
Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

author:Ping'an Fuling

Birthdays have a special meaning for everyone. Some people see their birthdays as the beginning of their new year, while others see birthdays as a sign of their growth. However, the birthday of Li Hongzhi, the leader of the "Falungong" cult, is somewhat special.

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲On July 29, 1999, the Ministry of Public Security issued a warrant for Li Hongzhi's arrest

Originally, Li Hongzhi was born on July 7, 1952. At the age of 40, he packaged himself as a qigong master and announced his departure from the mountain, and began to make crazy money by making exercises to cure diseases, recruit disciples, and sell books and classes. During this period, he painstakingly changed his birthday to May 13, 1951, and since then he has completed the transformation of his life from a "qigong master" to a "master of the universe".

is nearly half a hundred years old, why do you still want to change your birthday? Why is May 13 so important to him? What is the conspiracy behind the birthday change?

Modify birthdays

The purpose is to "touch the porcelain" Buddha

The most important reason for changing his birthday was that Li Hongzhi took a fancy to the prestige of the Buddha among the people.

Legend has it that the birthday of the Buddha Shakyamuni was the eighth day of the fourth month of the mainland lunar calendar, and May 13, 1951 happened to be the eighth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar. In addition, in Thailand, May 13 is also a major holiday - Buddha's Birthday, also known as the Buddha Bathing Festival, which is a day off across Thailand. On this day, fasting, chanting and puja are held, and the Buddha statue is bathed with various perfumes and flowers. On this day, Buddhist devotees also go to the temple to offer incense and participate in the Buddha bathing ceremony.

According to Li Hongzhi's former brother-in-law, Sun Senlun, in his book "My Days in Thailand with Li Hongzhi's Family," in May 1991, Li Hongzhi, who went to Thailand to visit his sister, was envious of the Buddha's worship in Thailand. Temples in Thailand generally have donation boxes, and Thai Buddhists are very devout, and every time they go to the temple, they will put some money in the donation box. Some believers will donate a lot of money at a time, and the believers will donate willingly.

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲The cover of the book (left) and the photo of the author Sun Senlun (right)

According to Sun Senlun's recollections, Li Hongzhi was very envious of this scene, saying that there was so much money every day, and the temple would have too much money to count in a year.

He asked Sun, "Is today (May 13) the birthday of the Buddha Shakyamuni?" ”

Sun replied, "Yes." ”

Then, thoughtfully, he said, "May 13th, May 13th." ”

In this way, an evil idea took root in Li Hongzhi's heart. Many years later, by chance, Sun Senlun discovered that the date of birth on Li Hongzhi's passport had changed from July 7 to May 13.

Li Hongzhi's purpose in choosing to be born on this day is self-evident, that is, he wants to imply that he and Shakyamuni were born in the same nature. There is a "reincarnation theory" in Buddhism, and Li Hongzhi obviously wants to use the "reincarnation theory" to deify himself so that he can easily call himself the "reincarnation of Shakyamuni."

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲Comparison between Li Hongzhi's seal gesture and Buddhism's seal gesture

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲ Comparison of "Falungong" gestures and Thai dance movements

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲ Comparison of "Falungong" gestures and Thai dance movements

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲ Comparison of "Falungong" gestures and Thai dance movements

Changing his birthday was just one of the steps he took to "touch" the Buddha. As a matter of fact, soon after Li Hongzhi left the mountain, he tried to associate himself with the Buddha, and later openly regarded himself as the "main Buddha of the universe," boasting that he had the four major functions of "stealth, fixing objects, carrying things, and controlling thinking." He also meticulously cut and pieced together for himself the "Dharma statues" that sat on top of the lotus flowers and practiced the exercises and sold them everywhere, asking his followers to widely distribute and hang them, and also called his "writings" "Dharma Sutras", as if he were "immortals" in the present world.

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲ The process of piecing together Li Hongzhi's "statue of law".

