
10 daily necessities sold by supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s: you are good at seeing half of them

author:Uncle Nine talks about history

10 daily necessities sold by supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s: you are amazing if you have seen half of them:

In the long years, the 80s are undoubtedly an era full of memories and stories. It was an era when materials were relatively scarce, but people were full of energy and hope. Supply and marketing cooperatives, as an important commercial institution of that era, carry the memories and emotions of countless people. Today, let's review the 10 daily necessities sold by the supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s, and see if you still remember them and whether they can still evoke the deep emotion in your heart.

1. Friendship brand shampoo powder

In the 80s, shampoo products weren't as varied and functionally diverse as they are now. At that time, people mostly used shampoo powder for shampooing, and Friendship brand shampoo powder was undoubtedly one of the best. With its unique aroma and refreshing feeling after washing, it has won the love of the majority of consumers. Every time I use it, I feel as if I can smell the freshness and beauty of that era.

10 daily necessities sold by supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s: you are good at seeing half of them

Second, the four major laundry detergent brands

In the 80s, laundry detergent was an essential cleaning product in people's daily life. At that time, the four major brands of laundry detergent, Panda, Vitality 28, Baihua, and Taihang, occupied a dominant position in the market. They have won the favor of consumers with their excellent cleaning results and affordable prices. In those days, laundry was not only a chore, but also a joy of life.

3. Golden chicken tooth powder

In the 80s, people did not use various brands and types of toothpaste in modern society when brushing their teeth, but Kinji tooth powder. With its unique taste and cleaning effect, it became the first choice for people to clean their mouths at that time. Every time you use Golden Rooster Tooth Powder, you feel a kind of coolness and comfort.

Fourth, double happiness candy

For the children of that era, Double Happiness Candy was undoubtedly a good object. With its sweet taste and affordable price, it has won the love of children. At that time, you could buy 10 double happiness candy for a dime, which was undoubtedly a huge temptation for children. Whenever there is a Chinese New Year or a guest at home, the children always get a few pieces of double happiness candy as a reward.

10 daily necessities sold by supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s: you are good at seeing half of them

5. Old-fashioned soap

In the 80s, people mostly used old-fashioned soaps when bathing. Although this soap has a simple appearance and plain packaging, it cleans very well. People use it to wash their hands, faces, baths, and even laundry. At that time, old-fashioned soap was one of the essential cleaning products in people's daily life.

6. Hair oil (hair oil)

Hair oil, also known as hair oil, was a common hair care product used by people in the 80s. With its unique texture and aroma, it helps people create jet-black and shiny hair. At that time, people were very particular about the use of hair oil, and each time they used it, they would follow certain steps and techniques to apply and comb it. Although it is difficult to see the figure of the head oil anymore, it has left a deep impression on the hearts of the people of that era.

7. Aluminum lunch box

In the 80s, aluminum lunch boxes were one of the commonly used tableware. It has won people's love for its lightweight, durable, and easy-to-clean characteristics. People use it to fill meals, bring bento, picnics, etc. At that time, aluminum lunch boxes were not only one of the important items in people's daily life, but also a fashion symbol of that era.

8. Old-fashioned push scissors

Old-fashioned push shears are one of the most commonly used barber tools in 80-year-old barbers. With its unique shape and practical functions, it became the right-hand man of the barbers of the time. People use it to trim their hair, create hairstyles, etc. Although it is difficult to see the figure of the old-fashioned push scissors anymore, it has left a deep impression on the hearts of the people of that era.

10 daily necessities sold by supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s: you are good at seeing half of them

9. Enamel cups

Enamel cups are one of the commonly used drinking utensils in the 80s. It has won people's love for its sturdy and durable and good thermal insulation performance. People use it to drink tea, water, milk, etc. At that time, the enamel cup was not only one of the important items in people's daily life, but also a cultural symbol of that era.

10. Hishiba

Matches were one of the must-have commodities in the 80s. With its convenient, fast and easy-to-carry characteristics, it became one of the important tools for people to make fires for heating and cooking food at that time. Whenever night falls or when a fire needs to be lit, people will always take out a match and light the flame with a light stroke. Although it is difficult to see matches anymore, it has left a deep impression on the hearts of the people of that era.

Although these 10 daily necessities have now been gradually eliminated or replaced, they carry the memories and emotions of people in the 80s. Whenever these items are mentioned, people always think of the bits and pieces of that era and those good memories. I hope this article can evoke the deep touching and memories in your heart, let us cherish those years and times that have passed!

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