
Folk tale: The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, but when he came back, he couldn't find his mother, Lizheng: She had died of illness

author:The Coco story

Returning to the scholar at night

In the distant and ancient Jiangnan water town, there is a quiet and beautiful small village called Yuexi Village. There was a young scholar in the village, named Lin Yi, who was smart and studious, read poetry and books, and was determined to enter Beijing to take the exam, in order to achieve fame and glory.

Lin Yi lost his father since he was a child and relied on his mother for his life. Her mother was a hardworking and kind peasant woman, although she was illiterate, she knew the importance of reading, and she gave everything she could for Lin Yi to study. Lin Yi also lived up to his mother's expectations, was diligent and knowledgeable, and finally stood out in the village school and obtained the qualification to enter Beijing to take the exam.

Before leaving, her mother prepared dry food and clothes for Lin Yi, and her eyes were full of expectation and reluctance. She told Lin Yi to concentrate on the exam and not be distracted by trivial matters at home. Lin Yi tearfully agreed, packed his bags, and embarked on the journey to Beijing.

The capital is bustling and noisy, but Lin Yi's heart is like water, and he is devoted to books. He got up early every day, studied hard, and finally won the first place in the imperial examination and became a lifter. When the news came, the whole village was boiling, and people came to congratulate and be proud of Lin Yi's achievements.

However, Lin Yi had no intention of celebrating. He had only one thought in his mind: to hurry home and tell his mother the good news. He said goodbye to his colleagues and friends in the capital, took the appointment documents from the government, and set out on his way home.

Along the way, Lin Yi's heart was like an arrow, day and night. Finally, on a dark and windy night, he returned to Yuexi Village. However, when he opened the door, he found that the house was empty, and his mother's figure had disappeared without a trace.

Lin Yi was shocked and hurriedly searched around the house. He searched every corner, but his mother was nowhere to be found. An ominous premonition welled up in his heart, could it be that something had happened to his mother while he was away from home?

Folk tale: The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, but when he came back, he couldn't find his mother, Lizheng: She had died of illness

Lin Yi hurriedly found Lizheng in the village and asked about his mother's whereabouts. Li was an elderly man, he stroked his beard and sighed, "Lin Yi, your mother died of illness not long after you left home. She is afraid of delaying your studies, so she refuses to let me tell you. Now that you've made a name for yourself, you've come back and you'll never see her again. ”

When Lin Yi heard this, he stood on the spot, his heart full of grief and remorse. He blamed himself for not coming back sooner and for not spending more time with his mother. He stroked his mother's clothes and utensils before her death, and tears welled up in his eyes.

However, just when Lin Yi was grief-stricken, he discovered a strange thing. Among his mother's belongings was a worn-out diary that recorded strange events he had never heard of. Lin Yi opened the diary and read it page by page.

The diary records a series of strange events that his mother experienced after he left home. She often heard strange noises outside the house in the dead of night, as if someone was whispering. Sometimes she would see some vague figures in her dreams, lingering in front of her bed. What shocked Lin Yi the most was that the diary also mentioned a family secret that he had never heard of.

It turned out that his family was once an ancient wizard family, and they mastered a secret technique that could communicate the two worlds of yin and yang. However, this secret art was regarded as heresy and was suppressed and persecuted by the imperial court. In order to escape the pursuit, his ancestors went incognito and came to settle in Yuexi Village. However, the secret art in the family has not disappeared completely, but has been passed down in the family in a strange way.

Lin Yi's mother wrote in her diary that she suspected that her anomalous experience was related to the family secret arts. She had tried to find a way to dispel these strange phenomena, but had been unsuccessful. Finally, she left this sentence in her diary: "Yi'er, if you come back and find that I am no longer alive, please be careful. The family secret may still be at work in the shadows......"

After Lin Yi finished reading the diary, his heart was full of doubts and uneasiness. He began to suspect that his mother's death was not as simple as a simple illness. He decides to investigate the truth of these strange events and seek justice for his mother.

However, just as he was about to make his move, he discovered something even stranger. Whenever night falls, there will be bursts of strange singing in Yuexi Village. The song is poignant and melodious, as if it came from another world. Lin Yi's heart moved, and he decided to follow this song to find out......

Folk tale: The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, but when he came back, he couldn't find his mother, Lizheng: She had died of illness

(The first half of the story ends, and the second half will revolve around Lin Yi's investigation and discovery, revealing more of the truth about the family's secret arts, and Lin Yi is late at night, Lin Yi is standing alone at the entrance of the village, and the moonlight is shining on his handsome face, reflecting the determined light in his eyes.) The strange song sounded again, ethereal and distant, as if coming from another dimension, leading people to follow.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, silently recited his mother's last words in his heart, and embarked on a journey to find the source of the song. He walked through the silent alleys, bypassed the ancient ancestral hall, and finally came to the hill behind the village. There, he found an ancient altar hidden by wild grass.

