
Speak up for Dong Yuhui: The trip to Hong Kong is worthy of being received by Huo Qigang, and his speech and demeanor are also generous and decent!

author:Tan Weiyang's Aihui District

At the invitation of Hong Kong Cultural Tourism, Dong Yuhui went to Hong Kong on May 9 for a three-day visit. and was received by Huo Qigang. It is precisely because of this meeting that some people have opinions about Dong Yuhui.

Opinion 1: I feel that with Dong Yuhui's rank, he is not worthy of Huo Qigang's reception. The reason is that there is a huge disparity in the status of the two, and Dong Yuhui is not qualified yet.

It is true that Dong Yuhui is just a businessman in the strict sense, and the anchor who brings goods does have a huge disparity in status compared with Huo Qigang, which is undeniable.

But to say that Dong Yuhui is not worthy of Huo Qigang's reception is a bit unsatisfactory. Dong Yuhui's rank is not low, he is not an Internet celebrity, but a cultural communicator, who can be described as a celebrity. There seems to be an unwritten rule in political circles that the ruler can meet with influential celebrities, such as social activists and business leaders. The main consideration is to bring benefits to the local community. With Dong Yuhui's influence, he is fully qualified to have a face-to-face interview with Huo Qigang.

Speak up for Dong Yuhui: The trip to Hong Kong is worthy of being received by Huo Qigang, and his speech and demeanor are also generous and decent!

Moreover, Dong Yuhui went to Hong Kong this time, and according to people familiar with the matter, the person who communicated with Dong Yuhui in Victoria Harbor was a director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, and he said in front of Dong Yuhui and Huo Qigang that they had very good exchanges. This shows that Dong Yuhui's visit to Hong Kong was recognized and invited by both the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office and Hong Kong. Now that he has been recognized and invited, he must be qualified to meet with Huo Qigang and have in-depth exchanges.

Clear-eyed people know that some time ago, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency interviewed Dong Yuhui, CCTV Cultural Tourism posted three videos about Dong Yuhui one after another, and Dong Yuhui interviewed astronauts during his trip to Hainan. These all show that Dong Yuhui has been affirmed at the national level, can it be said that Dong Yuhui has a low rank? Not only is it not low, but it is also very high, because the average person cannot reach this level.

Speak up for Dong Yuhui: The trip to Hong Kong is worthy of being received by Huo Qigang, and his speech and demeanor are also generous and decent!

Dong Yuhui got all this by his own ability, he was originally a low-key person, and his starting point was also out of his own national feelings. Such a young man who serves the country and the people, not to mention the status for the time being, let's just say that he has shown an attitude of worrying about the country and the people in the past two or three years, and some people still talk about things with qualifications and ranks, which is really ridiculous and generous!

Opinion 2: It is said that when Dong Yuhui communicated with Huo Qigang, his expression was a little arrogant, Huo Qigang used Mandarin, but Dong Yuhui used English, which was impolite.

Dong Yuhui has always been like this, he is neither humble nor arrogant, nor flattering. When a person is a man, he treats him as a man. When a man descends to a man, he treats himself as a man. This is a kind of literati style and a kind of reading integrity. Originally, Dong Yuhui was a "scholar", with backbone and assertiveness. His "tsundere" is not pride, but a calm and compositive, an equal attitude, and also represents the image in his bones. He can be funny and humorous, he can laugh at himself, but he can also be rigorous and upright, and he can be down-to-earth and generous. Doesn't everyone appreciate Dong Yuhui like this? If he didn't have his own characteristics, would everyone like and appreciate him like this way?

Speak up for Dong Yuhui: The trip to Hong Kong is worthy of being received by Huo Qigang, and his speech and demeanor are also generous and decent!

Therefore, Dong Yuhui's expression was very appropriate, there was no overkill, no deliberate intention, and a correct attitude towards people made according to the situation at the time.

As for Dong Yuhui did not respond to Huo Qigang in Mandarin, what everyone saw at that time was just a small fragment, Dong Yuhui also used Mandarin before, but when he said goodbye, because it was in Hong Kong, it happened that English was popular in Hong Kong, and it happened that Dong Yuhui graduated from English and said goodbye to Huo Qigang in English, which was very appropriate and very in line with etiquette, which was a kind of respect for Huo Qigang and a respect for the local language and customs.

Whether it is Mandarin or English, Dong Yuhui is fully capable of switching at will, presumably Huo Qigang will not mind this, because he is in Hong Kong, and he often speaks English. Besides, this is just a small section, according to what Dong Yuhui said, "The general is in a hurry, not chasing the hare", if someone uses this trivial matter to say that Dong Yuhui is not, it is really too pediatric, this is not a matter at all, and this kind of cognition cannot be elegant.

Speak up for Dong Yuhui: The trip to Hong Kong is worthy of being received by Huo Qigang, and his speech and demeanor are also generous and decent!

People who like Dong Yuhui naturally like Dong Yuhui's personality and knowledge. People who don't like Dong Yuhui either touch his interests, or their three views are not correct, if they are right, they will not find faults, let alone use this to smear Dong Yuhui.

Of course, Dong Yuhui is not perfect, but he tries his best to be a perfect person. Perfection here is perfection, but it is difficult for one person to call a hundred hearts. There are people who can't get used to Dong Yuhui, which is also normal, because there is no guarantee that everyone likes Dong Yuhui. Just like the food made by a five-star chef, although it is full of color and flavor, there will always be one or two people who say that it is not delicious, because these two people have unique tastes and are different from the public. It is enough for Dong Yuhui to be liked by most people, and those who smear him can dislike him, but if he has a little conscience, he should not slander him. Because what is slandered is a beautiful feeling and a kind personality.

In response to this problem, let's take a look at what netizens in the comment area say, and the words of netizens are universal.

"Douyin's all-e-commerce company's performance ranks first every month, what is the concept, as long as any industry does the ultimate, it can be respected!"

Speak up for Dong Yuhui: The trip to Hong Kong is worthy of being received by Huo Qigang, and his speech and demeanor are also generous and decent!

"Dong Yuhui deserves to see everyone, in the past two years, what he has done is a lot, and his merits are immeasurable!"

"The gap between the two of them is not for Yuhui to choose, Yuhui's ability and personality can be seen by anyone!"

"A poor family, a wealthy family, two young models and national sons-in-law can be in the same frame, which shows that reading is useful! Struggle works! Let's do it together! ”

Some people also said, "Dong Yuhui's family background is not as good as Huo Qigang, but Dong Yuhui's personal ability and talent are not worse than Huo Qigang." ”

Dong Yuhui once said: When you make solid efforts for the future, those people you think you can't see, and the scenery you can't meet, will eventually appear in your life.

Facts have proved that Dong Yuhui did it!

Speak up for Dong Yuhui: The trip to Hong Kong is worthy of being received by Huo Qigang, and his speech and demeanor are also generous and decent!

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