
Iron discipline is the "ballast stone" to ensure judicial fairness and integrity

author:China Industry Network

Original title: Iron discipline is the "ballast stone" to ensure judicial fairness and integrity

In order to advance the comprehensive rule of law and ensure the effective implementation of national laws, we must always keep in mind the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, solidly carry out the study and education of party discipline, earnestly enhance the awareness of discipline and rules, know and respect, stress rules, and abide by the bottom line, consciously set an example of learning, knowing, knowing, and abiding by discipline, and promote the high-quality development of the work of the people's courts with iron discipline.

Discipline is the lifeline of the party, and strict discipline is the party's glorious tradition and unique advantage, and it is also the reason why our party has strong cohesion and combat effectiveness. Carrying out party discipline study and education in the whole party is a major decision made by the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and it is an important measure to strengthen the party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth, which is of great practical significance for maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, ensuring that the party will never change its quality, color, and taste, and to enhance the party's creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness, and to ensure the political unity, ideological unity, and action unity of the whole party. As the people's courts under the leadership of the party, they exercise the judicial power entrusted by the state and the people, and they should use iron discipline as the "ballast stone" to ensure judicial fairness and integrity, so as to serve the overall situation and reflect the actual results of the people's justice to reflect the results of party discipline study and education.

Adhere to learning first, learn to understand party discipline and various iron rules and prohibitions. According to the decision of the Party Central Committee, the main content of this Party discipline study and education is the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), which aims to start from the study of discipline, promote the Party organizations and leading groups at all levels to strictly grasp the construction of Party discipline, promote the majority of Party members and cadres to strengthen the consciousness of abiding by discipline, and ensure that the whole Party firmly and consciously maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core with strict discipline. It will form a strong driving force and synergy to promote Chinese-style modernization. Therefore, we should first take the study and understanding of the contents and spiritual essence of the "Regulations" as the starting point, take into account the study of the relevant iron rules and prohibitions for political and legal personnel, and internalize the "Regulations" and various iron rules and prohibitions in our hearts, so as to effectively lay a good foundation for this study and education. The "Regulations" are our party's basic laws and regulations on party discipline and disciplinary punishment, and they have comprehensively and systematically regulated the specific behaviors that violate party discipline and the corresponding punishments. This not only draws the bottom line of our behavior and lists the "negative list", but also provides a basic basis for the party organization to carry out disciplinary supervision and implement disciplinary punishment, which reflects the seriousness and rigidity of party rules and party discipline, and plays an important role in maintaining the party constitution and other intra-party regulations, strictly enforcing party discipline, purifying the party's organization, protecting the democratic rights of party members, educating party members to abide by discipline and law, maintaining the unity and unity of the party, and ensuring the implementation of the party's theory, line, principles, policies, resolutions and national laws and regulations. The various ironclad rules and prohibitions that regulate the behavior of political and legal personnel together constitute substantive norms in the construction of the discipline and work style of the political and legal contingent, which reflects a strong practical pertinence and is a concrete embodiment of the strict observance of party discipline in political and legal work.

