
Ma Shangao replied to Andy: We are looking for more ways to help the Malay community go further

author:Singapore Eye

Singapore's Minister for Social and Family Development and Second Minister for Health and Minister for Islamic Affairs Ma Shankoh answers MPs' questions about the Malay community in Parliament on March 6, 2024.

Ma Shangao replied to Andy: We are looking for more ways to help the Malay community go further

Ma Shangao

The following is a translation of the Singapore Eye based on Parliamentary sources:

President: Mr. Andy.

MR ANDY: Mr. President, I thank the Minister, the Senior Minister and the Senior Parliamentary Secretary for their answers to the questions I raised and for their presentations. I have two questions that need clarification.

First of all, I would like to ask Minister Ma Shangao. In his last statement, he referred to their efforts and made a moving statement about the problems facing Gaza and Palestine. He mentioned that the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation, set up by the Islamic Council of Singapore, will be launched during the holy month of Ramadan. Could the Minister please elaborate on whether there are any restrictions on this campaign? Since there was a fixed time slot for the Last Muslim Council of Singapore's All Blessings Foundation fundraiser, is there a similar time limit this time to let the community and the public know more? How does the Sheh Fu Foundation, set up by the Islamic Council of Singapore, stay connected with the community during Ramadan and beyond?

Second question, Mr. President, I would like to ask the Senior Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Law, Ms. Rahayumazan, and the Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Manpower and Defence, Mr. Zajiha, about the cooperation with businesses. I think there is a limit to what the government can do in terms of social responsibility. I would like to know if there are more ways for businesses (including Malay/Muslim businesses or other non-Malay/Muslim businesses) to help the Malay community go further? Apart from the scholarship mentioned by Senior Minister Zaki and the volunteerism mentioned by Senior Parliamentary Secretary Rahayo, are there other ways to attract more Singaporean businesses to contribute to our community?

Chairman: Minister Ma Shangao.

Minister Ma Shangao: I would like to thank the MP for his clarifying question.

The Chuen Fu Foundation, set up by the Islamic Council of Singapore, like any other organization, needs to obtain legal permission when raising funds from overseas, which takes time. At the same time, this is also subject to the time limit of the permit, which is why there is a fixed time limit in previous fundraisers. I think it's the right thing to do. We also want to make sure that while raising funds we can focus on other important things that serve our community and all of us. Therefore, I hope that our community will be able to come together. I think this fundraiser will last for a week or so. We will advertise the start and end times of the fundraiser during Friday prayer services and in the media.

Ma Shangao replied to Andy: We are looking for more ways to help the Malay community go further

The following is the content of the question in English:

The Chairman: Mr Saktiandi Supaat.

Mr Saktiandi Supaat: Mr Chairman, I would like to thank Minister and Senior Minister of State and Senior Parliamentary Secretary for her answers to my cuts and for their speeches. I have two clarifications.

One, to Minister Masagos. He mentioned in his last speech about the efforts, and I think he gave a very heartfelt speech about the issues that we face in Gaza and in Palestine. He mentioned about how Rahmatan Lil Alamin will be coming on stream, especially during Ramadan. Can Minister share a bit more whether this second round, whether there will be a time limit? Because the previous one, Rahmatan Lil Alamin there was a period of time where they can collect donations, whether this time round, can Minister share so that the community and public can know a bit more about that? And how does RLAF plan to reach out to the community, especially during Ramadan and may be beyond that as well?

Second question, Mr Chairman, is about, I think Senior Parliamentary Secretary Rahayu and Senior Minister of State Zaqy mentioned about working with corporates. I think there is only so much that the Government can do as part of a social compact. I was wondering whether there is more that corporates can be involved, whether Malay/Muslim corporates or maybe non-Malay/Muslim corporates, how they can actually help the Malay community going forward beyond scholarships that Senior Minister of State has mentioned and beyond the specific volunteerism sort of efforts that Senior Parliamentary Secretary Rahayu has mentioned, whether there could be — well, our efforts to actually entice a bit more of the Singapore corporates to help our community going forward?

The Chairman: Minister Masagos Zulkifli.

Mr Masagos Zulkifli B M M: I thank the Member for his clarification question.

The Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation, like any other organisations, when they want to raise funds – particularly for an overseas purpose – need to regularise, get its permits in place and it will take time. But it will also be time limited by the permit and that was why in the previous exercise of collecting the funds, it was time-limited. I think it is the right thing to do. At the same time, we want to ensure that there is a time where we can focus our efforts in raising these funds.

But we must also be able to move on to do other important things for our community and for everyone else. So, I hope that our community will rally. I think it will be an exercise for about a week. And we will raise this awareness about when it starts and when it will end during our Friday sermons as well as through the media.


Edited by CF丨

Singapore Parliament丨Source

Singapore Parliament丨Source

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