
Three soldiers of our army pursued 200 Indian soldiers, and the locals ridiculed after seeing it: The speed of escape is really fast

author:A new voice in society

No one likes war, because the cruelty of war far outweighs the benefits of war, of course, sometimes war is unavoidable, such as when the country is invaded, and the enemy can only be defeated by war.

China's war of liberation was fought against this background, although it was cruel, but since then the Chinese have stood up and are no longer meat on the chopping block in the eyes of Western invaders.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China has always adhered to the principle of peaceful and friendly coexistence with all countries in the world and is unwilling to go to war with other countries, but this does not mean that China is still being bullied by others as it was in the late Qing Dynasty and can invade China's territory at will.

Three soldiers of our army pursued 200 Indian soldiers, and the locals ridiculed after seeing it: The speed of escape is really fast

In the 60s of the last century, the Sino-Indian war broke out due to India's repeated provocations and large-scale attacks on the mainland border troops on the Sino-Indian border.

In this battle, the Chinese People's Liberation Army was extremely brave, and the Indian army was crushed at the border, and there were even cases where three PLA soldiers repelled an Indian artillery regiment several times and fled in the desert. Although these Indian soldiers have also fought back, but one corps can't defeat three PLA in the end, is this because the Chinese soldiers are too brave, or the Indian soldiers are too poor in combat effectiveness?

Three soldiers of our army pursued 200 Indian soldiers, and the locals ridiculed after seeing it: The speed of escape is really fast

McMahon Line

In modern history, India, like China, was invaded by Western powers and became a Western colony, and then India was given the opportunity to become independent after World War II, and India was established in 1947 as an independent country. After the end of the eight-year War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, China also established the People's Republic of China in 1949 and became an independent and democratic country.

After independence, the relationship between India and China has always been relatively harmonious, after all, everyone has the same experience in modern times, they all relied on struggle to finally achieve national independence, and they are all neighbors, and they also have a thousand years of friendship, so India's relationship with China will be friendly.

In fact, at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Britain and the United States, the major capitalist powers, began to isolate and exclude China, and China's position in the world at that time was very embarrassing, and even fell into difficulties for a time.

Three soldiers of our army pursued 200 Indian soldiers, and the locals ridiculed after seeing it: The speed of escape is really fast

However, at that time, the relationship between China and India was very friendly, and India was also the first country to recognize China's status, so it can be said that the relationship between China and India at that time was very close. Unfortunately, this intimate relationship eventually deteriorated due to the historical legacy deliberately left by the colonizers.

And this historical legacy is an empty McMahon Line concocted by the British when they colonized India. According to the British colonizers, the McMahon line on the border between India and Tibet encroached on 90,000 square kilometers of land in Tibet as the territory of British India than the original traditional line on the Tibet-India border.

You must know that the British have no right to cede the territory of Tibet, which means that during the colonial period, the McMahon Line drawn by the British was simply invalid.

Three soldiers of our army pursued 200 Indian soldiers, and the locals ridiculed after seeing it: The speed of escape is really fast

But the Indians believe that the McMahon Line is valid and that these lands should belong to India, so the ownership of these lands has become a contradiction between China and India.

China and India have always had a lot of disputes and troubles over the border territory, mainly because of the McMahon Line. Without this McMahon Line, which was forged by the colonists, there could have been no territorial dispute between China and India.

However, the integrity of the country's territory is sacred and inviolable, and for whatever reason, the 90,000 square kilometers of Tibet's land are China's territory, and no matter what the price is paid, China will no longer be able to occupy territory as it did in the late Qing Dynasty.

Three soldiers of our army pursued 200 Indian soldiers, and the locals ridiculed after seeing it: The speed of escape is really fast

Sino-Indian War

Although there was indeed a dispute over the border between China and India at that time, China had always hoped to resolve the issue through peaceful negotiations.

In fact, China has indeed done so actively, never provoking at the border. However, in the late 50s and early 60s of the last century, India, provoked by some Western countries, began to make constant provocations on the border.

In 1959, the Indian army crossed the McMahon Line and invaded the village of Langjiu at the southern tip of the Majitun region of Tibet, and opened heavy fire on the mainland border troops, and China had no choice but to counterattack.

Three soldiers of our army pursued 200 Indian soldiers, and the locals ridiculed after seeing it: The speed of escape is really fast

At that time, China was in an extremely difficult period, some Western countries began to impose sanctions on China, and the Soviet Union also broke with China, it is no exaggeration to say that China was in internal and external troubles at that time.

