
The 91st birthday of the football giant, Wu Lei's basic skills are poor, and the 80-year-old teacher maintains: no smoking or drinking

author:The vision of the small gold sports world

近日中国足坛泰斗级人物年维泗度过了自己‬91岁‬的‬寿辰‬,在‬生日‬这天‬众多‬足坛‬大佬‬来‬给年维泗祝寿‬,其中包括了高洪波‬、容志行‬、‬徐根宝‬和他的‬弟子‬武磊‬、王燊超‬‬等人‬。 生日‬会上‬徐根宝‬、武磊‬等人‬为年维泗切蛋糕‬祝寿‬,出现了‬四代‬中国足球人‬同堂‬的‬珍贵一幕‬。 ‬

The 91st birthday of the football giant, Wu Lei's basic skills are poor, and the 80-year-old teacher maintains: no smoking or drinking

虽然是年维泗的‬生日‬会‬,但因为‬其‬中国足球‬泰斗‬的‬身份‬,以及‬到场‬众人‬都是‬足坛‬大佬‬,所以这场‬生日会‬也‬像‬是‬一场‬中国足球‬的‬顶级‬论坛‬,3代教练‬加上‬1代‬球员‬对中国足球‬的‬现状‬进行了‬点评‬,同时‬也‬为‬未来‬的‬发展‬做出了‬规划‬。 对现在‬球员的‬点评‬,因为‬武磊‬到场了‬所以‬年维泗和‬徐根宝‬都‬提到‬了‬武磊‬。

The 91st birthday of the football giant, Wu Lei's basic skills are poor, and the 80-year-old teacher maintains: no smoking or drinking

年维泗认为‬当‬下‬中国球员‬的主要问题‬是‬基本功不行‬,意识‬到了‬还是‬练的‬少‬,导致‬很多‬基本‬的‬操作‬都会‬出现‬失误‬,比如‬长传‬、停球‬等等‬。 虽然‬武磊‬刚刚‬在‬对阵‬长春亚泰‬的‬比赛里‬进球了‬,非常替他‬高兴‬,但是‬我们球员‬的‬基本功‬还是不行‬。 比如说‬开‬角球‬,球员举了半天‬手‬示意‬发球位置‬,结果‬一脚‬给‬踢‬门外‬了‬。 有‬好的意识‬但缺乏‬锻炼‬。

The 91st birthday of the football giant, Wu Lei's basic skills are poor, and the 80-year-old teacher maintains: no smoking or drinking

Xu Genbao hurriedly maintained his disciples, saying that Wu Lei was the most successful of this group of players, and the reason why he was successful was because he had good habits as a professional player, did not smoke or drink and did not have tattoos. It's not for nothing that his career is going so well, but there will still be a lot of people who are belittling him. Of course, smoking and drinking does not judge whether a player is self-disciplined and successful, after all, there are not many athletes in the world's sports who can really not smoke or drink.

The 91st birthday of the football giant, Wu Lei's basic skills are poor, and the 80-year-old teacher maintains: no smoking or drinking

Of course, in terms of personal development of future players, physical and mental qualities are very important, physical self-discipline is one thing, and will and morality are also one thing. Xu Genbao taught the current young players that they must know how to be grateful, and players with good will and moral character often do not develop too badly. Just like Wu Lei and Wang Shenchao, the players respect and know how to be grateful to their mentors as always, and the same is true for Xu Genbao, Rong Zhixing, and Gao Hongbo.

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