
After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions


Recently, because the Chinese side released the content of a conversation about the "new model" between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea, but unexpectedly, after the release of this evidence, the Philippines continued to jump to its feet, not only repeatedly denying it, but even threatening to expel our diplomats in the Philippines, and the Philippines continued to stir up trouble and further find reasons to tighten visas for China.


After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions

So, what is the content of this phone call announced by the Chinese side? Will the Philippines really do anything to expel our diplomats? Why is the Philippines tightening its visas to China?

After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions

Previously, the Marcos administration did not deny the "gentlemen's agreement", saying that China and the Philippines had not reached any new cooperation model on beaching and shipbreaking. Now, in order to slap the Marcos government in the face, the Chinese side has released the content of the previous cooperation talks, which probably means that our Chinese diplomats are discussing the South China Sea issue with the Philippine admiral, and the two sides have also reached a "new model".

After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions

So, what is this "new model"? In fact, out of humanitarianism, the Chinese side allowed the Philippines to bring daily necessities to the crew on the ship, but it was not allowed to transport the steel that the Philippines wanted to transport before.

After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions

Judging from the time of the conversation, it was in January this year, when Marcos was already the president of the Philippines, and Marcos said that he had no knowledge of the "gentlemen's agreement".

After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions

Faced with ironclad facts, the Philippine side still refused to admit it, and even became angry and wanted to spread its anger on the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines. The Philippines knows exactly what it has done, but it still lies to the outside world, saying that the contents of those conversations were deliberately fabricated by the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines and that they want to drive Chinese diplomats out of the Philippines.

After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions

If it is really open to the Chinese embassy in the Philippines, then it is obviously not wise, fortunately, the Philippines jumped in order to be released evidence, but it also knows where the limit is, in fact, what the Philippines said about driving away Chinese diplomats is simply a mouthful.

After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions

You must know that now the two countries are already in tension because of the South China Sea territory, if the Philippines is still picking on the embassy matter, there is no doubt that China will not be able to let it go, of course, it will be concocted in the same way, once it comes true, then the contradictions between the two countries will be more and more, and they will become deeper and deeper, and it may really come to the point of firing!

After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions

Not only that, but the Philippines is now pointing the finger at Chinese citizens in the Philippines, saying that it will take new measures against them, that is, to tighten visas for China. It is said that it is to crack down on fraud, but in fact, everyone understands the intention, but the Philippines should not go too far, otherwise what awaits you will be a "lesson" from China.

After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions

It is estimated that the Duterte family should now regret the concession and give up the presidency to Marcos, you know, during the Duterte period, we still got along well with the Philippine side, and now let Marcos do this, all the goodwill accumulated by the previous two sides has been lost, and this is not over, and the Filipino people may still pay for the ignorance of the current president.

After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions

So, what do netizens think about this matter?

There is no way for us to reciprocate against the Philippines to make the Philippines feel a sense of crisis, and what China should do is to pay back tenfold.

After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions

When is this, isn't it death to go to the Philippines?

After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions

The Philippines is a child who is used to being used, and China must no longer be as good at talking as before, otherwise the Philippines will only "kick its nose in the face" in the future!

After China made public its evidence, the Philippines became weak-hearted and threatened to expel Chinese diplomats and shrink visa restrictions

From the comments of netizens, it can be seen that some people believe that if the Philippines engages in these measures against China, then China will return it tenfold and let the Philippines know how powerful China is. Some people also think that if there is nothing necessary now, don't go to the Philippines, otherwise you will find trouble on your own!

What do you think about this?

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