
The three-year subsidy is 600,000 yuan, and the doctor's re-employment treatment is hotly discussed!

author:Great health services

The three-year subsidy is 600,000 yuan, and the doctor's re-employment treatment is hotly discussed!

HC3i is a new medical institution


The experience and skills brought by the rehired experts can be taught to young doctors in their original form, further improve the work experience of young doctors from a clinical perspective, provide new ideas for the career development of young doctors, and help young doctors at the grassroots level grow better.

100 experts under the grassroots plan, 200,000 yuan per person per year! Are retired doctors willing to "go down to the grassroots"?

Some time ago, the Health Commission of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps issued the "Implementation Plan for the Grassroots Plan for 100 Chief Medical and Health Experts of the Corps for Silver Age (2024-2026)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), and selected and hired 100 retired doctors with practice experience in public hospitals above the second level and senior titles as chief experts across the country.

The three-year subsidy is 600,000 yuan, and the doctor's re-employment treatment is hotly discussed!

The "Plan" requires that the chief expert must have a college degree or above in medicine, and the major of traditional Chinese medicine can be relaxed to a technical secondary school degree, and have the title of deputy senior or senior health professional and technical personnel in the non-grassroots category; Must have worked in clinical and preventive medicine positions for more than 20 years (including 20 years), worked in a public hospital of the second level or above before retirement, and left the front-line post for no more than 2 years; Men are not more than 67 years old and women are not more than 65 years old, and the age is calculated as of December 31, 2023.

In addition, the "Plan" proposes that the chief expert needs to work full-time in the Corps Tuanchang Hospital for 3 years, serve as the discipline leader of the unit, be responsible for the construction of 1 characteristic specialty, carry out more than 3 new businesses and new technologies, give full play to the role of "passing on the help", build a specialist team, and enrich the team of grassroots health talents.

After the release of the Plan, a discussion ensued on the treatment of rehired experts, especially on the remuneration of rehired doctors. According to the plan, in addition to retaining the original retirement benefits, each chief expert will also receive an additional subsidy of 200,000 yuan per year from the XPCC's treasury. This subsidy will be paid through a combination of monthly and annual appraisals based on performance. Where conditions permit, incentive performance wages may be paid in accordance with relevant provisions in combination with the work performance of the chief expert.

That is to say, under the premise of enjoying the original retirement benefits, the rehired experts can get an additional 200,000 yuan per year, and if the conditions of the primary medical institutions are available, they can also receive performance wages.

For medical institutions, the age of doctors is directly related to experience and technology, and for primary medical institutions, medical talents are too important.

When a township health center has a tertiary expert in charge, in the eyes of some patients, this may mean hope for life; In the case of primary care workers, especially young primary care workers, this means that they have another way to access new technologies and gain new experiences. This is why local governments have chosen to use high-paid experts to hire experts to the grassroots level to drive the new vitality of grassroots medical institutions.

But there are also many people in the industry who have concerns - are eligible retired doctors willing to go? Can the medical conditions at the grassroots level meet the needs of retired doctors to "show their talents"? Why not spend money on young doctors and keep young doctors in conflict at the grassroots level and at the grassroots level under experts?

A professional pointed out that the development of primary medical institutions is now divided into two levels, on the one hand, the reduction of revenue of township health centers and village clinics has led to problems in the protection of primary medical treatment; On the other hand, the national policy is clear, medical and health services to achieve the goal of 'strong grassroots', the core of development at the grassroots level is the new direction and new goal in the context of the new medical reform, according to which a series of reform activities around the "strong grassroots, promote development" have been carried out in various places, and a lot of special funds have been invested, but for the primary medical and health institutions, how effective it remains to be verified.

Are retired doctors willing to "go down to the grassroots"?

Actually, this policy is not new. In 2018, Guangdong Province issued a similar program to encourage experts to go to the grassroots level, and received a total of 121 applications from retired experts with the title of deputy senior or above, of which 50 people in the province signed up, and 68% of the applicants came from the Pearl River Delta region. There are 71 applicants from outside the province, from Heilongjiang, Hebei, Henan, Shanxi and other places.

