
In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

author:Gu Ling

In 1991, an earth-shattering event occurred in the Soviet Union, which directly changed the fate of the Soviet Union, that is, Marshal Akhromeyev committed suicide in his office.

On August 22, 1991, after the suicide of Marshal Akhromeyev, Colonel-General Boris Karlovich Pugo, one of the members of the Emergency Committee of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, and his wife, also chose to commit suicide.

Several of them were relatively authoritative leaders of the Soviet Union, so why did they choose to commit suicide? In fact, the reason why they chose to commit suicide was closely related to several major parties in the Soviet Union.

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

It is known that Marshal of the Soviet Union Akhromeyev left his last words when he committed suicide.

In his last words, he said, "The collapse of the Soviet Union is irreparable, in the face of the imminent destruction of the motherland, the whole meaning of my life has been destroyed, I have fought until the last moment of my life, I have put in too much effort, and now I can no longer live in the face of such a result." ”

From this, it can be seen that in fact, Akhromeyev committed suicide entirely because he could not accept the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union. The rise of the Soviet Union was closely linked to the major partisan disputes in the Soviet Union.

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

A journey in the army

Marshal Akhromeyev was born on December 30, 1922 in the city of Tambov, the capital of the Tambov region on the left bank of the Tsna River in the Volga basin.

He joined the army at the age of 17 as a minor, and by the time he was 19 years old, he officially joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and became a member of the Red Army. By the age of 19, Akhromeyev had already risen to the rank of company commander, and he played a very important role in many wars in the Soviet Union.

Among them were the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Lelingrad, in which Marshal Akhromeyev participated.

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

According to Marshal Akhromeyev's own account, he did not enter the house for 18 months during the Battle of Leningrad. At that time, the temperature in the Soviet Union was as low as minus 50 degrees, not to mention women and children, even men in the prime of life, eight out of ten would freeze to death.

Akhromeyev said that all 32 of his high school classmates died at the time, and only he and one other survived. When talking about the Battle of Leningrad, Marshal Akhromeyev looked particularly sad.

But in fact, this was not the reason for his suicide, the most difficult thing in Marshal Akhromeyev's life happened in 1991.

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

In 1991, Ukraine and Belarus declared independence one after another, and the international superpowers have undergone major political changes, and the world pattern has shown a completely new trend of change.

At that time, the Soviet Union was in a very urgent state in the world, with the pressure of the rise of various countries and the retaliation of capitalist countries, and the internal partisanship and riots.

Gorbachev, a conservative in the Soviet Union at the time, wanted change, but Yeltsin resisted.

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

Having learned of the failure of the actions of the conservatives, Marshal Akhromeyev already understood that the collapse of the USSR was already something that could not be stopped.

Therefore, he chose a very ordinary day, and after writing five suicide notes in the morning, he shot himself in his office. In fact, Akhromeyev committed suicide because he had given too much on the path of socialism in the Soviet Union at that time.

Akhromeyevs mentioned in his suicide note, "Socialism in the Soviet Union has taken too many detours and sacrificed too many people, but it still fails to this day, which is unacceptable to him, I think I will probably not be able to see the Soviet Union of my dreams in my life, I have no choice." ”

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

Socialist beliefs

As a communist, Akhromeyev had a very high belief in socialism, and he always insisted that the country could develop in a stable and peaceful way for a long time, and that only one road of socialism could be taken, and no other roads would work.

Perhaps it was the pressure to understand the imminent situation of the Soviet Union, but to be powerless, that led to the suicide of Akhromeyev.

On August 22, 1991, the news of the suicide of the Marshal of the Soviet Union and a member of the Council of Emergency was quickly known to the world's major media. The major media reposted it one after another, and at the same time, the world was shocked and puzzled, and at the same time learned how lofty Akhromeyev's belief in socialism was.

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that "he deeply regrets the suicide of Marshal Akhromeyev, who should have been a very good ruler." ”

In fact, Putin's statement is not an exaggeration at all. Marshal Akhromeyev showed unusual talent in management and study from an early age.

He has a keen mind, sees the world clearly, and is good at management. Therefore, he was able to join the army at the age of 17, join the Communist Party at the age of 19, and also held the position of company commander. But he is still invincible alone.

If someone had stood up at that time to help Marshal Akhromeyev realize his ideals, perhaps the Soviet Union would not have collapsed, and he would not have committed suicide The current world pattern would have taken on a new look.

