
In 95, my mother was hospitalized due to a fall, and I helped take care of my aunt in the same ward, but I didn't expect to fall into my aunt's trap


Narrator: Julie

Source: Contributed by netizens

Tell me something that happened to me, and if you don't believe it, listen to it as a story.

I was born in 70 years and my hometown is on the banks of the Ganghe River, where the land is barren and the living conditions are difficult.

I have three older brothers, one sister, and I am the fifth child in my family.

The eldest brother is 17 years older than me, the second brother is 14 years older than me, the third brother is 11 years older than me, and the fourth sister is 9 years older than me, so I was very favored when I was a child.

My parents didn't know a lot of words, and their peers in that era went to work in the production team when they were very young, but my parents sent my brothers and sisters to study, and the family earned a share of the work for both of them, and we all owed the production team at the end of each year.

When my brothers and sisters were studying, they didn't participate in voluntary labor as much in class, they carried a dung basket to pick up dog poop every morning, dug up half a summer when they lost their schoolbags after school, and cut wolfberry roots to hand over to school, so their studies were not good.

My eldest brother joined the army before finishing junior high school, and when I was studying, he joined the army and was assigned to work in a coal mine.

After graduating from junior high school, the second brother entered the commune veterinary station, and the third brother was more able to endure hardships, so he pulled a cart to the mountains to pull stones, and the family's life slowly improved.

When my eldest sister was very young, she stood on the stool to help my mother cook, and she had to take me to school, and when she was in class, I sat quietly on the stool next to me, not crying or making trouble.

In 95, my mother was hospitalized due to a fall, and I helped take care of my aunt in the same ward, but I didn't expect to fall into my aunt's trap

I grew up relatively weak, the people in the village said that I was not the material for the crops, and my parents were reluctant to let me work, and my peers carried straw baskets to the field every day to mow the grass, and I was at home to watch the ants move and watch the birds nest.

I studied a partial subject, and my math grades were not good, and I couldn't keep up with physics and chemistry in junior high school, so I dropped out of school after graduating from junior high school.

When I graduated, I was 16 years old, I didn't have the strength to work in the field, I couldn't do needlework, my only hobby was knitting sweaters, I bought a book on knitting sweaters, and I held the book every day to figure it out by myself, so I spent a few years at home.

In the early 90s, I was already 20 years old, and as the saying goes, a man should marry a woman, but people like me who don't eat and thin dogs don't catch rabbits really give parents a headache.

I married to a farmer in the countryside, I couldn't grow crops, I married a city person, the distance between workers and farmers was very large in those days, and those with better conditions would not look for a rural daughter-in-law, and those who were willing to find a rural daughter-in-law would not be able to get on the stage, so I was dragged for a few years.

My cousin worked in Shanghai, and when she came back for the Spring Festival in '92, she wore a fashionable tweed trench coat, black leggings, dark brown high heels, and a hot head, which blinded the eyes of the little sisters around her.

Under the persuasion of my cousin, I clamored to go to Shanghai to work.

My parents couldn't resist me, so they agreed, so my cousin and I got on the green train.

After arriving in Shanghai, I entered the computer embroidery factory where my cousin worked, the boss is from Taiwan, the work is very easy, and the factory is spacious and bright, the environment is clean and tidy, there is a unified factory uniform when I go to work, white shirt with blue stripes, navy blue step skirt, white with blue bandana, but beautiful, I like this job very much.

I swore in my heart that I could be here for the rest of my life.

The only bad thing is that the factory does not provide accommodation, and I rented a private house with three other little girls for more than a year.

One of the little girls who shared a house was from She County, Anhui Province, and in the second year of our shared house, she had an older brother who also came to Shanghai to work.

After a long time, I realized that he was not a drunkard, he always deliberately approached me, flattered me and courteously, to be honest, I didn't like him, because he was not tall, not the type I liked.

One night that summer, he invited the four of us out to dinner, and I didn't think much about it.

When we arrived at a small restaurant, he took us straight up to the second floor, where the rooms were separated, so we picked a small room and sat down.

Halfway through the meal, the two girls went out without a word, leaving only me and her brother and sister.

In 95, my mother was hospitalized due to a fall, and I helped take care of my aunt in the same ward, but I didn't expect to fall into my aunt's trap

But after more than ten minutes, the two girls did not come back, and the boy's sister said to herself, "These two people are so strange, why are they not having dinner, I will go out and see." So she walked out too.

The room was just me and the boy, and it was awkward to be together with a man and a woman in a confined space, so I hurriedly got up and wanted to go out with her.

