
They all said that the physical store couldn't do it, but I didn't expect it to be so serious

author:Lucky Girl

In my 20 years of brick-and-mortar store career, I have experienced ups and downs, and I have also witnessed the changes of the times. From the initial prosperity and bustle, to the current desertion and depression, I seem to see the epitome of my life. When night falls, I sit alone in the shop, looking out the window at the street, and my heart is filled with endless emotion.

Since April, the business of the store seems to be swallowed up by an invisible force, and the turnover has plummeted, and sometimes there is not a single customer for the whole day. I stood in the doorway, looking left and right, and saw that the street was empty, as if the whole world had fallen silent. I can't help but wonder if people really choose to shop online and have no interest in going out shopping.

They all said that the physical store couldn't do it, but I didn't expect it to be so serious

I think back to the rise of e-commerce in recent years, and it has indeed brought a lot of convenience to our lives. Without leaving home, you can buy goods from all over the country, which is undoubtedly a huge temptation for modern people. However, for me, the rise of e-commerce means a cold winter for my real economy. I tried to transition online, but it quickly became clear that it wasn't an easy path. Online competition is just as fierce, and it takes more time and effort to learn and adapt.

These days, I've been thinking about my future. Do you stick to the store and wait for a miracle, or do you choose to give up and find a new way out? Whenever I think about this, my heart is filled with confusion and uneasiness. I'm no longer young, if I give up this shop, will I still be able to find a job that suits me?

I'm starting to pay attention to brick-and-mortar store owners who are facing the same struggles as me. Some of them chose to close their stores, while others tried to switch online. I heard their stories and felt their helplessness and struggle. I realized that I wasn't the only one facing a difficult situation, but I couldn't just give up easily.

They all said that the physical store couldn't do it, but I didn't expect it to be so serious

I started to rethink the way I do business. Is my product not appealing enough? Is my service not good enough? I started trying to change, trying to find new breakthroughs. However, in this day and age, it is difficult for simple change to attract the attention of consumers. I began to realize that I needed not only change, but also innovation.

But how easy is innovation to be at? I'm used to the traditional business model, and I'm always unfamiliar and uneasy about new things. However, I know that if I don't try and innovate, then my store really has no future.

I started to learn about e-commerce and understand the skills of online marketing. I try to promote my store and products on social media in the hope of attracting more customers. It didn't work at first, but I didn't give up. I believe that as long as I persevere, I will be able to find a new way out.

In the process, I also started to pay attention to successful e-commerce entrepreneurs. Their stories gave me hope and strengthened my resolve. I realized that while e-commerce is highly competitive, it also offers limitless opportunities for those with innovative spirit and perseverance.

However, even as I started experimenting with the online transition, it became clear to me that it wasn't an easy path. I need to learn a lot of new knowledge and skills, and I need to face a lot of unknown challenges and difficulties. But I also understand that only by constantly learning and growing can I stand in this era.

Now, whenever I stand in front of the store and see the empty street, I no longer feel lost and uneasy in my heart. Because I know that even if the brick-and-mortar store is facing a huge dilemma, I have a chance to find a new way out. Maybe this road will be difficult and long, but I believe that as long as I persevere, I will be able to get out of the predicament and meet new challenges and opportunities.

They all said that the physical store couldn't do it, but I didn't expect it to be so serious

So, for those brick-and-mortar store owners who are facing the same difficulties as me, I would like to say don't give up hope, as long as we maintain the spirit of innovation and learning, we will be able to find a new way out. And for those who are considering whether or not to enter the e-commerce space, I would say that e-commerce is not an easy path, but it also provides unlimited opportunities for those who have the courage and determination.

Finally, I would like to ask how do we balance the development of the real economy and e-commerce in this era? How do we bring brick-and-mortar stores back to life? This is a question worth pondering, and perhaps only when we truly find the answer can we usher in a better future.