
My wife asked me to bring 10,000 yuan in cash and travel with my son's family, and I avoided a lot of trouble after doing so

author:Seventh Brother Detective
My wife asked me to bring 10,000 yuan in cash and travel with my son's family, and I avoided a lot of trouble after doing so

Text/Detective Seventh Brother

Editor/Detective Seven

Picture/source network

Introduction: My wife asked me to bring 10,000 cash and travel with my son's family, and I avoided a lot of trouble after doing so

My surname is Li and I am 58 years old this year. On May Day, my son and daughter-in-law offered to go on a family trip, which filled my heart with joy.

Since they got married, our family has rarely had the opportunity to travel together, either because our children are busy with work and taking care of our children, or because we feel that going out is too hard and we are reluctant to go out. So, when I heard my son's proposal, I was extra happy and started planning the trip with my partner.

However, unfortunately, my wife is not yet retired and needs to stick to her post during the May Day holiday, so she can't walk with us. He doesn't like to be busy, preferring to travel away from crowds, so I regret his absence, but I understand it. In the end, I had to accompany my son's family on the journey alone.

The night before departure, my wife suddenly handed me 10,000 yuan in cash, and he said to me meaningfully, "You put this money in it." I was slightly stunned and responded with a smile: "We are going out with our son's family, where do we need money from my mother?" ”

My wife asked me to bring 10,000 yuan in cash and travel with my son's family, and I avoided a lot of trouble after doing so

But my wife insisted: "Even if it's your own son, you have to settle the account." Bring the money with you, just in case. Besides, you're going to have to buy me some kind of gift back, right? I couldn't resist him, so I had to put the money in the deepest pocket in my bag.

The next day, I arrived at my son's house full of joy and ready to embark on a journey with them. I'm looking forward to this trip because before my son gets married, he often takes us around and enjoy the scenery. But after we got married, due to the busyness of work and family, they rarely took us out again.

Even if they have children, they mostly travel as a couple or as a family of three. I never asked them to take us on a trip, and they didn't offer to do so. Therefore, this time my son took the initiative to invite us to go on a trip, and I felt extremely happy in my heart.

Sadly, my wife went to take care of his sick brother. Can't share this wonderful time with us. But no matter what, I will cherish this precious time with my son's family and make good memories.

With full anticipation, I embarked on a high-speed rail journey south with my son, during the journey, our family of three laughed and laughed, and my daughter-in-law also specially prepared a lot of snacks, so that I could enjoy the food at the same time. This kind of warm picture makes me feel deeply happy, and the fatigue of the journey also dissipates in the laughter.

A few hours later, we arrived at our destination without any problems. My son had already arranged it and we went straight to the hotel to check in. Two comfortable rooms, one for my son and daughter-in-law, and the other for me and my granddaughter. In the evening, my son arranges dinner, and I just have to follow them and enjoy the hassle-free trip.

My wife asked me to bring 10,000 yuan in cash and travel with my son's family, and I avoided a lot of trouble after doing so

The first night passed happily, everything was as we wished, and there was no worry about my wife. However, just as I was basking in the joy of travel, some subtle barriers crept alight.

The first stop on the tour is an ancient city, and while the old buildings still bear the traces of time, the vendors and shops along the street have a modern vibe. We tasted a variety of foods, admired the beauty of the old city, and hired a photographer to capture the unforgettable moment for us.

However, just as I was about to buy a long, antique dress, a small dispute broke the harmony. The dress was beautiful, but I was a little hesitant about the price. I knew that things in the scenic area were usually more expensive than outside, but I didn't expect this skirt to be priced at more than 1,000 yuan, which was far beyond my budget.

Just as I was hesitating, my son and daughter-in-law came over. As soon as they asked for the price, they pulled me away. My daughter-in-law took out her phone and suggested that I buy the same dress online, which is cheap and convenient. When the merchant heard this, he retorted with a smile that he couldn't buy the same model online.

I stood there, a little embarrassed and a little helpless. I understood their kindness and wanted to accept this suggestion, but I always felt a little unwilling in my heart.

I was attracted by the beauty and uniqueness of that dress, and I knew that this trip could be a rare opportunity for me to travel with my son. I don't want to give up what I love because of the price, and I don't want them to think I'm an old lady who only saves money.

This little argument made me realize that even though we are a family, there are different ideas and perceptions in some ways. It also made me cherish the opportunity of this trip even more, and I hope to be able to shorten the distance between us through more communication and understanding.

My wife asked me to bring 10,000 yuan in cash and travel with my son's family, and I avoided a lot of trouble after doing so

On this quaint street, we came across a beautiful handmade long dress. Merchants proudly introduce that this long dress is handmade by them, and can only be purchased in the ancient city here, and can only be found on the Internet second-hand goods.

My daughter-in-law was skeptical and immediately started searching on the Internet. After some hard work, she found several dresses with similar appearances, but there were always some discrepancies in the details.

At this time, the merchant further elaborated: "If you let the old man touch it, you will know how particular our materials are. This maxi dress is made of silk fabric and is extremely comfortable to the touch.