In February 2023, the Guangdong Provincial Health Commission once again issued the "Implementation Plan for the Grassroots Plan of 100 Chief Health Experts in Guangdong Province (2023-2025)", Guangdong Central Committee has put forward clear requirements for the age, title, and on-the-job tasks of experts, according to media reports, the Guangdong Provincial Health Commission said that in the new round of "100 Chief Health Experts under the Grassroots Plan", a total of 186 people submitted registration information, and after review, 144 people entered the interview process, and finally all 100 positions were completed The admission of personnel, The acceptance rate is 100%. On July 1, 2023, the chief expert has arrived at his post to carry out his work.

It is understood that retired doctors are still the mainstream choice to re-hire their own hospitals, practice independently or go to medical institutions at the same level, and some people will choose private hospitals, but fewer people will return to the grassroots.

However, according to the doctor's feedback, the annual subsidy of 200,000 yuan is still quite attractive.

In this regard, Cai Weiping, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chief expert of the Infectious Disease Center of the Eighth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, once said that most doctors can serve for at least five more years after retirement. There are retired doctors around him who have been rehired, and some people have gone to secondary medical institutions or choose to retire directly, and I have not heard of anyone going to the health center. In his opinion, the annual salary of 200,000 yuan is not very attractive, but from the perspective of factors such as giving full play to the residual heat and serving the society, the chief expert position is still very competitive.

But at the same time, some people in the industry said that doctors and experts with excellent skills will also consider being rehired by their original units after retirement, "After all, after working in the original unit for a lifetime, the emotional value is far more attractive than the subsidy."

Can the grassroots conditions really meet the needs of experts to lead the team? Why not spend your money on young doctors?

Is it possible to keep young doctors at the grassroots level and experts at the grassroots level?

Recently, the issue of rehiring retired doctors has also caused heated discussions on the Internet, and some netizens said that it is not good to use the money to improve the treatment of young doctors at the grassroots level? Is it worth hiring 600,000 experts in 3 years?

And when the perspective is changed, standing in the environment of primary medical institutions, we seem to be able to get a glimpse of the answer.

For medical institutions, the age of a doctor is directly related to experience and skills, which is why there is a saying that "the older a doctor is, the more popular he is". For primary medical institutions, medical talents are too important, and the technology, experience and even management concepts he brings may become the "living signboard" of the hospital.

Obviously, young doctors cannot shine like retired doctors, on the contrary, they need to continue to learn and refresh. Therefore, retired doctors have a higher "practicality" for the grassroots.

Think about it, is it reasonable to give the treatment to retired doctors - 200,000 yuan a year to young doctors?

Nature is unreasonable. This may motivate young doctors to go down to the grassroots level, but the original doctors at the grassroots level may not be convinced. Grassroots doctors who have been rooted for many years must be more experienced than them, and young doctors can earn so much higher wages than them just by virtue of their academic qualifications or a few years of study experience in large hospitals.

Moreover, even if you are attracted by this treatment, you may not be able to stay in the future.

Ye Zhengsong, a senior medical self-media person, once publicly said: "The cost of studying medicine is too high, and the ideology of young people has changed greatly. Money can only solve a temporary dilemma, once accumulated to a certain extent, the doctors of the township health center will definitely yearn for the big hospital or the big city, after all, the big platform has a large flow, the township is the stock competition, young doctors have little room for career development, and the big hospital is different. And the old doctors in the townships are stubbornly guarding the patients, who will give you the young doctors? Eventually, he left. ”

Although many people will think that this kind of treatment is good, and it is not impossible to "lie down" quietly, the pressure that accompanies young doctors is not only work, but also children's education, medical conditions, leisure and entertainment, etc., are all factors that need to be carefully measured.

Therefore, when the supporting conditions are not satisfactory, many young doctors will choose to leave. In the current grassroots hospitals, there are indeed many cases where people spend money on further education and then live on another branch.

In addition, local governments have not been without efforts to train young doctors. In 2010, the mainland launched the implementation of free training of rural order-oriented medical students, and proposed the policy of "two exemptions and one subsidy", focusing on cultivating health talents engaged in general medicine for medical and health institutions at and below the township health center.

In addition, the reason why primary medical institutions cannot retain young people is not only the problem of salary, but also the platform, development space, promotion path, etc. are the reasons for young doctors to "leave".

The arrival of rehired experts can bring experience and skills to young doctors, which further improves the work experience of young doctors from a clinical point of view, provides new ideas for the career development of young doctors, and helps young doctors at the grassroots level to grow better.

Source | Aiai medical comprehensive arrangement