
Zou Yun: After 9 years of sharpening a sword, the gold medal of the host competition is well deserved, and it can become a successor to Junyi

author:Mr. Gao talked about the past and the present

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Zou Yun: After 9 years of sharpening a sword, the gold medal of the host competition is well deserved, and it can become a successor to Junyi

Looking back on the past years, you will find an ordinary and outstanding Beijing girl, Ms. Zou Yun, who has become one of the chief anchors of today's dazzling CCTV International Channel with her unremitting efforts and perseverance, creating a remarkable and legendary life.

Whenever her skilled and calm figure appears on the screen, you only need a light glance to feel the never-say-die and courageous fighting spirit in her determined gaze.

Born into an ordinary family, she developed a strong interest in English from an early age. With her extraordinary talent for language and incomparably tenacious perseverance, she has reached the pinnacle of her life step by step.

Let's review together how this girl went through ups and downs and finally realized her dream on CCTV.

Zou Yun: After 9 years of sharpening a sword, the gold medal of the host competition is well deserved, and it can become a successor to Junyi

In an ordinary middle school in Beijing, there is a girl whose English scores are always at the top and have won the praise of many teachers. Various English speech competitions have become an excellent platform for her to show her talents and hone her eloquence.

When Zou Yun recalled her college days, her eyes were full of pride and pride: "At that time, I made up my mind that I must choose a foreign language major in the college entrance examination. Sure enough, she was successfully admitted to the School of Foreign Chinese of Beijing University of Technology.

During her four-year college career, she was hungry for knowledge and devoted herself to her studies.

During her university years, she actively participated in many English speech competitions such as Beijing 21st Century Lenovo Cup and CCTV Cup, and not only won a number of proud honors, but more importantly, she exercised and improved her eloquence ability, laying a solid foundation for future development.

Zou Yun: After 9 years of sharpening a sword, the gold medal of the host competition is well deserved, and it can become a successor to Junyi

In 2008, she won the first prize in the national finals of the 21st Century Lenovo Cup Speech Contest in Beijing. The following year, she won the special prize in the semi-final of the Beijing CCTV Cup Speech Contest.

With each setback, she was able to reflect on each setback and put on a better performance in the next race. In this way, a foreign language genius is silently accumulating strength, waiting for the moment of blooming.

After graduating from university, Zou Yun successfully obtained the entry qualification of a journalist with her excellent eloquence and fluent English, and thus began her magnificent journalism career. As a reporter who is active in the front line of news, she often wades through mountains and rivers to the scene of various emergencies to present the most authentic first-hand information to the audience in the shortest possible time.

Every time she recalls that passionate and arduous career as a journalist, Zou Yun always can't suppress the pride and pride in her heart. Two of her most talked-about and honorable interviews were in the devastated U.S. devastated by Hurricane Sandy and just two hours after the Denver shooting.

Zou Yun: After 9 years of sharpening a sword, the gold medal of the host competition is well deserved, and it can become a successor to Junyi

At that time, the situation was extremely urgent, but she did not hesitate to devote herself to the front line on the scene, hoping to convey the latest battle situation to the national audience as quickly as possible, those shocking scenes, and those helpless eyes, which are still deeply imprinted in her mind and make her fearful.

The second interview was equally memorable, arriving just two hours after the Denver shooting, and vividly portraying the thrilling scene to the audience.

The scene was chaotic with gunshots and shouts, but she was not intimidated by the sight in front of her, but devoted herself to the reporting work with all her might, and it was with this indomitable spirit and firm determination that she was able to make a name for herself in the news industry and lay a solid foundation for becoming an excellent presenter in the future.

In addition to the dangers she faced, she often conducted online interviews with famous CCTV anchors such as Kang Hui and Sa Beining, and quickly conveyed the latest developments abroad to the majority of domestic audiences.

Zou Yun: After 9 years of sharpening a sword, the gold medal of the host competition is well deserved, and it can become a successor to Junyi

In just a few years, she has gone through the ups and downs in the field of international journalism, accumulating a wealth of front-line experience and unique insights, and it is no exaggeration to say that she is definitely an outstanding international journalist.

In 2019, the annual China Central Radio and Television Host Contest came as scheduled. This is undoubtedly a new challenge for Zou Yun, who will have the opportunity to compete against many elite players and showcase the outstanding talent she has honed over the years.

In the first round of the competition, although Cui Zhigang set a New Year's title "Year after Year" for her, Zou Yun performed with ease and won unanimous praise from the judges with her eloquent on-the-spot performance.

