve the problems between you, then the result will definitely be easier to develop in the direction of recovering success.

But instead of making good use of their friends' relationships, the consultants relied on their co-workers and friends to behave in a way that led to a skyrocketing of recovery. To put it bluntly, this is what they don't realize about the value of being friends after a breakup.

Many times you can understand that the ex's willingness to be friends after a breakup can actually mean that there is still room for easing the conflict between you, because since it is a friend relationship, it means that you can have a lot of room to repair the grievances between you.

At the same time, you should also cherish this layer of your identity, and do not be blinded by this identity and feel that you can let your emotions run wild. You have to learn to work slowly in your relationship as a friend.

It should also be added here that another disadvantage of being friends is that it will make you less controllable over your emotions.

Because you are friends, you may have more opportunities to contact your ex, if you can really get in touch with your ex, then it is easy to make your love concentration rise, obviously love someone so much, close to the eye but can not be expressed, so your emotions are more likely to get out of control.

If you're really having a hard time controlling yourself, I think it's better for you to put your friend aside first, distract yourself first, and not contact your ex first. In this way, your friendship status can be maintained, which is more conducive to subsequent recovery.

Being friends after a breakup is not necessarily a good thing

Xiaoyu said to redeem

Finally, to summarize briefly, that is, if you become friends after breaking up, then you must know that this is the largest scale of relationship that can get along with each other, don't have a fluke mentality, but use this relationship to promote your recovery progress step by step.
