
Blocked to the doorstep! More than 30 ships gathered at Xianbin Reef, and the Philippines was angry: China is suspected of reclaiming the sea and creating islands


The Philippines has been very depressed recently, and several high-level Philippine officials have stubbornly insisted that "no agreement has ever been reached with China on the Ren'ai Jiao issue", and they have never mentioned the "new model" of supply methods at Ren'ai Jiao. The result? The old face of the Philippines was beaten by the recording of the Sino-Philippine call that was revealed by foreign media.

The Philippines immediately dressed up as an ostrich and plunged headlong into the sand: I can't see, I can't see. Vice Admiral Carlos, commander of the Western Command of the Philippines and a Chinese diplomat who is in charge of South China Sea affairs and is on the phone with Chinese diplomats, was temporarily on leave due to "personal reasons" at a critical moment and was unable to attend the press conference. Foreign media reporters contacted Carlos on the phone several times, but no one answered.

Blocked to the doorstep! More than 30 ships gathered at Xianbin Reef, and the Philippines was angry: China is suspected of reclaiming the sea and creating islands

In addition to reversing black and white and perfidious on the issue of Ren'ai Jiao, the Philippines has also targeted Xianbin Jiao.

It is reported that since April 18, the Philippines has been making continuous moves on Xianbin Reef, first dispatching the coast guard's 97-meter-class capital ship "Theresa Magbanua" (9701 ship) to monitor Xianbin Reef and nearby waters, and then arranging divers to reconnoiter the surrounding and underwater conditions.

Soon the Philippines released several sets of underwater photos, showing a large number of coral reefs at a depth of 2-5 meters, and the Philippines slandered them as artificial islands and reefs built by China.

Blocked to the doorstep! More than 30 ships gathered at Xianbin Reef, and the Philippines was angry: China is suspected of reclaiming the sea and creating islands

What makes the Philippine top brass even more dissatisfied is that when the 9701 ship arrived in the waters of Ren'ai Jiao, there were already a number of Chinese ships stationed there, including frigates 537, 570, and 622, as well as more than 30 Chinese fishing boats, and a PLA Navy helicopter operating nearby from time to time. This made the Philippine high-level angry, but they had no choice but to let the 9701 ship stay at Xianbin Reef until now.

In the face of the "surveillance" of the Philippine 9701 ship, our side and the Philippine side fought Taiji, and the Philippine side dispatched a rigid inflatable boat, and our side immediately dispatched five rigid inflatable boats to block the way of the Philippine boat, and sometimes forced the Philippine boat to return the same way.

Blocked to the doorstep! More than 30 ships gathered at Xianbin Reef, and the Philippines was angry: China is suspected of reclaiming the sea and creating islands

Even after being "humiliated" by the Chinese side many times, the Philippine side still "does not blush and does not beat heart" when it lies, and Coast Guard spokesman Tarilla said in an interview with the media that "the 9701 ship deployed in the waters near Sembin Reef can effectively prevent China's possible 'small-scale land reclamation'." There are a few people in the top echelons of the Philippines who believe in Tarira's rhetoric, and I am afraid that only they know it.

Blocked to the doorstep! More than 30 ships gathered at Xianbin Reef, and the Philippines was angry: China is suspected of reclaiming the sea and creating islands

Why did our side suddenly gather so many fishing boats and warships at Sembin Reef, and it is suspected that we are still building artificial islands and reefs? In this regard, Philippine politician retired senior vice judge Antonio Capio said that it is very likely that China is building an outpost at Sembin Reef because the strategic location of Sembin Reef is too important.

Blocked to the doorstep! More than 30 ships gathered at Xianbin Reef, and the Philippines was angry: China is suspected of reclaiming the sea and creating islands

Xianbin Reef is a general term for reefs distributed on an atoll, extending 22 kilometers into the sea in the southeast, with a shallow lake in the north, with a water depth of 3.6-18 meters.

The important thing is that the eastern part of the South China Sea is about 147 kilometers away from Palawan Island in the Philippines, and once our side turns the sand blowing and reclamation of Xianbin Reef into a base, it will inevitably form a deterrent to the Philippines, and the Philippine fishing boats are likely to be intercepted or sunk halfway through the large-scale sorties.

Blocked to the doorstep! More than 30 ships gathered at Xianbin Reef, and the Philippines was angry: China is suspected of reclaiming the sea and creating islands

According to military experts, if the PHL-191 rocket launchers are deployed at Sembin Reef, it will be enough to cover US military bases, including Luzon. Of course, the US-made "Typhon" medium-range missile system that the Philippines has painstakingly deployed on Palawan Island is bound to pose a huge challenge.

China's actions on Sembin Reef and its deterrent effect on the Philippines are very clear to the Philippine leadership. On May 10, in Jakarta, Indonesia, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong held talks with Philippine Vice Foreign Minister Lazaro.

Blocked to the doorstep! More than 30 ships gathered at Xianbin Reef, and the Philippines was angry: China is suspected of reclaiming the sea and creating islands

There are several important contents in the sporadic information disclosed by the media: first, China pointed out that the Philippine side has reversed black and white on the issue of the "new model" of Ren'ai Jiao; Second, China criticized the Philippines for allowing the United States to deploy the "Typhon" intermediate-range missile system on Philippine Palawan Island, which is a reversal of history and undermines peace and stability in the South China Sea.

It is not difficult to see from the content of the talks that the Chinese side has long been dissatisfied with the deployment of intermediate-range missiles by the Philippines, and its initial failure to respond does not mean that it will not take action now. Sure enough, on May 11, Philippine Coast Guard spokesman Tariera publicly complained that China was trying to build an "artificial island" at Senbin Reef, which is "shocking" with dozens of Chinese fishing boats and warships converging.

Blocked to the doorstep! More than 30 ships gathered at Xianbin Reef, and the Philippines was angry: China is suspected of reclaiming the sea and creating islands

In addition, the waters near Xianbin Reef have abundant marine resources and huge economic value. The reef is close to the Lile Basin, one of the four major oil-rich areas in the South China Sea, with 6 billion barrels of oil reserves and 55.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas, resources that have long been coveted by the Philippines. Once China establishes a base at Sembin Reef, it will effectively control the oil and gas resources in the Lile Basin, and countries including the Philippines will have some scruples about dyeing it.

Blocked to the doorstep! More than 30 ships gathered at Xianbin Reef, and the Philippines was angry: China is suspected of reclaiming the sea and creating islands

What Tudou wants to say is that the Philippines has recently "jumped up and down" on the South China Sea issue, willing to be a pawn of the United States, and constantly challenging China's bottom line.

Although the mainland has repeatedly used high-pressure water cannons to spray Philippine fishing boats, which have also injured Filipino fishermen and damaged fishing boats, the Philippines has not learned its lesson, but has stepped up joint military exercises with the United States in the South China Sea and sunk decommissioned supply ships made by the Chinese side in an attempt to "humiliate" China. Under such circumstances, if we blow sand and reclaim the sea on Xianbin Reef, we will certainly curb the arrogance of the Philippine side.

Original: Potatoes

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