
The 14,000-kilometer China Southern Airlines did a great thing, and China's longest direct flight made its debut, reaching the country of Maya

author:Cloth Theory
The 14,000-kilometer China Southern Airlines did a great thing, and China's longest direct flight made its debut, reaching the country of Maya

Our Chinese plane soared into the sky and swooped to Mexico in 16 hours! On the evening of May 11, China Southern Airlines did a big thing, flying from our lively Shenzhen to distant Mexico City, which was a long journey of more than 14,000 kilometers across most of the world! This flight is not simple, it is the new pride of China's civil aviation industry, from the eastern hemisphere to the western hemisphere.

The 14,000-kilometer China Southern Airlines did a great thing, and China's longest direct flight made its debut, reaching the country of Maya

Mexicans welcome us with water guns, enough pomp! Mexico City Airport was quite enthusiastic, and directly gave our plane a "Watergate gift", which was as festive as firecrackers during the holidays. The plane glided through the water curtain, and at that moment, our Chinese airliner also became a star in a foreign country and made a shining debut!

The 14,000-kilometer China Southern Airlines did a great thing, and China's longest direct flight made its debut, reaching the country of Maya
The 14,000-kilometer China Southern Airlines did a great thing, and China's longest direct flight made its debut, reaching the country of Maya

From pancakes to tacos, this flight is connected to the hearts of the two people! Seriously, the opening of this route is not just as simple as taking a few hours to fly. In the future, if we want to try authentic tacos, see the ancient Mayan city, or Mexican friends want to come to China to eat pancakes, it will be a matter of minutes. There is more trade, and there are also cultural exchanges, which is simply a red rope in the air between the two peoples holding hands and connecting hearts!

The 14,000-kilometer China Southern Airlines did a great thing, and China's longest direct flight made its debut, reaching the country of Maya

Netizens were lively: "This flight is simply a time and space tunnel connecting the ancient Silk Road and the cloud road!" "In the future, you can go directly out of the country and walk to the end of the world!"

This flight has flown out of a new world and a new height of China-Mexico friendship. The direct flight from Shenzhen to Mexico City not only makes the global village smaller, but also brings the hearts of our people closer.

The 14,000-kilometer China Southern Airlines did a great thing, and China's longest direct flight made its debut, reaching the country of Maya

Come, what changes do you think the opening of this line can bring to our lives? Are you planning to go for a walk in Mexico City or to host friends from afar? Hurry up and chat in the comment area, let's look forward to this trip together!

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