
I can't laugh anymore, the singer didn't invite Wang Sulong at first, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

author:Crunchy roll fries
I can't laugh anymore, the singer didn't invite Wang Sulong at first, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

Text \ Crunchy roll fries

Edit\Crunchy roll fries


Wang Sulong asked the director team whether he needed to participate in the early stage of "Singer 2024", and because many big-name singers had expressed their willingness to join, he was not included in the first batch of invitations.

I can't laugh anymore, the singer didn't invite Wang Sulong at first, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

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However, with the confirmation of the live broadcast form, the singers who were originally scheduled to participate withdrew due to scheduling or other reasons, resulting in the program team having to reconsider the lineup.

I can't laugh anymore, the singer didn't invite Wang Sulong at first, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

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When facing difficulties in finding a singer, Wang Sulong had signed a contract with another program, and was finally urgently recalled by the program team and became one of the singers.

I can't laugh anymore, the singer didn't invite Wang Sulong at first, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

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On the contrary, I think Hunan Satellite TV did the right thing this time

I can't laugh anymore, the singer didn't invite Wang Sulong at first, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

Indeed, haha is a little shock to the domestic entertainment music scene

In fact, Rainie Yang can sing, but she is a little nervous

I can't laugh anymore, the singer didn't invite Wang Sulong at first, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

Wang Sulong seemed to sign a God-given voice, and later pushed it off for the sake of the singer, Wang Sulong himself said: He contacted the singer very early, he said that he needed to stay on the schedule, and the director said: It's okay, you go to do your business first, don't worry! Later, the director hurriedly called him over, Wang Sulong was really good.

I can't laugh anymore, the singer didn't invite Wang Sulong at first, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

Director: Don't come, then I'll blow up the Chinese music scene

If Wang Sulong hadn't come this time, would he have been on the list of rescue sites

I can't laugh anymore, the singer didn't invite Wang Sulong at first, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

It's not that I can't sing Bai Yueguang Wang Sulong, it's just that he's not suitable for this kind of competition

It's not the singing area, it's the actors' area, the actors' area

I can't laugh anymore, the singer didn't invite Wang Sulong at first, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

The artist's delicate relationship with the show

This incident reveals the complex relationship between program format and artist management in modern television production. An artist's engagement is not just a part of an individual's career, but also closely related to the overall quality and audience reception of the show. How to balance this relationship is a challenge that the program team must face.

The editor has something to say

The line-up changes for "Singer 2024," especially Wang's unexpected involvement, reveal the challenges of contemporary TV production, reflecting the complex relationship between artists and producers in the modern entertainment industry. This incident can be analyzed from multiple perspectives, including the emergency management of program production, the career development of artists, and the public's expectations and feedback on entertainment programs.

The program team successfully invited a number of big names in the preparatory stage, showing its influence and appeal in the industry. However, when the decision was made to change to 12 live broadcasts, most artists opted out due to scheduling conflicts, reflecting a possible lack of communication during the planning and execution phases of program production. The artist's exit not only affects the quality of the show, but may also have a long-term impact on the show's brand reputation. In this case, the emergency response of the program team has become the key to ensuring the smooth progress of the program, and Wang Sulong's temporary joining is an expedient measure.

Wang's experience highlights his career flexibility as an artist and his ability to grasp opportunities. Although he was not initially selected by the program team, his eventual addition not only earned him valuable stage performance opportunities, but also could bring a new turn for his music career. For Wang, this experience could be an important career development point, and how he uses this opportunity will have a profound impact on his future.

For the audience, their attitude towards "Singer 2024" and Wang Sulong reflects the public's desire for high-quality entertainment products and their expectation of the sincerity of the show. Although the emergency measures of the program team have solved the immediate crisis, how to maintain the quality of the program and the loyalty of the audience for a long time is still a problem that needs to be pondered. The audience's response, whether it is praise or criticism, is feedback that cannot be ignored by the program producer, and should become an important basis for their self-examination and improvement.

The incident also exposed the entertainment industry's inadequacies in managing and anticipating potential problems. Television programs, especially high-profile music competitions, require more rigorous project management and forward-looking planning. The program team should learn from this experience how to better manage the relationship between artists and ensure the smooth progress of the program while maintaining artistic standards.

Although Wang Sulong's participation in "Singer 2024" was due to the urgent needs of the program team, his performance and the discussions it triggered provided a deep insight into the current practice of the entertainment industry. For the producers, this is a valuable lesson on how to optimize crisis management, improve communication efficiency, and enhance artist collaboration. For Wang, it was a stage to showcase his artistic talent and professional resilience. For viewers, it's an opportunity to re-examine their expectations of entertainment. It is hoped that all parties will learn from this experience and move in a more professional and efficient direction.


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I can't laugh anymore, the singer didn't invite Wang Sulong at first, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

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