
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming

author:Xiao Li Monk
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming
What's the most shameless relative you've ever seen? Netizen: Let me give my job to his son, and I'll go farming

1. Shocked! Shameless demands from relatives

In our society, kinship is often seen as a bond of intimacy and mutual support. However, I met a relative who surprised me and whose outrageous demands simply left me unbelievable.

That day, I was working overtime in the company when I suddenly received a phone call from my distant relative, Uncle Wang. His tone was anxious, as if he had encountered some great difficulty. My heart tightened, thinking that something had happened to him, and I quickly asked him what had happened.

Uncle Wang hesitated on the phone for a long time, and finally said his request: "Xiao Zhang, I heard that you are doing a good job now, can you give up your position to my son Xiao Wang?" He is now idle at home and has nothing to do, and wants to go out and break in. ”

Second, the embarrassment and helplessness of relatives

I was simply stunned to hear this request. Although Uncle Wang and I are relatives, our relationship is not close, and we rarely move around. More importantly, my job is the result of my hard work, how can I easily give it to others?

I tried to explain to Uncle Wang, telling him that my work was not easy to come by and that I could not give up easily. But Uncle Wang didn't listen to my explanation at all, but just emphasized how good his son Xiao Wang was and how much he needed this job. He also said that if I don't give up my job to Xiao Wang, I won't give him face, and I will ignore my family friendship.

I felt very helpless and embarrassed. On the one hand, I don't want to offend Uncle Wang, a relative; On the other hand, I can't give up my job easily. I started thinking about how to properly solve this problem.

3. Escalation of contradictions and emotional entanglements

Just when I was hesitating, Uncle Wang came to the door again. He came to my house with Xiao Wang, and began to complain as soon as he entered the door. He said that Xiao Wang has been idle at home for a long time and has not been able to find a suitable job. He also said that if Xiao Wang can get my job, he will definitely do a good job and will not let me down.

I looked at Xiao Wang's immature face, and I felt a little unbearable. But I also think about my job, and how much effort and sweat I put into it. I began to feel conflicted and tangled.

At this moment, Uncle Wang suddenly said something that shocked me even more: "Xiao Zhang, if you really don't want to give up your work to Xiao Wang, then you can go farming!" Anyway, you are not from a farmer's background, and farming is not difficult for you. ”

When I heard this, I was almost angry. I never thought that someone would so shamelessly ask me to give up my job to farm! I felt very angry and disappointed, and I completely lost faith in Uncle Wang's family friendship.

4. Determination and reflection

I took a deep breath and calmed the anger in my heart. I told Uncle Wang and Xiao Wang that my work was my own and I couldn't give up easily. I couldn't go farming because it wasn't the life I wanted.

After Uncle Wang heard my words, his face became ugly. He left my house with Xiao Wang and never contacted me again. I also felt a little regret and loss, but I also understood a truth: although relatives are related by blood, it does not mean that they can ask each other to do anything unconditionally. Everyone has their own life and choices, and we should respect each other's choices and decisions.

1. The cheekiness of relatives and my helplessness

Since that unpleasant conversation with Uncle Wang, I thought our relationship would be estranged, but things turned out to be unexpected.

One weekend not long after, Uncle Wang and Xiao Wang appeared at my door again. This time, instead of coming empty-handed, they carried a basket of home-grown vegetables and a basket of eggs. Uncle Wang's face was full of smiles, as if the previous unpleasantness had never happened.

"Xiao Zhang, these are the vegetables we grow and the eggs laid by the chickens we raise, they are all natural, I will send you some to taste." Uncle Wang enthusiastically handed over the basket, his face full of anticipation.

I took the basket, but I had mixed feelings. I know that behind this basket will be their words and requests for me. I tried to politely refuse, but Uncle Wang didn't seem to understand my hints, and began to tell Xiao Wang's recent predicament on his own.

"Xiao Zhang, you also know that it is not easy to find a job now. Xiao Wang is not highly educated, and he has no special skills, so he has been looking for a suitable job for several months. I see that you have a stable job and a good income now, can you think of another way to help him? Uncle Wang's words were full of pleading.

I sighed helplessly and tried to explain the nature and importance of my work again, but Uncle Wang didn't seem to listen at all. He just blindly emphasized Xiao Wang's plight and hoped that I could lend a hand.

At this moment, Xiao Wang suddenly interjected: "Cousin, in fact, I have also thought about starting my own business. But I don't have the funds and I don't have the experience. Can you lend me some money and let me try? ”

I was stunned, I didn't expect Xiao Wang to make such a request. I know that it is not easy to start a business, and I also know the risks of borrowing money. But looking at Xiao Wang's expectant eyes, I couldn't bear it.

After some struggle, I decided to learn about Xiao Wang's business plan before making a decision. So, we agreed on a time for Xiao Wang to explain his plan to me in detail.

Second, the twists and turns of the business plan and my entanglement

The appointed day came soon, and Xiao Wang came to my house with his business plan. His plan is to open a snack bar that specializes in selling snacks from his hometown. Xiao Wang said that he had worked in a snack bar before and had learned a lot of skills and experience. He believes he has what it takes to open the shop.

I carefully read Xiao Wang's plan and found that his idea is indeed very distinctive and has great market potential. But I also know that opening a store requires a lot of money, time and energy. If Xiao Wang is not fully prepared and planned, he is likely to face the risk of failure.

I told Xiao Wang about my concerns, but he confidently said that he was fully prepared. He also said that if I could lend him a sum of money as a start-up capital, he would definitely go the extra mile and live up to my expectations.

I was in a quandary. On the one hand, I don't want to disappoint my relatives; On the other hand, I don't want to put myself at risk by borrowing money. I started thinking about how to balance the two.

That's when my wife gave me a piece of advice. She said that we can first help Xiao Wang contact some investors or bank loan channels, and let him go to the funds himself. If we lend him money directly, it may not only make him dependent, but it may also affect our own financial situation.

I thought it was a good suggestion and decided to take it. I told Xiao Wang that we would try our best to help him connect with investors and bank loan channels, but whether it would succeed would depend on his own efforts and performance.

After listening to my words, Xiao Wang was a little disappointed, but he also expressed understanding. He thanked me for my help and support and said he would continue to work hard to secure funding.

3. The test of family affection and my growth

After this incident, I deeply felt the test of family affection and the hardships of growth. I began to reflect on my previous behavior and attitude, and realized that I still had a lot of shortcomings in dealing with my relatives.

I started to try to be more proactive in caring for and helping my relatives. I regularly called Uncle Wang to ask him about his physical condition and family situation; I also often invite Xiao Wang to my house to chat and communicate. Through these small things, I gradually became closer to my relatives and made myself more mature and stable.

At the same time, I also understood a truth: although family affection is important, it also needs to be moderate. We cannot blindly give and sacrifice our own interests because of kinship. We should maintain a certain distance and independence on the basis of respecting each other, so that the family relationship can be more healthy and lasting.

In the process, I have gradually grown into a more responsible and responsible person. I learned how to balance work and family relationships, how to deal with complex relationships, and how to stay calm and optimistic in the face of difficulties. These experiences have made me stronger and more confident, and they have also made me appreciate the people and things around me more.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, we should not give up easily. We must believe in our own ability and wisdom, and believe in the strength and warmth of family affection. As long as we manage and maintain our family relationship with our hearts, we will be able to reap more happiness and joy.

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