Kang Hui and Dong Qing both spoke highly of her, they thought that she was able to skillfully integrate traditional customs with social changes, and sublimate the theme to the magnificent picture of New China constantly realizing her dreams, which is really profound, however, the former also reminded her that she still needs to be further improved in terms of emotional expression, Zou Yun humbly accepted the suggestion, and actively practiced it in the next competition.

Zou Yun: After 9 years of sharpening a sword, the gold medal of the host competition is well deserved, and it can become a successor to Junyi

Successfully advanced to the semi-finals stage, Zou Yun presented us with a shocking audio-visual feast with a perfect combination of vision and hearing! This keynote presentation focuses on the arduous process of hybrid rice promotion in Africa.

In a concise and vivid language, she successfully outlined the dilemmas and challenges faced by the African expert group on the ground.

At the beginning of the speech, there was silence as she grimaced the hardships of the experts to adapt to Africa's unique natural environment and the misunderstandings of the local population.

One of the most touching parts is undoubtedly that she invited Academician Yuan Longping, known as the "father of hybrid rice", to come to the scene in person and started a wonderful dialogue with him in simple terms.

Zou Yun: After 9 years of sharpening a sword, the gold medal of the host competition is well deserved, and it can become a successor to Junyi

When Zou Yun humbly half-knelt beside Yuan Lao and asked him in fluent English why he chose to go to Africa, Yuan Lao replied in the same fluent English: "Seeking the well-being of people around the world is one of our lifelong pursuits".

This unexpectedly careful planning, coupled with Zou Yun's rich emotional expression and excellent performance ability, made every judge present can't help but be amazed.

In the end, Zhu Xun did not hesitate to give the highest score in history of 99 points, which is undoubtedly the highest praise for Zou Yun's extraordinary performance.

In the following finals, Zou Yun once again showed her skills in the debate arena, defeated her opponent in an orderly manner with her profound and extensive knowledge reserves, and finally overcame all the obstacles all the way to win the gold medal in the news track, which became the focus of attention of the audience.

Zou Yun: After 9 years of sharpening a sword, the gold medal of the host competition is well deserved, and it can become a successor to Junyi

After winning the host competition, Zou Yun is expected to officially join CCTV, which is undoubtedly the best reward for her years of hard work, and it is also the greatest recognition and affirmation of her strength.


We are very pleased that since January 2021, Zou Yun has been honored to be the host of CCTV News Channel's famous international current affairs program "Global Vision", and has worked hand in hand with the experienced chief anchor Shui Junyi to review and professionally analyze the most influential international events in 2020.

In an instant, her name was as bright as a star, shining on major media platforms and layouts, attracting countless attention.

Zou Yun: After 9 years of sharpening a sword, the gold medal of the host competition is well deserved, and it can become a successor to Junyi

For Zou Yun, this is undoubtedly an unprecedented challenge. As a leading figure in the field of international news reporting, Mr. Shui Junyi has devoted himself to overseas journalism since 1991, and has been the host of Global Sight for a long time since 2009.

However, in the face of this highly respected senior, Zou Yun, a young talent who is only 30 years old, has no fear, still maintains a calm and calm attitude, and successfully completed the first live broadcast with clear thinking and fluent expression, fully demonstrating her strong self-confidence and outstanding talent, which makes people amazed.

Some critics praised her as "a little cinnabar dripping into the ink painting", which injected new vitality into the hosting team of CCTV International Channel. Zou Yun's personal rise is a vivid embodiment of CCTV's fine tradition of devoting itself to cultivating new forces - Sa Beining leads Wang Jianing, while Shui Junyi, an old-timer, personally teaches skills and leads newcomers like Zou Yun to grow, pass on the torch and learn from each other.

Under the careful teaching of Mr. Shui Junyi and her own unremitting efforts, Zou Yun has hosted more and more programs, and "24 Hours" has also been included in her field of vision. She once said firmly: "No matter how much effort I put in, I look forward to having the corresponding confidence."

Zou Yun: After 9 years of sharpening a sword, the gold medal of the host competition is well deserved, and it can become a successor to Junyi

She practices this life creed with practical actions, and will undoubtedly move forward steadily on the road in the future, and is expected to succeed Mr. Shui Junyi and become a new generation of hosting superstars on CCTV International Channel.

Over the years, Zou Yun has always cherished the lofty ideal of "having a place in the international context".

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