
Boys' growth characteristics: Parents should pay attention to prevent boys from becoming addicted to the Internet

author:Positive life in Beijing

Two true stories about internet addiction

Story 1:

Every time there is a holiday, it should be a time when children and parents are happy, but we can't be happy. Because our son, who is in the second year of junior high school, loves the Internet very much. Every time he takes a long vacation, he is like a wild horse that has escaped the reins, and as soon as we start playing the game, we can't control it. In fact, we also know that he has been obsessed with playing games since he was a junior high. He would always finish his homework early in the week before the holidays and play games with peace of mind.

Boys' growth characteristics: Parents should pay attention to prevent boys from becoming addicted to the Internet

Story 2:

There was a boy in his third year of junior high school who told me that he had been addicted to the Internet for 4 years. At that time, he was addicted to games every day, completely ignoring his studies and life. But luckily, his parents were patient and kept educating him. Later, he finally understood that playing games not only affected his studies, but also made his parents sad. He struggled to restrain himself and slowly lost interest in the game. But the problem is that he used to surf the Internet all night, but now his biological clock is out of order, it is difficult to fall asleep at night, and he is always sleepy during the day.

Boys' growth characteristics: Parents should pay attention to prevent boys from becoming addicted to the Internet

In fact, the situation in story 1 is common in many families. During the holidays, children are more idle, and they are easily addicted to the Internet and playing games. As parents, we can try the "distraction" method. Don't force your child to do things they don't like, take them to activities that are wholesome. At the same time, also give them some time to relax and don't always let them study. Of course, surfing the Internet is not all bad, as long as parents supervise well, children can still have fun.

Boys' growth characteristics: Parents should pay attention to prevent boys from becoming addicted to the Internet

As for the boy in story 2, although he has quit his internet addiction, his body still needs time to recover because of his long-term bad habits.

In the eyes of parents, "Internet addiction" is a very scary thing, because it can make a good child only know how to play games and do nothing. But in this age of the internet, it's hard not to expose our kids to the internet. Therefore, we should teach them how to use the Internet correctly to avoid them becoming addicted to it.

Boys' growth characteristics: Parents should pay attention to prevent boys from becoming addicted to the Internet

How can you prevent boys from becoming addicted to the Internet? Experts offer the following tips to help young parents:

Method 1: Talk to your child more about what is in your heart

Parents should communicate with their children on an equal footing to understand their ideas and needs. Don't always be so busy with work or other things that you neglect your children. Talk to your child often about topics that interest them so that they feel cared for and understood. In this way, the child's dependence on the internet will be reduced.

Boys' growth characteristics: Parents should pay attention to prevent boys from becoming addicted to the Internet

Method 2: Guide your child to develop other interests

In addition to the internet, there are many other interesting things for children to explore. As a parent, you can guide your child to participate in various activities, interest groups or training classes organized by the school. They can also be encouraged to participate in activities such as social practice and summer camps, so that they can be exposed to more people and things and broaden their horizons. This way, the child's attention will be diverted to more beneficial things and less time online.

Boys' growth characteristics: Parents should pay attention to prevent boys from becoming addicted to the Internet

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