
The child doesn't have to be too nice to her, too good, and the child doesn't cherish it

author:Lucky Girl

The Path of Nurturing: A Philosophy of Love and Sharing

Looking back on the past, every mother's heart hides a period of years of growing up with her children. Those years were like a thick book, and every page recorded laughter, tears, anticipation and loss. And now, what I want to continue to talk about is another profound experience about raising children.

When my child was growing up, I once fell into a misunderstanding, that is, "if you are too good to your child, she will not cherish it". This notion is like a shackle that makes me feel lost and confused about my child's education. I always believe that as a mother, I should give my child meticulous care and love, so that she can grow up in a loving environment. However, over time, I found that my approach did not bring the desired results.

The child doesn't have to be too nice to her, too good, and the child doesn't cherish it

As the child enters puberty, she begins to become rebellious, sensitive, and even somewhat cold. Her words became sharp, often making my heart ache. I began to reflect on whether my love for her made her take it for granted and thus lose her gratitude. I began to wonder if something was wrong with my education.

In the process, I have come to realize that loving children is not just about giving and satisfying. More importantly, it is necessary to teach children how to love, how to cherish, and how to be grateful. I began to try to change the way I was educated, no longer blindly meeting her needs, but focusing more on guiding and educating her.

I told her that the good things at home should be shared by everyone, which is the warmth of the family and the emotional exchange between people. I started to involve her in household chores and made her understand that the contribution and contribution of the family is everyone's responsibility. I encourage her to share her happiness and harvest with her friends, so that she can learn to feel more joy and satisfaction in sharing.

The child doesn't have to be too nice to her, too good, and the child doesn't cherish it

Over time, I gradually saw changes in my child. She began to become more sensible, considerate, and more grateful. She would send me blessings and gifts during the holidays and would lend a helping hand when I needed help. Her change made me feel relieved and proud, and it also made me more convinced that I was in the right way to educate.

However, the process has not been smooth sailing. I've had my share of frustration and confusion, and even doubts about my approach to education. However, I always believe that as long as I persist and guide and educate my child with my heart, she will definitely become a caring, responsible, and grateful person.

Looking back now, I am glad that I was able to wake up and adjust my education in time. If I keep dwelling on the misconceptions of the past, then my child's future may become dark. And now, I see a child full of hope and vitality, who is feeling and experiencing the beauty of this world in her own way.

On the road to raising children, we may encounter various difficulties and challenges. However, as long as we experience, feel, and practice those philosophical ideas about love and sharing, we can find the right way to educate our children in a loving environment.

In this process, we must teach our children not only how to love others, but also how to love themselves. Because only when a person knows how to cherish himself and love himself, can he better love others and be grateful for others' contributions. Therefore, as parents, we need to always pay attention to our children's inner needs, give them enough love and support, so that they can become confident, caring and responsible people.

At the same time, we also need to teach our children how to deal with setbacks and failures. Because in this world, no one can go through every journey smoothly. When children encounter difficulties and setbacks, we need to give them enough encouragement and support so that they can learn from their failures and keep moving forward. In this way, when children grow up, they will be able to have enough ability to deal with various challenges and difficulties, and become a responsible and courageous person.

Finally, I would like to say that the growth of children is not something that can be achieved overnight, but requires our long-term companionship and guidance. In this process, we need to keep learning, keep exploring, and constantly adjust our education methods to meet the needs of children's growth. Only in this way can we truly be the guide of our children's growth and help them to a better future.

The child doesn't have to be too nice to her, too good, and the child doesn't cherish it

So as a parent, are you also worried about your child's education? Are you also looking for a more scientific and reasonable way of education? If so, then I would like to say that let's experience and understand those philosophical ideas about love and sharing with our hearts. Let's work together to create an environment where children can grow up with love and hope!