
India's historical trap, foreign peoples can't guarantee their own strength! Is India strong or not?

author:Sister Yan told interesting stories

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India's Military Mystery: The Interweaving of Ancient Civilizations and Modern Forces

In other words, India, an ancient and mysterious land, is always full of inscrutable military clouds. Why? Because ah, this Indian military force, if you look at it, ouch, good guys, there are aircraft carriers, tanks, missiles, everything, but if you look closely, you feel that it is almost interesting anywhere. So what's going on here? Today, Ah Kun will give you the truth about India's military power.

India's historical trap, foreign peoples can't guarantee their own strength! Is India strong or not?

Let's start with the history of India. As we all know, India was once a place that was conquered by the Aryans, and the Aryans, that is really powerful, and their military power is not built. It stands to reason that the military capabilities of the South Asian civilization established by the Aryans should also be first-class. But why has India been invaded by external forces throughout its history? This is like a top student, who obviously has the genes of a top student, but he always can't get the results of a top student, which is really confusing.

India's historical trap, foreign peoples can't guarantee their own strength! Is India strong or not?

But then again, this India is like a big stage, constantly staging the drama of cyclic conquest by external forces. The Mongols came, the British came again, and all these foreign forces left their mark on the land of India. This India is like a tumbler, although it has been pushed down again and again, but it can always stand up tenaciously. This kind of resilience is really admirable.

India's historical trap, foreign peoples can't guarantee their own strength! Is India strong or not?

However, there is also a problem in India, and that is the lack of social revolution. As we all know, social revolution is an important driving force for the development of a country. But what about India? There doesn't seem to have been much revolution in history. This may be because the social structure of India is too complex, the caste system is deeply entrenched, and it is not so easy for the people at the bottom to start a revolution. It's like a big quagmire, and the more you struggle, the deeper you get into it.

India's historical trap, foreign peoples can't guarantee their own strength! Is India strong or not?

The caste system, it's something that people love and hate. On the one hand, it reflects the diversity of Indian society; On the other hand, it restricts social mobility and the overall development of military power. You think, if a soldier comes from a humble background, then even if he is capable, it will be difficult for him to be promoted and reused. In this way, it will be difficult to improve the overall quality of India's military forces.

India's historical trap, foreign peoples can't guarantee their own strength! Is India strong or not?

Of course, India's military power is not useless. It's often criticized, but it's not right to say it's vulnerable. This Indian is quite capable of fighting sometimes. For example, in several conflicts with Pakistan, India has shown good combat effectiveness. However, the actual combat capability of this Indian military force is really elusive. Sometimes you think it's strong, but sometimes you think it's pitifully weak. It's like a mysterious box where you never know what's inside.

India's historical trap, foreign peoples can't guarantee their own strength! Is India strong or not?

Relations between India and Pakistan. These two countries are like two bear children in the neighbor's house, who often fight but don't really treat each other well. As for India, as a military power in South Asia, it naturally has a lot of pressure on Pakistan. But what about Pakistan? It's not vegetarian either, and it can always give India a surprise counterattack at a critical moment. In this way, a delicate balance has been created between the two countries.

India's historical trap, foreign peoples can't guarantee their own strength! Is India strong or not?

What about India's position in the world? Let's talk about India, which is a very important role in international relations. Its potential enemies and strategic location give it some influence in international affairs. But this India has to be careful, after all, there are no eternal enemies and no eternal friends in this world.

India's historical trap, foreign peoples can't guarantee their own strength! Is India strong or not?

Let's talk about this key location in the Indian Ocean. This India is like a giant ship in the Indian Ocean, holding the key passage of this sea. This is very important for international trade and strategic transport. So, India's position in the Indian Ocean is irreplaceable.

India's historical trap, foreign peoples can't guarantee their own strength! Is India strong or not?

Having said all this, is India's military strength strong or weak? Ah Kun thinks, it really depends on personal opinions. However, one thing is certain, and that is that India's military power does have its own unique complexity and diversity.

India's historical trap, foreign peoples can't guarantee their own strength! Is India strong or not?

It has both the heritage of ancient civilization and the support of modern power; It has both strong external pressure and a unique strategic location. So, India's military power is like a mystery waiting for us to uncover its truth.

India's historical trap, foreign peoples can't guarantee their own strength! Is India strong or not?

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