The altar was filled with old offerings and mysterious runes, and the sound of singing came from an ancient well in the center of the altar. Lin Yi approached the mouth of the well, only to see the rippling water in the well, reflecting the moonlight, as if there was a deep world beckoning to him.

His heart tightened, but curiosity drove him to keep exploring. He cautiously reached out his hand and touched the wall of the well. An icy and piercing sensation instantly spread throughout his body, making him shiver involuntarily. However, at this moment, he felt as if his fingers had touched a hard object.

Lin Yi pulled hard, and pulled out a rusty iron box from the well. He opened the tin box, and inside was a yellowed ancient book and a string of crystal clear beads. Ancient books record some ancient spells and rituals, while the beads emit a faint glow, giving a mysterious and majestic feel.

Lin Yi's heart moved, and he realized that this might be related to the family secret technique. He quickly put away the ancient books and beads, and decided to go home and study them carefully.

Back home, Lin Yi lit the oil lamp, spread out the ancient books and read them carefully. He discovered that this ancient book recorded a secret technique called the "Nether Spell", which could communicate the two worlds of yin and yang and summon the undead. The strange phenomenon mentioned by the mother in her diary is probably caused by the accidental triggering of this secret technique.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, he knew he had to be careful. According to the records in ancient books, he began to prepare for the ritual of summoning the spirits of the dead. He lit the incense candles, placed the offerings, closed his eyes, and began to recite the incantation.

Folk tale: The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, but when he came back, he couldn't find his mother, Lizheng: She had died of illness

As the incantation was recited, Lin Yi felt a chill surging from all directions. When he opened his eyes, he saw a faint mist in the room, and his mother's ghost had actually appeared in front of him.

The mother's ghost looks the same as it was when she was alive, except that her face is pale and her eyes are empty. She looked at Lin Yi, and the corners of her mouth barely squeezed out a smile. Lin Yi looked at his mother's appearance, his heart was sour, he couldn't help but rush forward, wanting to hug his mother.

However, his hand passed through his mother's body and touched a void. Only then did he realize that his mother had left this world, and they could no longer hug each other as they did in life.

The mother's undead looked at Lin Yi and slowly spoke: "Yi'er, you're back." I know you'll find it here. The family's secret art is indeed powerful and dangerous, and it should not be easily touched. In the days since I died, I've been trying to find a way to get rid of these strange phenomena. Unfortunately, I was never able to make it. Now I give you this task, and I hope you can find a solution. ”

Lin Yi clenched his fists and nodded firmly: "Mother don't worry, I will definitely find a solution." I will not allow the secret art of the family to continue to endanger the peace of the villagers. ”

The mother's undead seemed to be satisfied with Lin Yi's answer, she smiled and nodded, and then turned into a cloud of green smoke and dissipated into the air. Lin Yi stood in place and did not move for a long time. He knows he still has a long way to go, but he's ready to face any challenge.

In the following days, Lin Yi began to delve into the knowledge of secret arts in ancient books. He discovers that the Nether Spell, while powerful, is not unsolvable, and that finding the right way to undo its effects can be lifted. However, the process was not easy, and he had to face all kinds of unknown dangers and challenges.

In the process, Lin Yi also met some like-minded friends. Some of them are young people in the village, curious about the unknown; Some are Taoist priests who have traveled all over the world and have dabbled in secret arts. They discussed, researched, and experimented together, accumulating experience in failures and growing in setbacks.

Folk tale: The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, but when he came back, he couldn't find his mother, Lizheng: She had died of illness

After some time of hard work, they finally found a way to break the Nether Curse. However, just as they were about to carry out their plan, they unexpectedly discovered an even more astonishing secret - it turned out that behind the Nether Spell was hidden a larger conspiracy, and this plot was closely linked to the fate of the entire village......

(At this point in the story, Lin Yat and his friends will face greater challenges and more complex situations.) What exactly is this conspiracy? How will they respond? These questions will be revealed in the rest of the story. In the process of searching for a way to lift the spell, Lin Yi and his friends gradually discover the astonishing fact that this secret technique did not arise naturally, but was manipulated by man. And the one who controlled all this was actually a foreigner who had been hiding in the village for many years.

