
China's move to break the layout of the United States, Biden urgently sent officials to visit China, and a detail exposed the calculation of the United States

author:Brother Wang, the brave man, tells the story


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According to reports, US Deputy Secretary of State Verma's recent surprise visit to China is particularly eye-catching in the current changing international situation.

Verma's visit comes at a critical juncture when China and the EU are strengthening communication, and he has had a secret conversation with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu.

Although the specific content of the talks has not yet been made public, it is not difficult to guess that they must have touched on many sensitive topics in Sino-US relations, as well as disputes of common "concern" between the two sides.

The move undoubtedly exposes the United States' attempt to secure a so-called "level play" environment for its workers and businesses in China.

China's increasingly warm exchanges with Europe, especially the frequent exchange of high-level visits with France, Germany and other European powers, as well as China's high-level visits to Europe, have highlighted the strong willingness of the two sides to deepen cooperation.

Against this backdrop, Verma's visit is clearly a strategic response by the United States to the growing ties between China and Europe, an attempt to interrupt the pace of cooperation between Europe and China in order to maintain its precarious global strategic layout.

This kind of behavior is tantamount to an attempt by the United States to manipulate the attitude of European countries towards China through political and diplomatic maneuvers.

China's move to break the layout of the United States, Biden urgently sent officials to visit China, and a detail exposed the calculation of the United States

It is worth mentioning that Verma's itinerary also specially arranged a visit to the Philippines.

Recently, the collusion between the United States and the Philippines in the South China Sea has become more and more apparent, with the blatant deployment of the "Typhon" missile system in the northern part of the Philippine island of Luzon and the holding of joint military exercises with great fanfare.

This series of moves is a clear indication that while the United States ostensibly wants to reduce tensions by strengthening communication with China, it has shown a tough and uncompromising posture on key regional issues.

This hardline approach to the outside world is in stark contrast to the spirit of cooperation and dialogue that it professes.

In these incidents, it is not difficult to find the double standards of the United States.

On the one hand, the United States has repeatedly expressed its willingness to improve relations with China and reduce misunderstandings and differences. On the other hand, China has been labelled as "overcapacity" and "militarily supporting Russia" in an attempt to interfere with China's development process and diplomatic strategy.

The hypocrisy of this practice has fully exposed the true intentions of the United States and shown the huge gap between its words and deeds.

On sensitive issues in Sino-US relations, such as the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, the United States has never been able to provide a substantive response satisfactory to China, which has also greatly reduced the results of the visits of senior US officials such as Verma.

China's move to break the layout of the United States, Biden urgently sent officials to visit China, and a detail exposed the calculation of the United States

The U.S. strategy is clearly an attempt to avoid making real concessions on core issues while maintaining a semblance of harmony with China.

Obviously, this kind of inconsistency between what is on the outside and what is inside is difficult to hide from China's eyes.

While the United States has shown some willingness to cooperate in some areas, such as counter-narcotics and artificial intelligence, China is also open to strengthening cooperation in these areas.

However, on key issues such as electric vehicle production capacity and Sino-Russian relations, China has stood firm and resolutely resisted groundless accusations and provocative actions by the United States in order to defend its core interests and development rights.

In the development of China-US relations, China has made it clear that the two sides should seek space for cooperation based on a correct understanding of each other, rather than just staying at the level of competition.

China stresses that cooperation and competition should coexist, and hopes that competition will be constructive and promote common progress between the two sides.

At the same time, China also hopes that the United States will recognize that differences and frictions between the two countries are normal and should not be used as an excuse to create obstacles.

In terms of economic and trade relations, China and the United States have obvious complementarities.

China's move to break the layout of the United States, Biden urgently sent officials to visit China, and a detail exposed the calculation of the United States

By strengthening communication and cooperation, it is entirely possible for the two sides to properly manage differences and open up broader prospects for cooperation.

In the context of globalization, the common interests of China and the United States are increasing.

China has shown a more cooperative rather than confrontational posture.

China's position is that instead of wasting energy in a senseless struggle, it should seek a mutually beneficial and win-win development path.

After all, the world is vast enough to accommodate the common development of China and the United States.

In this context, the key lies in whether the United States can wisely accept and understand China's position and make a wise choice accordingly, as the Chinese side said that the clear path is already clear in the hands of the United States, and if the United States can see the opportunity, then the future Sino-US relations may usher in a more stable and fruitful new stage, and I hope that the United States will not miss this clear path because of short-sightedness.

China's move to break the layout of the United States, Biden urgently sent officials to visit China, and a detail exposed the calculation of the United States

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