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

During Akhromeyev's life, he served as chief of staff of tank regiments, division commanders. In 1975 he became a general, and after a few years of service, in 1979 he was transferred to the post of first deputy chief of the General Staff and general of the Soviet Army.

By 1983, Akhromeyev had become the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR and the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

In fact, throughout the reign of Marshal Akhromeyev throughout his life, he always advocated force.

He has always believed that the situation facing the Soviet Union can only be dealt with by force, which is actually very similar to Chairman Mao's view when New China was founded, when faced with the question of whether Taiwan should return to China.

But in the end, they were not implemented, mainly because the damage caused by the war caused by force was unbearable for the people.

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

But apart from force, there was actually no one who could solve the problem of the division of the Soviet Union. Since many people did not support his assertion of force, Marshal Akhromeyev's ideas were often hampered.

The Emergency Committee of the Soviet Union was also an organization that was very interested in socialism and peace in the Soviet Union, so Akhromeyev was very close to him and supported his views.

However, in the confrontation with Yeltsin and others, Akhromeyev still did not protect them, and let them be captured and mutilated by the Soviet anti-communism.

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

On August 22, the arrest of the members of the Emergency Committee and the complete failure of the conservatives' mission also made Akhromeyev completely disillusioned with the Soviet Union.

He believed that Yeltsin's plot would definitely succeed, and that his efforts would no longer have any meaning.

The arrest of members of the Emergency Council was the straw that crushed Akhromeyev.

After Akhromeyev's suicide, one of the members of the Emergency Committee, General Boris Karlovich Pugo, wrote in his last words, "It's all because I trust others too much, I have been honest all my life, but in the end I am still calculated, my efforts have reached the peak, there is no way to do it, and I don't want to see this tragic end." ”

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

After saying that, he passed away with his wife.

Four months after the suicide of Marshal Akhromeyev, the Soviet Union was declared dissolved.

From then on, the Soviet Union, which once stood at the end of the world, ceased to exist. And the first country in the world to take the socialist road also went to extinction.

But the Soviet path and the search for socialism still have a lot to teach us. Troubles at home and abroad cannot be underestimated, communism is the trend of the times, and the Communist Party is the only reliance for advancing toward socialism.

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

The defeat of the USSR

Today's socialism in China is based on the failed socialism of the Soviet Union, and the suicide of Marshal Akhromeyev has made many communists lament and alarmed many communists.

KGB Putin chose to be patient with this matter, although he did not want the collapse of the Soviet Union, he had already sensed that the collapse of the Soviet Union was the trend of the times and could not be avoided by him.

As a member of the KGB, he had to abide by the rules of the KGB, think about his future, and deeply understand that the collapse of the Soviet Union was not something he could change.

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

In fact, the vast majority of the people in the Soviet Union at that time could not accept the collapse of the Soviet Union. But that didn't change his ending. After all, Yeltsin and others were too tough, and the domestic economic situation of the Soviet Union at that time almost collapsed.

After the reforms of Gorbachev and others, the economic situation of the Soviet Union not only did not improve, but intensified, and finally directly collapsed completely and headed for disintegration.

In fact, the reforms of Gorbachev and others also had a lot of problems, especially the reform of the last leadership of the Soviet Union, which completely deviated from the actual situation of the Soviet Union, and also changed the main path taken by the Soviet Union, and finally collapsed directly.

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

In fact, Putin's patience is not because he is timid and afraid, but a kind of helplessness after seeing through it. He knew that there was no possibility of revival of the Soviet Union, that the domestic forces were complex, the struggle was fierce, the economy was collapsing, and that he had become a strong foreign force and a middle-class worker.

Therefore, he is not willing to make unnecessary sacrifices.

In fact, Putin is also very sad about the collapse of the Soviet Union, especially the feeling of knowing that it is not feasible and powerless to change it is even more devastating, perhaps because of this, he chose to remain silent and keep silent.

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

Looking back on the years in the Soviet Union, in fact, the path he chose was a broad road. His failure was due to the chaos of management in the country, and the economic collapse was not repaired in time, which caused great panic among the Soviet people and caused riots.

The erroneous implementation of policies, the miscalculations of the leaders, and the struggle between the parties were fatal for the Soviet Union.

For China, the USSR is a very good reference for us. Although his path to socialism was not successful, this does not mean that socialism itself is not feasible.


1. Putin's life experience and years in the KGB. TONG Jianzhou; Wang Yong, 2016-01-10

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years

2. The comeback of Kogler. Yu Fei 2016-10-05

In 1991, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a marshal of the Soviet Army committed suicide and martyrdom, and 5 suicide notes were sad for many years