
From now on, refuse to do these 5 things, and your body will be better!

author:Yishui release

At the beginning of summer, the heart is prosperous but not flourishing, and timely nurturing the heart is twice the result with half the effort. The following will teach you the five "nos" of Lixia health, but you must remember it!

From now on, refuse to do these 5 things, and your body will be better!

Say "no" to irritability and irritability

From now on, refuse to do these 5 things, and your body will be better!

The first priority of Lixia is to regulate emotions.

Some people are usually irritable or depressed, but as the temperature rises, it is more likely to lead to depression and turn into fire, disturb the mind, and cause various diseases.

It is recommended to learn to relieve bad emotions and cultivate hobbies that are pleasant and nourishing.

From now on, refuse to do these 5 things, and your body will be better!

Nourish the spleen and stomach and say "no" to cold, spicy and fatty

From now on, refuse to do these 5 things, and your body will be better!

The spleen and stomach are the source of qi and blood biochemistry.

In early summer, the dampness and heat become heavier, and the cold, spicy, fatty, sweet and greasy products are easy to damage the spleen and stomach, the spleen is not healthy, and the stomach is not well flowed, then the source of qi and blood is lacking, the heart and pulse are not nourished, and the heart is sick.

It is recommended that everyone eat a light diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and appropriate amounts of fish, meat, eggs and milk.

From now on, refuse to do these 5 things, and your body will be better!

Say "no" to staying up late and overworking

From now on, refuse to do these 5 things, and your body will be better!

In early summer, it is necessary to maintain a regular schedule and rest, some people like to stay up late, and they can't keep up their spirits during the day, and some people are overworked or overactive due to work, which is very harmful to the body in the long run.

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, so you can go to bed late, but you must ensure that you have enough sleep time to eliminate fatigue, restore physical strength, and make righteousness alive.

From now on, refuse to do these 5 things, and your body will be better!

Moderate exercise to say "no" to sitting and lying down for long periods of time

From now on, refuse to do these 5 things, and your body will be better!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sitting for a long time hurts the flesh and lying down for a long time.

Moderate exercise can help with the production and movement of qi and blood, but remember not to overexert yourself.

You can choose the exercise method that suits you, such as tai chi, tai chi sword practice, walking, jogging, etc.

Proper exercise, all pulses are smooth, the internal organs are nourished, and the mind is at ease.

From now on, refuse to do these 5 things, and your body will be better!

Protect the cold and protect the sun, say "no" to the wet and cold of Shibu

From now on, refuse to do these 5 things, and your body will be better!

At the beginning of summer, the human body has more yang energy on the outside and weak on the inside, and if you are not careful in your daily life and diet, you are prone to cold and hurt yang.

Therefore, do not be greedy for cold, do not wade into damp and cold places, and do not have too low the temperature of the air conditioner, otherwise the yang energy will be injured internally, and it is easy to become yin and heat.

Heat stroke is mostly manifested as less sweating or even no sweating, head and body soreness, fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and diarrhea and other symptoms.

From now on, refuse to do these 5 things, and your body will be better!