
Laughed to death in Xu Haiqiao's comment area: Joe, bring your acting skills, this sky-high wealth is coming!

author:Wushi Elf Pavilion

Xu Haiqiao's comment area was overflowing with joy, and netizens were hotly discussing "The Legend of Mortal Immortal Cultivation" and looking forward to him breaking out again

Laughed to death in Xu Haiqiao's comment area: Joe, bring your acting skills, this sky-high wealth is coming!

Recently, Xu Haiqiao's social media comment area has become a sea of joy, and netizens' messages and blessings have poured in like a tide, which makes people laugh. It turned out that Xu Haiqiao was about to appear in the new drama "The Legend of Mortal Immortals", and performed the legend of Xianxia with Yang Yang and other actors, which aroused heated discussions and expectations among netizens.

Laughed to death in Xu Haiqiao's comment area: Joe, bring your acting skills, this sky-high wealth is coming!

The painting style in the comment area is unique, and some netizens joked: "Xu Haiqiao, it's time to show your true strength and conquer the world with your acting skills!" Another fan confessed affectionately: "Brother Qiao, you have always been the acting school in my heart, and I look forward to you shining in "The Legend of Mortal Immortals"!" Some netizens ridiculed: "Qiao, it's time to show your charm, maybe you can play with Liu Yifei and become a real 'brother-in-law'!" ”

Laughed to death in Xu Haiqiao's comment area: Joe, bring your acting skills, this sky-high wealth is coming!

These messages not only show netizens' love and expectations for Xu Haiqiao, but also reflect their unique insights and sense of humor in the gossip news in the entertainment industry. And Xu Haiqiao himself seems to be infected by this joyful atmosphere, interacting with netizens in the comment area from time to time to share his mood and feelings.

Laughed to death in Xu Haiqiao's comment area: Joe, bring your acting skills, this sky-high wealth is coming!

It is worth mentioning that "The Legend of Mortal Immortals", as a highly anticipated Xianxia drama, has a first-class cast and production team. As an important member of it, Xu Haiqiao's performance has naturally attracted much attention. However, it can be seen from the comments of netizens that everyone's expectations for him are not only limited to acting skills, but also hope that he can show his charm and style in the play.

Laughed to death in Xu Haiqiao's comment area: Joe, bring your acting skills, this sky-high wealth is coming!

In this era of information explosion, gossip news in the entertainment industry is endless. However, Xu Haiqiao's comment area has become a relatively clear existence, making people feel a sense of sincerity and warmth in joy and relaxation. Looking forward to his wonderful performance in "The Legend of Mortal Immortals", and also looking forward to him going further and further on the road of acting in the future!

The material comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted!

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