
They fought desperately against the local stubborns in Dabie Mountain, and the heavy snow closed the mountain, and one person ate more than a dozen grains

author:Ahua History says

They fought desperately against the local stubborns in Dabie Mountain, and the heavy snow closed the mountain, and one person ate more than a dozen grains. This is the story of a period of blood and fire, a group of unswerving communists who fought tenaciously in a difficult environment. They defended the revolutionary cause to the death, almost with their bare hands, but they still fought valiantly and were not afraid of hardships and dangers. Surrounded by the enemy, they only had a handful of grain to satisfy their hunger, and only a dozen or so grains were distributed to each person. In this snow-capped wilderness, where drops of blood stain the snow red, is this the price of the revolution? In the end, will they be able to turn the tide and defeat the enemy? Can the revolution finally triumph?

They fought desperately against the local stubborns in Dabie Mountain, and the heavy snow closed the mountain, and one person ate more than a dozen grains

Fight against the stubborn with bare hands

In the spring of 1944, the Fifth Division of Siye was surrounded by heavy encirclements in the Dabie Mountains, and the situation was critical. In order to avoid the annihilation of the whole army, the Fifth Division decided to break through the encirclement, leaving only one detachment to persist in guerrilla warfare in the local area. However, the disparity in the strength of the enemy was great, and the detachment was soon scattered.

The remnants decided to reorganize the county brigade as the main force and continue to fight stubbornly. However, two traitors betrayed the position of the brigade and led the entire army into the encirclement. The brigade refused to surrender and fought back bravely, but in the end they were outnumbered and all of them died.

The last man was wounded and fell to the ground, and finally smashed the head of an enemy officer with a gun and then committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. The traitor then confessed to the list of party members in the county, which led to the complete destruction of the party organization.

Pan, an old party member, was blocked in the room, and with his rich experience, he slammed the door and rushed out, killing a sentry and escaping. Survive hard in the mountains and forests, only picking wild fruits to satisfy hunger. Soon after, Pan met Gao, the injured county magistrate, and the two of them lurked together for eight days without eating.

A fellow found the two and took the initiative to help each other, giving away the only bucket of rice left in the family for free. The two of them ate most of it at once, wrapped the rest in cloth, and ate it together with the stained green hair.

Fourteen days later, Lao Liu joined the two and established a guerrilla force. Although the guerrillas were small in number and weak in armament, they were fierce and brave, and they were determined to fight the traitors to the end.


The guerrillas marched and fought, and could not open the pot. The Dabie Mountains have been in war for many years, and the people are struggling to make a living. Ordinary people have been displaced and fleeing, and displaced refugees can be seen everywhere. On a rainy day, a naked child was crying by the river, his lips purple, and his body was cold. Seeing this, the county magistrate Gao didn't say a word, took off the only cotton clothes on his body and wrapped the child, carried him to a nearby village, and handed it over to a friendly family of ordinary people to warm up. Soon, the child's father came and angrily accused the county magistrate Gao of abducting the child, and threw a punch at the county magistrate. The county magistrate Gao was not angry, but apologized to the other party and persuaded the other party to stay for dinner.

The female soldier Xiao Chu was still young and was forced to leave the army in order to avoid being searched. Once, she disguised herself as a pregnant woman to go out to visit relatives, and met a gang of bandits, who wanted to extort the food carried in Xiao Chu's arms. Xiao Chu fought back bravely, snatched a short gun from the bandits, and wounded all the bandits. After that, she had no way out, so she had to flee in all directions and sneak back to the army.

The dry and cold northwest wind cut flesh and bones, blowing people with nowhere to hide. A heavy snowfall turned the entire Dabie Mountains white, and the enemy took the opportunity to kill the killers and ordered the troops to block the mountain pass and cut off all sources of guerrillas. The guerrillas had no choice but to hide in a remote and nameless cave. Once, Xiao Chu went out foraging for food, encountered an ambush, and was shot in the leg. Lao Pan didn't say a word, carried Xiao Chu on his shoulders, and marched hard in the blizzard. Seeing this, a kind-hearted fellow took the initiative to set up a rudimentary tent for them and promised to bring back food the next day. However, misfortune ensued. As soon as the villager returned home, he was attacked by bandits.

Unswerving faith

In the face of many difficulties, the guerrilla fighters never gave up their revolutionary convictions. Despite the relentless blows and sufferings suffered by the enemy, they remained steadfast in their determination to uphold the political integrity of the Communists.

After the traitor betrayed the list of party members, the Dabie Mountains fell into a panic. The enemy began a frantic sweep, and every village searched for party members and guerrillas who were hiding. Pan, an old party member, was surrounded by enemies at home and was in a desperate situation. Pan was a veteran revolutionary soldier who had been on the battlefield for a long time and was comfortable in confronting the enemy. Taking advantage of the enemy's scrambling, he slammed open the door and knocked one of his enemies to the ground, then grabbed his gun and escaped, killing a sentry in the process.