Changed the birthday

But he can't change the true face of deceiving the world and stealing his name

Although Li Hongzhi has repeatedly denied that his later announced birthday was tampered with, there is a complete set of human and physical evidence, and it is difficult for Li Hongzhi to hide the fact that he deceived the world and stole his name.

According to the archives of the Luyuan Police Station of the Luyuan Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Changchun City, Jilin Province, where Li Hongzhi's household registration is located, on September 24, 1994, Li Hongzhi changed his date of birth from July 7, 1952 to May 13, 1951, and applied for a new identity card.

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲ In 1986, Li Hongzhi's ID card was born on July 7, 1952

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲ In 1994, Li Hongzhi's ID card and date of birth were changed to May 13, 1951

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲Li Hongzhi's "Expedited Production of Resident ID Card Approval Form"

After checking the "Registration Form for Permanent Residents" of the public security organs and the "Registration Form for Full-time Security Cadres" and "Resume of Cadres" kept by Li Hongzhi in his unit, Li Hongzhi's date of birth was also changed to May 13, 1951.

However, on the "Report Form for Promotion and Grading of Employees", the "Application Form for Joining the Group" and the ID card issued on December 31, 1986 and reissued on March 31, 1991, the date of birth is still July 7, 1952.

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲ In the "Staff Promotion and Grading Report Form", Li Hongzhi was born in "1952.7.7"

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲ In the "Application Form for Joining the Group", Li Hongzhi was born in "1952.7.7"

In addition to the materials recorded in the case, the staff members who handled the revision of his identity information at that time also testified one after another: In September 1994, Li Hongzhi approached the staff of the public security organs and falsely claimed that he had made a mistake in his age when he was demobilized and settled, and submitted the relevant application. According to the procedure, the three certificate offices of the Changchun Municipal Public Security Bureau made a new resident ID card for Li Hongzhi, that is, this time, Li Hongzhi's date of birth was changed from July 7, 1952 to May 13, 1951. It is coded as 220104510513361 and issued on 20 October 1994.

In addition, Pan Yufang, who personally delivered Li Hongzhi and was also a colleague at the Maternity Hospital of Li Hongzhi's mother, Lu Shuzhen, also confirmed that Li Hongzhi was born on July 7, 1952, not May 13, 1951.

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲Pan Yufang is recalling the scene of the year

According to Pan Yufang's recollections, Li Hongzhi's father, Li Dan, and mother, Lu Shuzhen, met in the spring of 1951 and got married in the fall of 1951. In the summer of 1952, Pan Yufang, then 33 years old, was invited to the home of Li Dan and Lu Shuzhen to deliver the baby to Lu. Pan Yufang clearly remembers that Lu Shuzhen had a difficult birth during childbirth, and the pain was unbearable, and Pan Yufang had to inject her with oxytocin. When the baby was born, it was already purple all over, and this baby was Li Hongzhi. Pan Yufang said that Li Hongzhi was no different from other babies when he was born.

Lu Shuzhen's other colleague, Liang Guiqing, is also the introducer of Lu Shuzhen and Li Dan. She also confirmed that in the spring of 1951, Li Hongzhi's mother, Lu Shuzhen, and his father, Li Dan, had just been introduced to each other by her, and they were not married at that time.

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲ Li Hongzhi's parents were young

Many years later, when Pan Yufang learned on television that Li Hongzhi claimed that his birthday was May 13, 1951, he was extremely surprised. She said: "Doesn't Xiaolaizi (Li Hongzhi's nickname) want truthfulness, kindness, and forbearance? Why did you change your birthday in order to make up nonsense? ”

In addition to confusing everyone, one of the most direct results of the birthday change operation is to disgrace both his parents. Just imagine, if Li Hongzhi was really born on May 13, 1951, it means that his mother was pregnant with her husband Li Dan for several months before she met him. In order to pretend to be a "Buddha", Li Hongzhi really didn't even want his mother's face!

False "birthdays"

There is no end to the calamities

So, what did Li Hongzhi's birthday bring to his disciples?