But the boy reached out and closed the door, and I was a little scared, but embarrassed to rush out, after all, he had not behaved out of line before.

So I sat down, my head down, my heart beating, a little embarrassed, a little scared.

At this time, the boy pulled out the stool and sat down beside me, he put his arm around my neck and said, "Xiaoli, since I first met you, I have liked you, be my girlfriend, I will definitely be good to you."

This sudden move frightened me, and I tried to shake him off, but he wrapped my neck so tightly that I couldn't shake it off.

It occurred to me that they had planned it in advance, and made up a cover for me to get into.

I was so frightened that I tried to run and open the door, but I couldn't break free.

As the seconds passed, I buried my head between my legs and grabbed his hand with both hands to prevent him from touching me, and I cried in fright.

Hearing the cry, he hurriedly let go of his hand, and stood there helpless, and I took the opportunity to rush out. I didn't dare to go back to the rental house, so I stumbled to my cousin's house.

My cousin lives with her boyfriend, and when I saw my cousin, I lay on her shoulder and cried loudly, knowing the ins and outs of the matter, my cousin was going to find someone to help me get angry, I was afraid that things would make a big fuss, so I said forget it, and he didn't dare to do anything anyway.

My cousin's room was small, I lay on the floor all night, I didn't close my eyes at all, I was afraid that the boy would harass me again, I told my cousin that I was quitting my job and going home.

In fact, after thinking about it, maybe the boy wants to confess to me, but the way is wrong, if he wants to do something to me? With my strength as a girl, I don't even have a chance to resist.

But I was still scared, so I packed up my things and went home the next day.

When I told my mother about these things, my mother was terrified, she hugged me and cried and said: "People outside are sinister, let's not go out, let's find a mother-in-law's house at home!"

My mother was very anxious, I was already 24 years old that year, and many girls of this age in the countryside were already mothers.

Not long after I came back, one day my mother picked up a lot of dung to water vegetables in the vegetable garden, and suddenly fell while climbing, this fall was very serious, the lower leg was directly fractured, the bone pierced the flesh, and a section was exposed.

In 95, my mother was hospitalized due to a fall, and I helped take care of my aunt in the same ward, but I didn't expect to fall into my aunt's trap

Dad hurriedly found a board car, picked up his mother in the car, and ran to the town health center, at this time the neighbor reminded him: This injury is very serious, the bones are out, the township hospital may not be able to treat, you should go to the county seat!

Dad quickly borrowed a tractor and took my mother to the county hospital, and I sat in the car and hugged my mother, who was sweating profusely.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor immediately operated on my mother and put a plaster cast on her, because the injury was serious, the doctor said that she would stay in the hospital for half a month.

There were three beds in the ward, and when we went in, there was an aunt who looked like a city person, and she was pretty good-looking, and she looked very kind.

As soon as we entered, she greeted her mother, who was sore and didn't want to talk to her.

My mother lay motionless on the bed, and I relied on me to take care of me, but I never did any work since I was a child, and I was really not good at taking care of the sick (hang).

My aunt is very nice, she reminds me from time to time what to do, she also takes bananas to my mother to eat, she said: girl, after the operation, the patient can not exercise, easy to constipation, let my mother eat more bananas.

At noon, I went downstairs to make two meals, but my mother couldn't stand the pain and didn't eat a bite.

But I saw that it was 12 o'clock, and no one from the aunt's house on the opposite bed came, and no one bought her food, so I said to my aunt: Auntie has an extra meal here, if you don't dislike it, eat it!

Auntie waved her hand and said with a smile: Thank you, I'll come over to deliver the meal later!

After waiting for a long time, a young man came in with a thermos bucket and pushed the door open, he was tall and bespectacled, and he looked like a gentleman, I guessed it must be my aunt's son.

When the man came in, he said with an apologetic face: There is something at school today, I am late, Mom, you must be hungry, right?

Auntie smiled and said: I lie still all day, and I am not hungry, you are busy with yours, it doesn't matter if you are early or late.

The man handed the meal to the aunt, who ate it, and the two chatted while eating.

After eating a good meal, the man poured another glass of water and handed it to the aunt, and said softly: Mom, drink some water!

The aunt took the water and put it down, she said: I don't drink it, I urinate a lot when I drink water, and it is difficult for one person to relieve it.

The man said guiltily: Mom, you see that Xiao Ran and I are very busy, the school task is so urgent, we are embarrassed to ask for leave, why don't you let my aunt come over tomorrow to take care of you for a few days?

Auntie said: If you don't bother, don't trouble them, your aunt's children are so young, the hospital is full of patients, and the children are delicate, so it's best not to come to the hospital.