Adhere to the principle of behavior, and comprehensively implement the six disciplines. The six disciplines are the backbone of the Regulations and the specific contents that can be operated. In the process of learning and education, we must implement the six disciplines to the letter. The first is political discipline. Political discipline is the rule that Party organizations at all levels and all Party members and cadres must abide by in terms of political direction, political stance, political speech, and political behavior, and is the fundamental guarantee for maintaining the unity and unity of the Party. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "political discipline and political rules are the most fundamental and important discipline of the Party, and observance of political discipline and political rules is the basis for abiding by all discipline of the Party". To abide by political discipline, we must profoundly understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments," resolutely achieve the "two safeguards," and be politically sensible. The people's courts are highly political operational organs, and they are also political organs with a strong operational nature. It is necessary to always persist in putting political construction in the first place, persist in the party's absolute leadership over the work of the courts, unswervingly follow the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, continue to strengthen the tempering of political loyalty, consolidate and deepen the principle that "judges must be politically established, and courts must be politically constituted", truly enhancing political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, so that the guiding ideology, political stance, and development direction are not biased. It is necessary to do a thorough and down-to-earth job of "looking at politics and handling things from the rule of law", persist in focusing on politics in everything and focusing on the rule of law in law enforcement and specific work tasks, and take the organic unity of political, social, and legal effects as a yardstick for testing political ability. The second is organizational discipline. This is a code of conduct for standardizing and handling relations between party organizations at all levels, between party organizations and party members, and between party members and party members, and is an important condition for maintaining the party's centralization and unity and maintaining the party's combat effectiveness. To abide by organizational discipline, we must adhere to the principle of democratic centralism, implement the party's organizational line in the new era, consciously implement organizational decisions, and obey organizational arrangements. The third is honesty and discipline. These are the rules of conduct for the honest use of power that Party organizations at all levels and all Party members and cadres should abide by in order to ensure honesty and honesty in their official activities or other activities. To abide by the discipline of honesty, it is necessary to make a clear distinction between public and private affairs, use power impartially, oppose the idea of privilege and the phenomenon of privilege, oppose any abuse of power and seek personal gain, and maintain honesty and integrity. Fourth, mass discipline. This is the code of conduct that the party's organizations at all levels and all party members and cadres must abide by when adhering to the people-centered development ideology and handling the relationship between the party and the masses. To abide by the discipline of the masses, we must consciously practice the fundamental purpose of the party, follow the party's mass line in the new era, close the relationship between the party and the masses and between the cadres and the masses, safeguard the fundamental interests of the broad masses of the people, and conscientiously solve outstanding problems that harm the interests of the masses. For us, it is also an important part of our efforts to make the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case; Fifth, work discipline. This is the code of conduct that the party's organizations at all levels and all party members and cadres must abide by in all aspects of the party's work, and is an important guarantee for the normal development of the party's work. To abide by work discipline, we must oppose formalism and bureaucracy, seek truth and be pragmatic, do solid work, take responsibility, and perform our duties and responsibilities well for the party and the people. Sixth, discipline in life. This is the code of conduct that party members and cadres should abide by in their daily life and social interactions, involving the personal morality, family virtues, social morality and other aspects of party members and cadres, and is related to the party's image. To abide by the discipline of life, we must consciously practice the core values of socialism, be enlightened, abide by public morality, strict private morality, and pay attention to family education and family style.

Persist in taking use as the target, and earnestly improve judicial efficiency. The first is to highlight the problem orientation. It is necessary to make efforts to solve the practical problems in the ranks of the courts, and resolutely prevent going through the motions and engaging in formalism. It is necessary to closely integrate the characteristics of adjudication organs, regard strict discipline and law in controlling "cases" as the foothold of controlling "people" and curing "courts", pay close attention to the frequent links such as using cases for personal gain and perverting the law in adjudication, and solve conspicuous problems such as inadequate trial management and non-implementation of system regulations, and use strict party discipline to do a solid job in adjudication management and contingent management. The second is to comprehensively improve judicial efficiency. The "nine-point implementation" of Party discipline study and education is reflected in promoting the high-quality development of trial work. It is necessary to persist in applying what you have learned and integrating knowledge with action, and turn the results of learning into vivid practice for doing a good job in trial enforcement work and advancing the development of the people's judicial cause. It is necessary to persist in grasping both party discipline and adjudication, integrate and promote political construction and professional construction, and through party discipline study and education, let cadres and police not only understand what they cannot do, but more importantly, understand what they should do and how to do it, be good at looking at it from a political point of view, be good at doing it from the rule of law, do a solid job of promoting justice with integrity, and shoulder and fall down the responsibilities entrusted to the people's courts by the "profound revolution" of comprehensively governing the country according to law.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has made many important speeches and important instructions on the party's discipline issues, providing a guide for the whole party to carry out party discipline study and education. In order to advance the comprehensive rule of law and ensure the effective implementation of national laws, we must always keep in mind the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, solidly carry out the study and education of party discipline, earnestly enhance the awareness of discipline and rules, know and respect, stress rules, and abide by the bottom line, consciously set an example of learning, knowing, knowing, and abiding by discipline, and promote the high-quality development of the work of the people's courts with iron discipline.

(Yu Xiangyang, Luo Lihua, Author's Affiliation: Intermediate People's Court of Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province)

Source: People's Court Daily