
The uncle doesn't smoke or drink, so he loves to pick up wine bottles and plant flowers, and he will become an heirloom

author:The phoenix leaps up


A Shanghai grandfather has become popular online for his creative work of homemade flower pots, using discarded wine bottles and plates to create a variety of unique flower pots, which are not only beautiful and generous, but also very environmentally friendly. In today's society, with the improvement of people's living standards, the requirements for home life are getting higher and higher, and many people like to put some green plants at home to decorate the environment and add vitality and vitality to the home. A beautiful flower pot can not only enhance the ornamental effect of green plants, but also add a bit of life interest to the entire home space. However, the prices of flower pots on the market today are uneven, and some are even very expensive, which discourages many people. In the face of such a situation, perhaps we can learn from this "Uncle Huang" in Shanghai and use some discarded items to make flower pots, which can not only save the cost of buying flower pots, but also give full play to creativity in the DIY process to create unique flower pot works.

The uncle doesn't smoke or drink, so he loves to pick up wine bottles and plant flowers, and he will become an heirloom

1. Shanghai Uncle Huang's creative flower pot

The uncle doesn't smoke or drink, so he loves to pick up wine bottles and plant flowers, and he will become an heirloom

A Shanghai-based "Uncle Huang" has become popular online with his creative handicrafts, using discarded wine bottles and plates to create unique flower pots that are not only beautiful and elegant, but also environmentally friendly. It is reported that this "Uncle Huang" is a retired worker, his hobby is planting flowers and plants, and he likes to use some waste items to make flower pots in his spare time, so as to "build" a warm home for his flowers and plants. Recently, a group of flower pot works he made was discovered by a neighbor and uploaded to the Internet, but unexpectedly it attracted the attention and forwarding of many netizens, who praised him.

Some of the pots in this group are made from discarded wine bottles, and some are made from discarded plates and bowls. The process of making it is also very ingenious, such as using a beautiful wine bottle to make a flower pot, you only need to clean the wine bottle, drill a hole from the bottom as a ventilation hole, and then put in the right amount of soil and favorite plants, and a unique flower pot is completed. Some wine bottles are "smashed" open the side wall and made into a horizontal vase, which can not only directly insert some hydroponic plants, but also increase the layering of potted plants, making the whole space more three-dimensional and beautiful.

In addition to vases and pots, he also made some water and drought bonsai from discarded plates and bowls, cleverly combining succulents and bonsai to create a small and delicate beauty that makes people feel like they are in nature. Around these pots, he also placed some homemade knick-knacks, such as small baskets woven from bamboo chips, and small animals made of shells and stones, adding a bit of life to the whole arrangement.

Through this group of works, many netizens were impressed by his creativity and handicraft skills, and left messages praising him as a "real life artist", good at discovering the beauty in life, and creating with his heart, so that the waste glows with new vitality. Some netizens even said that they wanted to learn from him, use some of the waste items around them to DIY, and "tailor" some unique flower pots for the green plants at home.

The uncle doesn't smoke or drink, so he loves to pick up wine bottles and plant flowers, and he will become an heirloom

Second, the fun of DIY flower pots

Compared with ordinary flower pots on the market, DIY flower pots undoubtedly have a unique charm, which can not only be designed completely according to their own preferences, but also give full play to their imagination in the process of production, and turn some waste items into treasures to make unexpected works. The process of making DIY flower pots is full of fun, first of all, you need to "transform" the materials, such as smashing, cutting, sticking, etc., and then carry out the matching and maintenance of plants, the whole process requires patience and care, which can make people fully immersed, forget their worries, and gain a full sense of achievement.

In addition, DIY flower pots can also become a family handicraft activity, whether it is made with the family or invited friends to participate, in a happy atmosphere, enhance each other's feelings, cultivate everyone's love for plants and protection awareness. Especially for some children, they can learn about the growth process of plants through DIY flower pots, cultivate a sense of awe for nature, and at the same time, they can also imperceptibly cultivate their hands-on ability and creativity in the process of hands-on, which is a fun and beneficial growth journey.

Under the current concept of advocating "green life", the use of waste products to make flower pots is also in line with such a theme, which can make more people realize that the so-called "waste" is not a "useless thing" in the real sense, as long as we are willing to find and use it with our hearts, we can make our own contribution to the cause of environmental protection, so that recyclable items can be reused, and reduce the waste of resources.

The uncle doesn't smoke or drink, so he loves to pick up wine bottles and plant flowers, and he will become an heirloom


In life, there are always some "small and beautiful" existences, they may not be eye-catching, but they can bring infinite surprises and touches, just like the "Uncle Huang" in Shanghai, using some ordinary waste items to create a unique "garden" of their own, so that life is full of warmth and beauty. Perhaps, around us, there are also many such "Uncle Huang", who interpret the "art of life" with practical actions, feel the beauty of life with their hearts, and know how to create and share, so that life becomes more colorful. I hope that we can all draw some "aesthetic" power from them, learn to use a grateful heart, to discover the beauty around us, to create our own and others' "life artworks".

In the future life, perhaps we can also try to use some discarded items for DIY, "tailor-made" some unique flower pots for the green plants at home, so that art and aesthetics can be integrated into the bits and pieces of life, and we can pursue "green life" together and create a better home together.

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