This foreigner's name was Zao Wou-Ki, and he was ostensibly a teacher in the village, gentle and elegant, and deeply respected by the villagers. Secretly, however, he is an evil sorcerer who is well versed in occult arts. He uses the Nether Spell to manipulate the undead of the villagers in an attempt to achieve his ulterior motives.

After Lin Yi learned the news, he was shocked and angry in his heart. He couldn't accept this fact, and he couldn't tolerate Zao Wou-ki's harm to the villagers. He decides to come forward, expose Zao Wou-Ki's true colors, and stop his plot.

However, Zao Wou-Ki was no idle man. He is proficient in all kinds of secret arts and tricks, and Lin Yi and his friends have been repeatedly frustrated in the process of fighting with him. But Lin Yi did not give up, he firmly believed that justice would eventually triumph over evil.

By chance, Lin Yi found an ancient notebook that recorded a secret technique called "Breaking the Evil Curse". This occult technique can break the shackles of the Nether Spell and free the undead. Lin Yi was overjoyed, and he immediately began to study this secret technique.

However, it is not easy to cast a curse. It requires the caster to have strong willpower and deep mana. Although Lin Yi is smart and studious, he lacks in both. He had to consult the Taoist priests and shamans in the village, hoping to get some inspiration and help from them.

Under the guidance of Taoist priests and wizards, Lin Yi began to cultivate hard. He got up early and went to bed late every day, studied ancient books, cultivated mana, and tempered his will. His progress was rapid, and he quickly mastered the essence of breaking the curse.

Folk tale: The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, but when he came back, he couldn't find his mother, Lizheng: She had died of illness

However, just as Lin Yi was about to cast a curse-breaking spell, Zao Wou-Ki suddenly attacked. He used the Nether Spell to manipulate a group of villagers' undead and launched a fierce attack on Lin Yi. Lin Yi and his friends fought hard, but due to the disparity in strength, they were soon cornered.

At this time, Lin Yi's mother suddenly appeared. She floated in, a faint glow emanating from her body. She told Lin Yi: "Yi'er, don't give up. Your mother and fellow villagers are watching you. You have to believe in your own strength, and you have to believe in the power of righteousness. ”

When Lin Yi heard his mother's words, a warm current surged in his heart. He took a deep breath and calmed the fear and tension in his heart. He closed his eyes and began to recite the spell that broke the curse. As he chanted the incantation, he felt a powerful force surging out of his body, converging into a dazzling light that soared into the sky.

When the light dissipated, I saw that the undead who had been controlled by the Nether Spell stopped attacking, and their eyes became clear and bright, as if they had regained their consciousness and soul. Zao Wou-Ki, on the other hand, showed a look of horror and despair in front of this powerful force.

Lin Yi opened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him, his heart full of joy and pride. He knew he had succeeded. He succeeded in breaking the Nether Curse, saving the manipulated undead and revealing Zao Wou-Ki's true colors.

Zao Wou-Ki, however, did not stop there. Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately turned and fled, trying to escape the village. But how could Lin Yi let him go? He immediately chased after him and started a thrilling chase with Zao Wou-Ki.

In the process of chasing, Lin Yi and Zao Wou-Ki fought wits and courage and launched a fierce battle. They walked through forests, over hills, and over rivers, and each encounter was thrilling and exciting. But no matter how cunning and powerful Zao Wou-Ki was, Lin Yi relied on his wisdom and courage to save the day again and again, and finally forced Zao Wou-Ki into a desperate situation.

In a desperate situation, Zao Wou-Ki finally revealed his true colors, and he roared wildly and launched a final attack on Lin Yi. But Lin Yi had already been prepared, and he gathered the strength of his whole body to launch a fatal blow at Zao Wou-Ki.

Folk tale: The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, but when he came back, he couldn't find his mother, Lizheng: She had died of illness

Hearing a loud bang, Zao Wou-Ki was hit by Lin Yi and fell to the ground. He struggled to get to his feet, but to no avail. His eyes were full of unwillingness and despair, but in the end, he was defeated by Lin Yi's men.

Lin Yi looked at Zao Wou-Ki who fell to the ground, and there was not the slightest sympathy or pity in his heart. He knew that this evil sorcerer had brought too much pain and disaster to the villagers, and that he had to be punished as he deserved. So Lin Yi handed Zao Wou-Ki over to the villagers and let them deal with the sinner on their own.

The villagers were grateful for Lin Yi's heroic act, and they stepped forward to hug and congratulate Lin Yi. Lin Yi also felt extremely relieved and proud, he knew that he had used his strength to bring justice and tranquility to the villagers.

However, Lin Yi was not satisfied. He knows that there is still a lot of evil and darkness in this world that he needs to face and resist. So he decided to continue cultivating his mana, improve his abilities, and bring light and hope to more people.

