
[Exclusive] The delivery man scolded the woman for being fat-headed and big-eared, and after being beaten, the whole restaurant fell into a storm!

author:Inspirational Yu

A delivery man was beaten up after insulting a woman because of his fat head and big ears! This incident not only put the victim in a difficult situation, but also involved the entire hotel. The store manager regretted it and sparked heated discussions on the whole network, what is the situation? Click here to read and find out more!

[Exclusive] The delivery man scolded the woman for being fat-headed and big-eared, and after being beaten, the whole restaurant fell into a storm!

Recently, an incident about a delivery man maliciously insulting a customer has attracted widespread attention. It is understood that a lady named Xiaofang was encountering a disrespectful delivery person when ordering takeaway, and the delivery person actually laughed at her body shape loudly and abused her with evil words. In anger, Xiaofang chose to call the police, but the result was unexpected.

[Exclusive] The delivery man scolded the woman for being fat-headed and big-eared, and after being beaten, the whole restaurant fell into a storm!

On the day of the incident, Xiaofang was about to pick up the takeaway, but she didn't expect that waiting for her outside was a delivery man with an unkind expression. As soon as the delivery man saw Xiaofang, he suddenly insulted her and humiliated her body shape, making her feel deeply embarrassed and helpless. Xiao Fang couldn't bear it anymore, launched her anger at the delivery man, and quickly dialed 110 to call the police.

[Exclusive] The delivery man scolded the woman for being fat-headed and big-eared, and after being beaten, the whole restaurant fell into a storm!

After receiving the alarm, the police quickly rushed to the scene to deal with it. However, something unexpected happened. Before the police arrived, a customer who was eating next to Xiaofang heard the delivery man's abuse and stood up to protect her. The customer, Mr. Wang, was a regular customer of the restaurant, and he courageously stopped the delivery man's offensive behavior.

Just when Mr. Wang stood up with justice and awe, the delivery man actually beat him severely. For a moment, there was chaos in the restaurant, and customers fled in panic. Later, the police arrived at the scene, restrained the delivery man and took him away from the scene. Mr. Wang, who was beaten, was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries.

[Exclusive] The delivery man scolded the woman for being fat-headed and big-eared, and after being beaten, the whole restaurant fell into a storm!

This incident sent the entire hotel into a storm. The hotel, called "Happy Restaurant", is a well-known local chain brand, and is loved by customers for its high-quality service and delicious taste. However, the incident took a huge toll on the hotel's reputation, and many customers said they would not return.

Mr. Li, the manager of Happy Restaurant, deeply regretted this. He told the media that he was shocked and angry at the behavior of the delivery man and immediately conducted an internal investigation. Mr. Li said that the delivery worker was a temporary worker who had not undergone rigorous screening and training, which led to such an incident. He assured that measures will be taken to deal with the employee and to strengthen the management and training of the staff.

[Exclusive] The delivery man scolded the woman for being fat-headed and big-eared, and after being beaten, the whole restaurant fell into a storm!

As soon as this incident was exposed, it quickly sparked heated discussions on the whole network. Many netizens expressed their anger and condemnation of the bad behavior of the delivery workers, and called for strengthening the professional quality education of the delivery workers. At the same time, many people have questioned the management system of Happy Restaurant, believing that employees should be more rigorously audited and trained.

The above is the relevant content of this delivery man who abused the woman with a fat head and big ears and was beaten. We call on all sectors of society to pay attention to and jointly create a good social atmosphere, so that every consumer can get the respect and treatment they deserve!

If you have any more questions or thoughts about the event, please leave your comments and we will be happy to answer them.

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