And the embroidery on it is carefully sewn by our craftsmen with a needle and a thread. In particular, those gold filigree decorations are all real materials, and machines simply cannot imitate this process. ”

Although my daughter-in-law looked a little embarrassed after listening to the introduction of the merchant, she still advised me to look at a few more before making a decision. However, I was fascinated by this long dress, which was so comfortable to the touch and so stylistically to my liking.

I couldn't resist asking if I could get some discounts, but the merchant was adamant that he wouldn't bargain. In desperation, I had to follow my daughter-in-law's advice and leave to visit other shops first.

However, I never forgot that long dress. Even though my son and daughter-in-law showed me around many other shops, I always found them to be less appealing to me than the dress.

After shopping for a long time, I finally couldn't help but ask: just buy that one, I really like it. I didn't bring any money, you paid for me first, and I'll go back and give you the money.

My wife asked me to bring 10,000 yuan in cash and travel with my son's family, and I avoided a lot of trouble after doing so

The son did not immediately agree after hearing this, and both he and his daughter-in-law felt that the dress was too expensive to buy. Seeing that I insisted, they said that they were unwilling to let me pay for it and were willing to buy it for me. However, from their tone and expressions, I could clearly sense their reluctance.

Eventually, we bought the dress. But since that moment, our family's mood seems to have changed subtly. Whenever she encounters a slightly higher price of goods, her daughter-in-law will always complain loudly: "The things in this scenic spot are expensive and unreal, and they are not worth buying at all."

Let's go back and buy online or go outside, we can't afford it here. I had a vague feeling that she was saying these words as if she was aimed at me. But what about that? Perhaps, this is a kind of helplessness in life.

As I've gotten older, I've developed the habit of buying things I love on the fly, and I'm afraid that hesitation will lead to missing out. However, this habit caused a series of minor frictions during a family trip.

On that occasion, I bought something on a whim, and although my daughter-in-law expressed some dissatisfaction with it, it ended up with my insistence.

When I returned to the hotel in the evening, I knew that this shopping might be a burden on my family, so I quickly took out the money and handed it to them. Although they refused, their words still revealed their concerns about the cost performance of the scenic spots. In the end, the money was not handed over, and I silently took it back, but I felt a little confused about what my family really thought.

My wife asked me to bring 10,000 yuan in cash and travel with my son's family, and I avoided a lot of trouble after doing so

On the third day, in order to avoid similar embarrassment, I specially prepared 3,000 yuan in cash for emergencies. This time, we went to a temple where incense was abundant.

I have always been in awe of Buddhism, and I always visit temples to pray for health and safety. This time was no exception, under the guidance of the monk, I spent a small amount of money, and I didn't have too much to worry about.

However, when I took a fancy to a statue of the Buddha of Kaiguang, I fell into a tangle. This Buddha statue is expensive, but I think it has a special meaning and I hope to invite it home and bless the health of the whole family.

However, my son and daughter-in-law objected, saying that the price was too high and that I was too superstitious. In the face of their doubts and dissuasion, my heart was full of helplessness.

After some arguments, my son finally reluctantly paid for me, but the displeasure on his face made it difficult for me to let go. And my daughter-in-law turned around and left with her granddaughter, ignoring me.

This experience made me realize how important communication and understanding are in the family, and it also made me realize that I need to consider the feelings and opinions of my family members more when pursuing my personal preferences.

When I returned to the hotel in the evening, I immediately handed over all the money from the previous day and this day to my son, hoping to calm down the small turmoil caused by shopping.

However, I knew in my heart that this experience had left an indelible rift between us. During the journey, I always adhered to my own concept of consumption, and no matter how others persuaded me, I was always unmoved.

My wife asked me to bring 10,000 yuan in cash and travel with my son's family, and I avoided a lot of trouble after doing so

Whenever I put the money in bed and turn around and go back to my room, the most common thing I hear is the phrase "It's not about the money, we're worried you're going to be deceived." However, in my opinion, as long as I am willing to spend it, as long as I really want to have it, that is enough.

After two days of experience, I learned the importance of carrying personal funds when I go out. When shopping, I don't have to negotiate with others, but choose what I like, which also saves me a lot of unnecessary distractions.

At least there is no need to listen to that endless nag anymore. At the same time, they have gradually reduced their interference in my affairs, which has made the journey much smoother.

Looking back on this experience, I am sincerely grateful to my wife for her foresight. It was he who reminded me to bring cash with me, which made me more comfortable with situations during my travels. A lot of trouble was avoided. Buying what I want, without having to rely on other people's funding, is undoubtedly the most satisfying moment for me.

Therefore, I would like to advise our readers to always bring your own funds with you when travelling with your children. This way, you can buy as many items as you like without having to rely on your children's generosity.

Otherwise, it is likely to cause unnecessary conflicts due to money problems, which will affect the mood of travel. Are you right? #出门旅游时让你最头疼的事情是什么##挑战30天在头条写日记#

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