
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse

author:Xiao Li Monk
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse
What's the most depraved college student you've ever seen? Netizen: After graduating from college, it is time for the body to collapse

Have you ever seen the most depraved college student?

1. A shocking scene

On an ordinary university night, in the dimly lit dormitory, Zhang Wei was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling with empty eyes. Under his bed, there are several empty wine bottles scattered around, and the table is piled with fast food boxes and snack bags. Such a scene, for most people, may be just a small episode in college life, but for Zhang Wei, it is a portrayal of his depravity.

2. The former excellence and the current sinking

Zhang Wei was once a leader in this university. During the college entrance examination, he was admitted to this prestigious school with excellent results, with a vision and dream for the future. However, everything changed when I entered college. Without the tension and pressure of high school, he seems to have found a paradise where he can indulge himself. He became addicted to online games, and staying up late, skipping classes, and drinking too much became his daily routine.

At first, the roommates tried to persuade him to get back on track, but Zhang Wei ignored him. He thinks he is young and has the capital to squander his youth. Over time, his grades plummeted and he had physical problems. But he still didn't realize the seriousness of the problem and continued to sink into his own world.

3. Struggle and reflection in the Fall

Until one day, Zhang Wei's mother suddenly came to the school to see him. When she saw her son's decadent appearance, tears welled up in her eyes. She took Zhang Wei's hand and said earnestly: "Child, look at the way you look now, do you still look like a college student?" If you continue like this, what will you do in the future? ”

Mother's words hit Zhang Wei's heart like a hammer. He began to reflect on his actions and realized that he could not go on like this. However, when he tries to get back on track, he finds that it is too late. His studies had been abandoned and his health had collapsed. He felt hopeless and helpless like never before.

Fourth, regain hope and start again

Zhang Wei, who was struggling in despair, did not give up on himself. He began to ask for help, asking counselors, teachers, and classmates for advice on how to regain lost time. He began to make a plan to wake up on time every day, go to class, study on his own, and exercise. Although the process was difficult, he persevered.

After a period of hard work, Zhang Wei's grades began to pick up, and his body gradually recovered. He regained his confidence and courage and began to plan for his future. He knows that he still has a long way to go, but he believes that as long as he works hard, he will be able to get out of the predicament and meet a bright future of his own.

Fall and Rebirth: A College Student's Life Counterattack

1. The sinking abyss

Zhang Wei, a once high-profile son of the sky, scored well in the college entrance examination and was admitted to a well-known university in the country. However, after entering the university, he seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and gradually slipped into the abyss of depravity.

At first, he only skipped class occasionally, indulged in online games, and enjoyed the thrill of the virtual world. But as time went on, he became more and more unable to extricate himself. He began to sleep through the night, became lethargic during the day, and missed countless important classes and exams. His grades plummeted, dropping from the top of his class to the bottom.

At the same time, his habits are getting worse and worse. He no longer eats on time, often orders takeout and snacks, which leads to gradual physical gain. His dormitory has also become dirty and messy, with clothes, books, and garbage everywhere. His roommates began to distance themselves from him, and some even reported his situation to counselors.

However, Zhang Wei was not aware of his problem. He is still immersed in his own world, oblivious to everything around him. Until one day, he received a warning letter from a counselor. The letter made it clear that if his studies and living habits were not improved, he would be at risk of being dissuaded.

This warning letter made Zhang Wei wake up from a dream. He began to realize that his depravity had reached a point of no return. He began to feel panicked and uneasy, but he also knew that it would not be easy to get out of this abyss.

2. Struggle and reflection

After receiving the warning letter, Zhang Wei began to try to change his life. He first quit online games and put his computer and phone aside. He began to wake up on time, go to class, study on his own, and exercise. He forced himself to develop a regular routine and pay attention to his diet.

However, the process of change is not easy. Zhang Wei felt very painful and tormented in the first few days. He found himself accustomed to that depraved lifestyle, and it wasn't easy to change it now. But he didn't give up, he knew he had to keep going.

In this process, Zhang Wei encountered many difficulties and setbacks. His studies have been abandoned for a long time, and it is not easy to pick them up again. He needs to relearn a lot of knowledge and put in more effort than others. He also needs to overcome his inertia and procrastination and complete his assignments and revision tasks on time.

In this process, Zhang Wei also received help and support from many people. His roommates began to take the initiative to care about his studies and life and provided him with some practical advice. His counsellor also talked to him many times, encouraged him to persevere, and gave him some guidance and help.

In the midst of struggle and reflection, Zhang Wei gradually regained his direction and confidence. He began to believe that he could get out of the abyss and rediscover his former self.

3. Counterattack and rebirth

After several months of hard work and perseverance, Zhang Wei's studies and life have finally improved significantly. His grades began to pick up, gradually rising from the bottom few to the middle of the class. His body also became healthier, his weight began to drop, and his mental state became fuller.

In the process, Zhang Wei also found his own interests and hobbies. He began to participate in some club activities and practical projects, and met many like-minded friends. Together, they discuss academic issues, share life experiences, and encourage and support each other. Zhang Wei gradually regained the long-lost sense of belonging and achievement.

With the passage of time, Zhang Wei's counterattack road has become smoother and smoother. He successfully passed the postgraduate examination and received a scholarship and honorary title from the university. His deeds were also widely publicized by the school and became an inspiring role model.

In this process, Zhang Wei also deeply realized the importance of hard work and perseverance. He understands that one's success is not accidental, but requires a lot of hard work and perseverance. He also understood that his past depravity was not irreparable, as long as he bravely faced it and worked hard to change, he would definitely be able to get out of the predicament and meet a better future of his own.

Today's Zhang Wei is no longer the boy who once sank into the abyss of depravity. He has become a confident and energetic college student who is constantly striving for higher goals. His story tells us that no matter how big the setbacks and difficulties are, as long as we do not give up on ourselves and strive to change, we will definitely be able to usher in our own counterattack and rebirth.

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