
It cost tens of millions of yuan to build the park, and it was demolished in less than five months of use, and the villagers told the truth

author:Brother Tao is in Taoyuan

Brother Tao said things: an in-depth analysis of the turmoil in Changshu Hudongcun Park

Hello everyone, I'm Brother Tao. Today, I want to talk to you about a topic that makes people sigh and think deeply - the story of the park in Hudong Village, Southeast Street, Changshu City, which cost nearly 17 million yuan, was demolished in less than 5 months. This is not just a simple construction and demolition incident, but also a problem behind it that is worth pondering.

It cost tens of millions of yuan to build the park, and it was demolished in less than five months of use, and the villagers told the truth

First, the original intention and investment in the construction of the park

Hudong Village, a quiet village located in the southeast street of Changshu City, has been revitalized by a project called "Thousand Village Beauty". As one of the supporting projects, a park with an investment of nearly 17 million yuan came into being. This park not only plans parking spaces and greening around the village, but also adds supporting facilities such as landscaping and railings, with a total area of nearly 50 acres. The original intention of its construction was to improve the living environment of the villagers and provide a good place for leisure and entertainment.

However, it is shocking that the park, which has just been built, was demolished less than 5 months after it was put into use. What exactly is the reason behind this?

It cost tens of millions of yuan to build the park, and it was demolished in less than five months of use, and the villagers told the truth

2. The truth about the demolition of the park

After an in-depth investigation, Tao Ge found that the main reason for the demolition of the park was that the nature of its land did not meet the regulations. It turned out that this land was originally agricultural land, not construction land. That is, the construction of the park is suspected of illegal land use, so it must be demolished to restore arable land.

This fact made Brother Tao feel very sorry. Imagine that this land was originally planned to be full of green lawns, crystal clear landscape rivers, and walking trails for villagers to walk and exercise...... However, due to the irregularities in the nature of the land, these beautiful visions have come to naught.

It cost tens of millions of yuan to build the park, and it was demolished in less than five months of use, and the villagers told the truth

3. Villagers' reactions and doubts

For the demolition of the park, the villagers expressed pity and incomprehension. They told Tao Ge that the construction of this park has indeed improved their living environment and allowed them to have a good place for leisure and entertainment. Especially those children, they can play, frolic in the park, and enjoy the joy of childhood. However, all of this came to naught overnight.

Villagers questioned the reason and process of the park's demolition. They don't understand why the nature of the land was not taken into account when it was built. Why did the relevant departments fail to detect and stop this violation in a timely manner in terms of approval and supervision? These questions have left a deep imprint on the hearts of the villagers.

It cost tens of millions of yuan to build the park, and it was demolished in less than five months of use, and the villagers told the truth

Fourth, regulatory and liability issues

Tao Ge believes that this park demolition incident is not only a simple illegal land use incident, but also exposes the negligence and problems of relevant departments in supervision and approval.

First of all, during the construction of the park, the relevant departments did not strictly review the nature of the land, which led to the occurrence of illegal land use. This is a very serious oversight, because the nature of the land is a very important part of the project approval. If the nature of the land is not in accordance with the regulations, then the legality of the entire project is in question.

It cost tens of millions of yuan to build the park, and it was demolished in less than five months of use, and the villagers told the truth

Secondly, in terms of supervision, the relevant departments did not detect and stop this violation in a timely manner. This may be due to the lack of meticulousness and inadequacy of the work of the regulatory authorities, or the problem of poor information communication and coordination between relevant departments.

In addition, the village committee staff mentioned in the interview that "there are also problems in the approval and docking of the street", which further reveals the responsibility behind the incident. If the streets could be more rigorous and responsible in terms of approval and docking, then this illegal land use incident may not have happened.

It cost tens of millions of yuan to build the park, and it was demolished in less than five months of use, and the villagers told the truth

5. Follow-up attention and reflection

For this park demolition incident, Tao Ge believes that we need to pay attention to the follow-up treatment and reflection.

First of all, we need to pay attention to the results of the investigation and handling of this incident by the relevant departments. Will they hold those responsible accountable? Will there be an in-depth analysis and reflection on this incident? These are all issues that we need to focus on.

Second, we need to reflect on the deep-seated issues behind this incident. Why is there illegal land use? Is it because the work of the relevant departments is not in place? Or is it because there are loopholes in the system? We need to start at the institutional level and strengthen supervision and approval to ensure that similar incidents do not happen again.

It cost tens of millions of yuan to build the park, and it was demolished in less than five months of use, and the villagers told the truth

Finally, we also need to pay attention to whether the remediation project with an investment of nearly 17 million yuan has been demolished. If these funds are wasted in this way, it will undoubtedly be a huge loss for the villagers. We need to explore how we can make better use of these funds to create more well-being for the villagers.

In short, this park demolition incident has brought us profound enlightenment. We need to strengthen supervision and approval to ensure the legality and compliance of projects; At the same time, it is also necessary to start from the institutional level, strengthen the construction and improvement of the system, and avoid the recurrence of similar incidents. Only in this way can we create a better living environment for the villagers.

It cost tens of millions of yuan to build the park, and it was demolished in less than five months of use, and the villagers told the truth

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