With the advent of the new birthday, Li Hongzhi began to preach even more vigorously that he was "the only Buddha who can lead people to a higher level." Some people who do not know the truth are bewitched by their fallacies and heresies to pursue the so-called "consummation," bow down to them, and obey their words.

As a result, there have been more and more vicious incidents of illness, disability, and death caused by the practice of "Falungong."

Ma Jianmin, a retired worker from the North China Oilfield, who has been practicing "Falungong" for about two years, often suffers from trance and disorders, and he insists that he has a "Falun" in his abdomen. One day in 1998, he searched his home by disemboweling it with scissors, resulting in his death.

Gao Encheng, the person in charge of a "Falungong" practice center in Kaixian County, Chongqing, claimed that he had become an immortal after the exercise, and he actually jumped to his death by holding his son.

Bai Changyu, head of the geological design section of a coal mine in Fushun City, began practicing "Falungong" in 1997 and did not take medicine or seek medical treatment when he was sick. In April 1999, he began to lose his speech and still did not go to the hospital for examination, believing that Li Hongzhi would come to save him, but finally died.


On 22 July 1999, "Falungong" was banned by the state in accordance with the law, and Li Hongzhi absconded overseas. To this day, every year on 13 May, the "Falungong" cult instructs its evil media to concoct many birthday messages, couplets, and greeting cards to Li Hongzhi in the capacity of its disciples, in order to strengthen Li Hongzhi's "Buddha flavor."

Not only that, the website under the "Falungong" also routinely invites its disciples to write so-called "testimonies" around the absurd "World Falun Dafa Day" every year, which are all unbelievable "miracles" and hype up the celebrations carried out by "Falungong" practitioners outside the country in an attempt to create the illusion of prosperity.

Tampering with birthdays, "touching porcelain" Buddha, what the hell is the "5.13" he values?

▲ Overseas "Falungong" disciples celebrate the so-called "World Falun Dafa Day."

However, even though Li Hongzhi blew this false birthday to the sky and made a big deal of packaging it, even his disciples who firmly believed in it were confused by this unwarranted "Dafa Day."

A disciple published an article in the "Falungong" media: "I have read the 'Notice of Solicitation of Manuscripts on World Falun Dafa Day' several times, but at first I did not understand what the solicitation was and what was considered a witness work. I got the Fa late, and I haven't witnessed the history of the Master's transmission of the Fa, and I haven't witnessed the history of the propagation of the Dafa. ”

As a matter of fact, concocting such a "Dafa Day" is not as simple as holding a celebration, and it is Li Hongzhi's real purpose to wantonly accumulate wealth and strengthen the spiritual control of believers.

His followers recorded: "Dafa disciples in the region bought a lot of food and gathered to celebrate Master's birthday. On May 24, some initiates bought a lot of food and invited them to cook and celebrate Master's lunar birthday. ”

However, most of the "Falungong" practitioners' families are not wealthy, they live very frugally, and they are embarrassed not to take money. When disciples practice "Falungong," they either "study the Fa" behind closed doors, or they go out to "propagate the Fa" and preach the so-called "truth" as required. Therefore, the economic income of most "Falungong" disciples is not high. Under such circumstances, he was "embarrassed not to take money," and such a "day of spending money" was simply a "disaster day" for his disciples, and Li Hongzhi's vanity was undoubtedly based on the pain, blood, and sweat of his disciples.

Today, as the state spares no effort to crack down on and control cults and all sectors of society continue to step up anti-cult propaganda, the true features of Li Hongzhi and his "Falungong" cult organization are known to all. However, as far as the public is concerned, every "13 May" is still a warning to remind this cult organization of the numerous crimes committed in China, and to warn us to always heighten our vigilance, resist the temptation of the cult, and put an end to unrealistic luck mentality. Industriousness and wisdom are the cornerstones of human progress, and they are the key factors to achieve a better life. Happiness can only be created by our own hands, not by any vain "master".