
Sun Yingsha's pattern is small! The whole process with a cold face and left the podium directly, how can Chen Mengqing be embarrassed?

author:The slanting sun shines on the book at night


In the world of table tennis, 2024 is destined to be an unusual year. Sun Yingsha, a rising star of national table tennis, has created good results on the field again and again with her outstanding strength. However, with the accumulation of honors, doubts also followed. Controversy, Challenge, Reflection...... She left a deep mark on the table tennis road. In this article, we will explore Sun's inner world and analyze the challenges she faces through a few key events.

Sun Yingsha's pattern is small! The whole process with a cold face and left the podium directly, how can Chen Mengqing be embarrassed?

Event 1: Controversy under the disparity score

In the quarterfinals of the WTT Saudi Arabia Grand Slam, the duel between Sun Yingsha and teammate Qian Tianyi became the focus. Originally, the competition between teammates should be full of friendship and respect, but Sun Yingsha slashed Qian Tianyi with an 11-0 disparity. The result shocked the audience and sparked a lot of discussion. Some people think that she is too win-chasing and ignores sportsmanship; There are also those who believe that in competitive sports, strength is everything. But in any case, this game has become a hurdle in Sun Yingsha's career.

Sun Yingsha's pattern is small! The whole process with a cold face and left the podium directly, how can Chen Mengqing be embarrassed?

In the post-match interview, Sun Yingsha gave her own explanation for the score. She said that in the game she gave it her all and did not deliberately pursue the score. But this explanation doesn't seem to quell the controversy, instead more people are starting to pay attention to her style of play and mentality. For Sun Yingsha, how to maintain her strength while showing a more mature and respectful attitude towards her opponent will be an important topic she needs to face in the future.

Event 2: Victory in the Controversy

Sun Yingsha's pattern is small! The whole process with a cold face and left the podium directly, how can Chen Mengqing be embarrassed?

In a previous game, Sun Yingsha had a long communication with the referee because of the controversy over the edge ball. She fought her way and eventually managed to change the referee's decision and win the match. However, the act also raised questions about her respect for the referee and her opponent.

In the face of these doubts, Sun Yingsha did not choose to avoid them. She said that she always respects the referee and her opponent during the game, but will also stand up for her rights. She believes that only by competing in a fair and just environment can the strength and level of athletes be truly reflected. At the same time, she also called on everyone not to focus too much on the controversy itself, but to focus more on the game itself.

Sun Yingsha's pattern is small! The whole process with a cold face and left the podium directly, how can Chen Mengqing be embarrassed?

Event 3: Growth in Defeat

On the stage of the WTT Saudi Arabia Grand Slam women's singles final, Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng staged a peak duel. After six rounds of fierce battles, Chen Meng finally lifted the championship trophy, while Sun Yingsha unfortunately lost. This defeat is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Sun Yingsha, who has been making great progress all the way. But failure is also the only way for athletes to grow, which allows Sun Yingsha to see her own shortcomings and points out the direction for her future improvement.

Sun Yingsha's pattern is small! The whole process with a cold face and left the podium directly, how can Chen Mengqing be embarrassed?

After the defeat, Sun Yingsha did not indulge in the emotions of loss, but chose to face it bravely and draw strength from it. She knows that every failure is a stepping stone to success. The experience of this final not only exercised her mentality, but also made her more clear about her goals. In the days to come, we have reason to believe that Sun Yingsha will rise from this defeat and move to the next peak with a more determined pace.

Event 4: Turmoil on the podium

Sun Yingsha's pattern is small! The whole process with a cold face and left the podium directly, how can Chen Mengqing be embarrassed?

At the WTT Saudi Arabia Grand Slam women's singles award ceremony, Sun Yingsha's actions once again sparked heated discussions in the outside world. She did not take a photo with the champion Chen Meng after receiving the award, but left the podium alone. The scene was captured on camera and quickly sparked widespread discussion on the Internet. Some people think that Sun Yingsha's behavior lacks respect for the champion, while others understand it as an emotional reaction caused by her inner loss.

In any case, this incident has had a certain impact on Sun Yingsha's image. As a public figure, her every move will be noticed and evaluated by the outside world. The turmoil on the podium this time may be a mistake by Sun Yingsha in terms of emotional control. But we should also give her enough understanding and tolerance, after all, athletes are also human beings, and they also have times when their emotions are out of control. It is hoped that Sun Yingsha can learn from this incident and face future challenges with a more mature attitude.

Editor's spicy comment

As a rising star of national table tennis, Sun Yingsha's growth is destined not to be smooth sailing. From the disparity to the podium turmoil, these controversies and challenges were inevitable in her upbringing. We should not be too harsh on her mistakes, but we should see her reflection and progress in the midst of controversy. I believe that in the days to come, Sun Yingsha will repay the expectations of fans with a more mature and comprehensive performance, and continue to write a brilliant chapter for China's table tennis career.

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