In this way, Lin Yi became a legendary figure, and his story spread in the village and became a good story in people's mouths. And he also proved with his actions the belief that good will eventually triumph over evil. After Zao Wou-Ki was defeated, the atmosphere in the village seemed to be much more relaxed, but Lin Yi felt a little heavy. He knew that although he had succeeded in stopping Zao Wou-Ki's conspiracy this time, the evil and darkness in this world had not disappeared because of this. He is well aware of his responsibilities and knows that he still has a long way to go.

Lin Yi decided to stay in the village and use his wisdom and strength to protect the land and the people here. He began to delve deeper into the secret art of his family, hoping to find more ways to protect the villagers from evil. At the same time, he began to teach the young people in the village some basic self-defense techniques so that they could protect themselves in the face of danger.

Time passed quietly, and Lin Yi established his prestige in the village. He is not only the guardian of the villagers, but also their friend and mentor. With his experiences and teachings, he inspires every young person to understand the power of justice and courage.

However, the calm days did not last long. One night, Lin Yi suddenly felt a strong uneasiness while cultivating. He looked up at the sky, and saw dark clouds and dim stars, as if to indicate that something ominous was about to happen.

Folk tale: The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, but when he came back, he couldn't find his mother, Lizheng: She had died of illness

Lin Yi's heart tightened, and he immediately summoned the young people in the village to prepare for the impending danger. However, they did not wait for any sign of attack or invasion, but instead a powerful evil force suddenly surged from the ground and engulfed the entire village.

This power is incomparably powerful and strange, it seems to be able to devour all life and light. The villagers were terrified and overwhelmed, only Lin Yi remained calm and determined. He understood that this was Zao Wou-ki's backhand, an evil force that was even more terrifying and difficult to deal with.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, he knew that he had to stand up and face this evil force. He summoned the Taoist priests and shamans in the village to discuss countermeasures. They decide to use their family's secret skills and the power of the village to fight against this evil force.

A fierce battle unfolded in the village. Lin Yi and his friends wage a desperate struggle against the forces of evil. They used their wits and courage to engage in a thrilling contest against the forces of evil. Every encounter was full of thrills and excitement, and each victory strengthened their belief and determination.

However, the forces of evil seem endless, and no matter how hard they try, they cannot completely wipe them out. Lin Yi looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was full of anxiety and helplessness. He didn't know if he would succeed in protecting the land and its people, and he didn't know if he would be able to defeat this evil force.

However, at this time, Lin Yi's mother appeared again. She told Lin Yi: "Yi'er, don't give up, your mother and fellow villagers are watching you." You have to believe in your own strength, and you have to believe in the power of righteousness. Only inner light and courage can overcome all darkness and evil. ”

When Lin Yi heard his mother's words, a warm current surged in his heart. He recalls his battle with Zao Wou-Ki and the effort and sacrifice he made to protect the villagers. He knew that he could not give up and that he could not live up to the expectations of his mother and fellow villagers.

So Lin Yi regained his strength, and he gathered the strength of his whole body to launch a final attack on the evil force. He used his wits and courage to engage in a fierce battle against the forces of evil, and finally succeeded in defeating them and sealing them deep underground.

Folk tale: The scholar went to Beijing to take the exam, but when he came back, he couldn't find his mother, Lizheng: She had died of illness

The village once again regained peace and tranquility, but Lin Yi did not let his guard down because of this. He knows that there is still a lot of evil and darkness in this world that he needs to face and resist. So he decided to stay in the village and use his power to protect the land and the people here.

Lin Yi's story spread in the village and became a good story in people's mouths. He proved the belief that justice will eventually triumph over evil with his actions, and also won the respect and love of the villagers with his wisdom and courage.

However, Lin Yi was not satisfied. He knows that his strength is not enough, and he needs to keep learning and growing in order to better protect the villagers and fight evil. As a result, he began to cultivate and study harder, constantly exploring and discovering new secret techniques and powers.

Under Lin Yi's leadership, the village became stronger and more prosperous. The villagers are united in facing various challenges and difficulties. They used their wisdom and courage to create a wonderful home full of hopes and dreams.

Time flies, time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Lin Yi has become a gray-haired old man, but he still sticks to the village and uses his strength to protect this land and the people here. His story and spirit have also been passed down and inspired generations of young people to pursue justice and light.

And Lin Yi always believes that as long as there is love and faith in their hearts, nothing can stop them from moving forward. In this world full of challenges and opportunities, they will continue to use their wisdom and courage to create a better future.