In 95, my mother was hospitalized due to a fall, and I helped take care of my aunt in the same ward, but I didn't expect to fall into my aunt's trap

At this time, my mother answered and said: Big sister, drink some if you are thirsty! My girl is here, and if you want to relieve yourself, call her for help.

Auntie waved her hand and said with a smile: Forget it! Young people love cleanliness.

I smiled and said, "Auntie, it's okay!" I can help you.

So the aunt reached out and took the water cup, sighed and said, "Hey! You can't get sick with anything! This dead body and living mouth, the mouth is dry to death, and he doesn't dare to drink saliva, girl, then it's hard for you!

Men have also repeatedly thanked me!

That afternoon, my aunt urinated twice, and I helped her get out of bed, served her a bedpan, and then dumped the bedpan for her when she was done.

My aunt was very grateful to me and kept saying thank you.

My aunt asked me how old I was and if I had any in-laws, and my mother answered: "Not yet?" This girl is not high or low, and the marriage events have made me sad to death, big sister, do you think there is a suitable one? Introduce us to one.

The aunt smiled and said: This girl is beautiful, sensible, and will definitely marry into a good family in the future.

Through chatting, I learned that my aunt lives in the county seat, and he has two sons, the eldest son is called Jianguo, who is a teacher, and he just got married last year, and the younger son is called Jianjun to serve in the army, and he will come back to visit relatives in the next few days.

The young people of that era admired the military the most, as soon as I heard that her son was a soldier, I immediately became enthusiastic, the aunt's son gave up the small family to take care of everyone, can not be filial piety in front of the bed, aunt encountered difficulties, we should all help her.

At noon the next day, Jianguo came over, had a good meal, and the aunt said embarrassedly: Jianguo, you can help me go to the bathroom! I haven't pooped in three days.

Jianguo is a little hesitant! It's really inappropriate for a big man to go to the women's bathroom.

So I walked over, gently grabbed Auntie's arm, and said with a smile: Auntie, let's come! He's inconvenient for a big man.

Auntie said: I'm embarrassed to keep calling you for help these days.

I said, "What's that?" Aunt? Your son is defending the family and the country and contributing to society, and from now on these things will be handed over to me, anyway, I have nothing else to do, and I am idle.

I couldn't help but help my aunt up, let her put her arm on my shoulder, step by step to get her to the bathroom, auntie's legs can't bend, I was next to her to help her, auntie said: It's hard for you, you are really a good girl.

Afterwards, I helped my aunt back to the room, and Jianguo helped to put my aunt on the bed and lay it down, and I was sweating.

In 95, my mother was hospitalized due to a fall, and I helped take care of my aunt in the same ward, but I didn't expect to fall into my aunt's trap

Jianguo also expressed his gratitude to me, I said: Mr. Zhang, you can be responsible for delivering meals three times a day, and I will do other things.

When Jianguo came to deliver food in the evening, he brought two large bags of fruit, and he gave my aunt a small portion and gave me a large portion, saying that he was grateful for his help in the past few days.

Our two families get along very well, and every day my mother and aunt chat, and the time passes quickly.

I like to read books, so I go to the library to rent books and read them when I have nothing to do.

I was reading a book that day, and suddenly a man in a military uniform pushed the door and walked in, and without introduction, I guessed that it was my aunt's youngest son, Jianjun, who came.

He walked to his aunt's side, grabbed his aunt's hand, and said distressedly: Mom, why are you so careless? My brother and I can't do our filial piety before bed, you must pay attention and take care of yourself.

The aunt took Jianjun's hand and looked left and right, touched his face, and said distressedly: Son, are you not eating well, why are you black and thin.

Jianjun hurriedly stood up, showed his biceps and said, Mom, look at me if I am much stronger than when I was at home, you are right to send me to be a soldier.

Jianjun sat on the edge of the bed and chatted with his aunt, and the aunt remembered to introduce the two of us to each other.

Auntie said: Thanks to Xiaoli's help these days, she takes care of me when I eat, drink and Lazar, and your eldest brother is only responsible for delivering three meals a day.

As soon as Auntie's words fell, Jianjun hurriedly got up and gave me a military salute, which caused us to laugh.

After the ceremony, Jianjun peeled another banana, handed it to his mother, and said: Auntie, thank you for giving birth to such a good daughter, who is beautiful and warm-hearted.

I lowered my head in embarrassment, and a ripple rippled in my heart.