They fought desperately against the local stubborns in Dabie Mountain, and the heavy snow closed the mountain, and one person ate more than a dozen grains

The county magistrate Gao was a die-hard member of the Communist Party, and he was unmoved after suffering serious injuries. One time when he was lurking alone, Lao Pan came to answer. Seeing that the county magistrate Gao was on the verge of death, Lao Pan hurriedly performed the "last party salute" - three consecutive blows on the back of the county magistrate's hand, meaning "never betray the party".

The common people respect the county magistrate Gao because his work style is close to the people and he is considerate to the masses on weekdays. Once, when the county magistrate Gao saw a frozen homeless child crying by the river, he took off his only cotton coat and wrapped him around him, and carried it to the village to keep warm. This move deeply touched everyone present.

From time to time, the guerrilla positions were attacked by vigilantes, which was exhausting. Lao Liu decided to sweep away the inner ghosts and eradicate the eyes and ears of the enemy. After careful deployment, multiple squads attacked at the same time and captured many traitors in one fell swoop. As a result, the common people were spared the victims, who praised the guerrillas for their selflessness and fearlessness, and regarded them as patron saints.

Hardship and fighting spirit

There have been years of famine in the Dabie Mountains, and there is a shortage of food. The officers and men of the guerrillas were malnourished and covered with skin and bones. On one occasion, a young soldier was accidentally wounded and captured alive by the enemy. The enemy lured him to the Kuomintang with heavy money and wine, but he refused categorically, even if he was stripped of his clothes and pants and naked.

Lao Liu is over half a hundred years old, has experienced vicissitudes of life, and is full of luxury. He was originally a witty and brave young general. But the war continued for years, and he had to work day and night, diligently planning how to defeat the enemy. The hard work paid off, and finally in a surprise attack, he personally led a small team to annihilate a group of militias, but he also paid a heavy price - an arm was almost completely destroyed.

Once, while searching for food, Pan was surrounded by enemies and attacked by indiscriminate enemy bombardment. After several setbacks, he finally escaped, but his arms were already badly injured. From then on, he could no longer stand up for the gun, and could only be a strong logistician, responsible for caring for the wounded.

Granny Zhao, a fellow countryman, was an acquaintance of the guerrillas. She has an intuitive view of the brutality of war, describing it as a "bloody storm". Once, at the risk of her life, Granny Zhao personally went to the guerrilla station and sent some stored food and some rudimentary medical supplies to everyone. This hard-won aid is undoubtedly a relief in the snow.

In order to establish a base and control one territory, the guerrillas had to risk being surrounded by the enemy and penetrate deep into the hinterland. Along the way, they endured a lot of hardships. Sometimes you can only gnaw on the bark of trees to satisfy your hunger, and sometimes you can only use river water to dilute some wild vegetable roots. They gritted their teeth and vowed to fight the enemy to the death.

The bloody storm was finally victorious

The guerrillas in the Dabie Mountains fought alone and suffered heavy losses. However, they never lost heart, and they always had the belief that they would win.

In the spring of 1947, the guerrillas heroically killed a Kuomintang officer in a chance encounter. This officer was originally in charge of supervising the suppression of bandits in the Dabie Mountains, and his death was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the enemy. In retaliation, the Kuomintang army concentrated the officers and men of a platoon into a small village and prepared for a bloody crackdown.

The news soon reached the ears of the partisans. The county magistrate Gao was not afraid of danger and personally led a small team to raid. Due to the disparity in firepower, they had to resort to a roundabout strategy. At first, they infiltrated the village and waited for an opportunity to annihilate several sentinels; Later, under the cover of night, the village was heavily surrounded; When the dawn came, they opened fire fiercely, and soon completely annihilated the entire village of national troops.

But the guerrillas did not end the siege. Soon after, thousands of national officers and soldiers began a new round of frantic sweeps. In desperation, the guerrillas had no choice but to adopt the method of bandit warfare, ambushing and killing the enemy in the shadows whenever the army pressed the border. Finally, in a guerrilla war, Lao Liu personally shot and killed a high-ranking officer, a move that inflicted heavy losses on the enemy.

The dawn of victory is finally in sight. Victory belongs to the heroic people's guerrillas, to those who defend their homeland with blood and fire in the snow-capped mountains and meadows with their bare hands. County Magistrate Gao, Lao Pan and Lao Liu have all become battle heroes, and they have won the hearts of the people. A new order will eventually be established, and the people will eventually become the masters of the country.