It is precisely because of this that India's top brass believes that the opportunity cannot be lost, and they even believe that China is unable to fight such a war with India, and that the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army will be quite low, and they even think that India's military personnel can compete with Chinese soldiers and can defeat 10 with one enemy.

It is this attitude of self-confidence to the point of arrogance, as well as China's inferior situation, that emboldens India and emboldens it even more. In 1962, the Indian army crossed the McMahon Line on a large scale and established a post in Chedong, and India's ambition was self-evident in the fact that India had named the mountain pass Dora a few miles south of the McMahon Line. The main Indian army entered the Dora outpost, and the Indian army was armed with all the troops and attacked the Chinese army in an all-out way at any time.

Three soldiers of our army pursued 200 Indian soldiers, and the locals ridiculed after seeing it: The speed of escape is really fast

Although China did not want to go to war, the situation at that time was that India was ready to attack at any time. For the sake of the integrity of the country and the dignity of the nation, China had no choice but to take up the gun again to defend its territory, and the Sino-Indian War officially broke out.

Fabulous record

When the long-awaited war broke out in India, it seemed that the combat effectiveness of the Indian army exceeded the imagination of the Indians.

Even the Indians themselves ridiculed the speed at which Indian soldiers fled quite quickly during the Sino-Indian War.

Three soldiers of our army pursued 200 Indian soldiers, and the locals ridiculed after seeing it: The speed of escape is really fast

One of the most famous battles was the defeat of the Indian army by the three Chinese People's Liberation Army several times. Even these three PLA soldiers chased after the Indian army, and they ran for fifteen miles after the Indian army. It may sound hard to believe, but it really happened.

It is said that this battle was originally a major battle between the main forces of China and India, but because the Indian army fled as always, and it was a night battle at that time, many PLA soldiers were separated from the main force while fighting.

At that time, Pang Xingguo, the deputy squad leader of the 4th squad of the 9th Company of the 163rd Regiment, met Wang Shijun and Ran Fulin, the soldiers of the 6th squad who were also separated, and Zhou Wenxuan, the deputy squad leader of the 8th squad.

Three soldiers of our army pursued 200 Indian soldiers, and the locals ridiculed after seeing it: The speed of escape is really fast

It happened that they met an artillery regiment of 500 people of the Indian army, so they decided to divide into two groups, one group to attack the Indian army head-on, and one group to attack the Indian army from the side. Although there is a huge difference in strength between the two sides, Pang Xingguo and others are not afraid.

As soon as they began to attack the Indian army, the Indian army immediately fled, they killed many Indian soldiers, and also occupied artillery positions, captured seven Indian soldiers plus howitzers, two cars and four radio stations.

Because the night was too dark, Zhou Wenxuan and the other three were separated, and Pang Xingguo decided to take advantage of the victory to pursue, so Pang Xingguo and the other three continued to pursue the fleeing Indian army. At dawn, they found another 200 Indian troops, they went around the back of the Indian army, and the three of them threw grenades at the Indian army from three directions, and the unsuspecting Indian army suddenly collapsed and began to flee.

Three soldiers of our army pursued 200 Indian soldiers, and the locals ridiculed after seeing it: The speed of escape is really fast

Pang Xingguo and the three of them continued to pursue these Indian troops for more than ten miles, and later when these Indian troops found that there were only three PLAs, the Indian army began to counterattack, but Pang Xingguo and the three of them preemptively fired first, and many Indian soldiers died under the guns of Pang Xingguo and the three.

The Indian army fled again, and Pang Xingguo and the other three also pursued them relentlessly, until they chased them fifteen miles away, and the three of them encountered the main force of our army. After the war, Pang Xingguo was awarded a first-class merit, and the other three were awarded a second-class merit.

Three soldiers of our army pursued 200 Indian soldiers, and the locals ridiculed after seeing it: The speed of escape is really fast


In the end, in the Sino-Indian war of the last century, China won the war with absolute superiority. thereinto

The fact that three PLA troops dared to pursue an enemy force of several hundred people for more than 10 miles is enough to show the courage and resourcefulness of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and this is also the key to the victory of the Chinese PLA.

Of course, the Indian army also performed well in World War II, and also shed blood for national independence, and it seems a little unreasonable to say that the combat effectiveness of the Indian army is very low. But the performance of the Indian army in the Sino-Indian War, except for making people feel ridiculous, it seems that there is nothing to praise it, what makes an army ineffective? Perhaps invading other people's land is always as desperate as defending one's own land, as in the Sino-Indian War, when the Chinese army was different from the Indian army.