I have a special affection for soldiers, which stems from a text I learned in a junior high school textbook "Who is the cutest person", at that time I was excited, there was an urge to join the army to serve the country, but the countryside does not recruit female soldiers, I will never have this opportunity in this life, so I vowed that I must marry a soldier in the future and serve the country in a different way.

Jianjun meets my requirements for my other half in all aspects, but I know that the disparity between the identities of our two families is too great, and I dare not have the idea of separation.

After Jianjun came back, I accompanied my aunt in the ward every day, we slowly got acquainted, I was very curious about the life of the army, and often inquired about some things in the army, and Jianjun also took the trouble to tell me, and occasionally we went to the library to read books together.

The two of us always have endless topics to talk about, I like to listen to what he says, he is interested in what I say, and my aunt and mother are like long-lost old sisters.

In 95, my mother was hospitalized due to a fall, and I helped take care of my aunt in the same ward, but I didn't expect to fall into my aunt's trap

When my mother was discharged from the hospital, I found that I had fallen in love with Jianjun and was reluctant to leave.

On the first night of discharge, Jianjun asked me to go out, and there was a moat next to the hospital, and the two of us walked around the moat.

The wind that night was very cool, blowing on the face, there was a faint fragrance of flowers, the two of us walked side by side, no one spoke, through these few days of communication, I knew that Jianjun also liked me, I expected him to have something to say to me.

We kept walking, and suddenly, inadvertently, our hands touched together, Jianjun grabbed my hand and said: Xiaoli, there is a sentence that is a bit abrupt to say, but if you don't say it, you are afraid of leaving regrets, can I tell you what is in my heart?

I lowered my head and smiled without answering, and I heard my own heartbeat, and I must have heard it too.

After sorting out his emotions, Jianjun said: The two of us have only known each other for a week, but I can't help falling in love with you, are you willing to be my girlfriend?

When he finally spoke, I was so worried that my little heart would run down my throat, but I pretended to be reserved and didn't answer immediately.

I asked him to give me time to think about it.

That night, I didn't sleep all night, and after getting married, Jianjun told me that he didn't sleep all night, but he was worried.

When I left the next day, Jianjun accompanied me to go through the discharge procedures, and he quietly asked me how I thought about it?

I lowered my head and said shyly: I want to know what Auntie thinks.

Jianjun said with a sly smile: Mom could be discharged from the hospital a few days earlier, just to create an opportunity for the two of us to stay in the hospital for a few more days.

I slapped him on the back and said with a smile: Zhang Jianjun, I was calculated by your mother......

Jianjun grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms.

I whispered: I am from the countryside, you have to think about it.

Jianjun smiled and said: What's wrong with the rural people? Rural people are kind, simple, able to endure hardships, and warm-hearted......

He said a lot in one breath, as if he had done his homework in advance.

Two years later, Jianjun transferred to the county fertilizer factory, the two of us also held a wedding, my father-in-law passed away early, I took my mother-in-law to my mother, walking to hold her arm, the neighbors were envious of the mother-in-law, the mother-in-law smiled and said: Fortunately, I broke my leg and was hospitalized that year, otherwise how could I find such a good daughter-in-law.

Later, the Jianjun entrusted the relationship to arrange me to the county quilt factory, I worked in the single factory for a few years, and then the single factory closed down, my mother-in-law funded me to open a clothing store, at the beginning because of the shortage of funds, the store was only more than 20 square meters, now my store has expanded to more than 160 square meters, recruited 6 clerks, and became the best business in the whole street.

In 95, my mother was hospitalized due to a fall, and I helped take care of my aunt in the same ward, but I didn't expect to fall into my aunt's trap

Jianjun because of the outstanding ability to work, has been rising step by step, after these years of ups and downs, many factories have closed down, because Jianjun has the courage, dare to challenge, with a group of technical personnel continue to develop new products, fertilizer plant continues to grow, 14 years he did the factory director, until now, fertilizer plant has become our county leading enterprises.

The two of us share weal and woe, husband and wife, and we have walked hand in hand for decades.

Our son graduated from Tongji University, and is now engaged in automobile research and development, with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands, last year I added a fat grandson, I am now running in two cities, both to manage clothing stores, but also to take care of grandchildren, tired and happy!

I am 55 years old this year, and looking back, although I was not rich and wealthy in my life, I was also a winner in life compared to my peers who grew up around me, and I was very content.

Don't be good and small, don't do evil and do it, my blessings are all accumulated by my actions, I firmly believe that good causes produce good results, good thoughts make good fate, no matter when you remember to be kind, maybe you can exchange a lifetime of happiness with a single action!

May everyone root kindness in their hearts, and may every kind person be blessed! May good people be rewarded!