
The 66-year-old lady sunbathes her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what are the changes in her physical indicators?

author:Dr. Dong explained
The 66-year-old lady sunbathes her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what are the changes in her physical indicators?
[This article declares: This story is pure fiction, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, do not sit in the right seat. 】

Aunty Li, 66, is a retired teacher who enjoys basking in the sun in the community park in her spare time. Ever since she heard that sun exposure helps synthesize vitamin D and boosts immunity, she insists on going to the park every day to dry her back, rain or shine.

The 66-year-old lady sunbathes her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what are the changes in her physical indicators?

After her daughter Xiao Li found out, she was a little worried: "Mom, exposure to the sun every day is not good for the skin, it is easy to sunburn and even lead to skin cancer." Why don't you get some sun? "

Aunt Li smiled and said, "I'm tanning my back, not my face." You, you don't know how to maintain health, how good it is to bask in the sun, and you won't be afraid of osteoporosis in winter. "

The 66-year-old lady sunbathes her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what are the changes in her physical indicators?

In this way, Aunt Li persisted for more than half a year. Seeing that the daughter was not moved, she suggested that she go for a physical examination to see if there was any change in her physical indicators.

After the medical examination report came out, the attending doctor, Dr. Chen, was a little surprised. He carefully read the test sheet several times before saying to Aunt Li: "It seems that the sunbathing for most of the year has not been in vain.

Your blood calcium levels have increased significantly, and your bone density has improved compared to before. It seems that moderate sun exposure is indeed effective in calcium supplementation and prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. "

The 66-year-old lady sunbathes her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what are the changes in her physical indicators?

Aunt Li smiled proudly: "I'll just say that basking in the sun is good." Now my daughter should always believe in my health regimen. "

Dr Chan reminds, "Spending time in the sun is beneficial, but it is also important to get it right. The time should not be too long, generally 15-20 minutes a day, the skin is slightly red, and sunburn should not be avoided.

The 66-year-old lady sunbathes her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what are the changes in her physical indicators?

In addition, it is necessary to hydrate in time after sunbathing, and use sunscreen in moderation if necessary.

There is also the fact that sun exposure is not a substitute for a balanced diet and moderate exercise, after all, the synthesis of vitamin D also requires intestinal absorption, and sun exposure alone is not enough. "

The 66-year-old lady sunbathes her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what are the changes in her physical indicators?

Aunt Li was quite surprised: "I didn't expect that there is so much knowledge in the sun." I thought the more sun it was, the better. "

Dr. Chan laughs, "Everything has to be done in a way. It's great to stay in the sun, but don't forget to follow your doctor's advice, get regular check-ups, and take calcium if necessary to maximize the benefits of sunbathing.

By the way, it is best to check the skin during the next physical examination to avoid skin injury while basking in the sun. "

The 66-year-old lady sunbathes her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what are the changes in her physical indicators?

Aunt Li nodded again and again: "Thank you, doctor, I will improve the method of basking in the sun and be a clear health person." I will also ask my daughter to supervise my regular physical examination to detect problems early. "

The value of sun exposure as a traditional form of health care has long been determined.

Not only does it promote vitamin D synthesis and bone health, but it also boosts immunity and mood, which can be said to be beneficial. Especially for the elderly, moderate sun exposure is undoubtedly a simple and easy way to maintain health.

The 66-year-old lady sunbathes her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what are the changes in her physical indicators?

But at the same time, it's important to recognize that more sun is not always better. Excessive exposure to the sun not only fails to achieve the purpose of health preservation, but will accelerate skin aging and induce problems such as pigmentation and skin cancer.

Not to mention the dangers of sunburn, it can even be life-threatening in severe cases. Therefore, we should also grasp the "degree" of sun exposure to avoid the misunderstanding of health preservation.

How to grasp this "degree"? Choose the right time, control the duration, and do a good job of sun protection, every step should not be neglected.

The 66-year-old lady sunbathes her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what are the changes in her physical indicators?

At the same time, it is also necessary to vary from person to person, comprehensively consider one's own physique and health status, and avoid blind obedience.

For example, people with fair and sensitive skin should be more cautious when basking in the sun. For the elderly with a high incidence of osteoporosis, moderate sunbathing can be more trying.

Of course, the path to wellness is by no means limited to basking in the sun.

The 66-year-old lady sunbathes her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what are the changes in her physical indicators?

Exposure to the sun is just one of the supplements, and to achieve true health, it also requires comprehensive conditioning. In addition, regular medical check-ups are also crucial, and only by detecting problems in time can diseases be better prevented and treated.

In conclusion, Aunt Li's story gives us a useful revelation:

Only by following science, respecting individual differences, and incorporating them into the overall health plan can we truly achieve the purpose of strengthening the body.

The 66-year-old lady sunbathes her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what are the changes in her physical indicators?

Write at the end

We need to embrace traditional health wisdom with an open mind, and we must also treat every health care method with a scientific attitude.

It is believed that with the dual efforts of professional guidance and self-practice, the goal of healthy and long life will eventually be achieved. Let's go hand in hand and go further and further on the road of wellness.

The 66-year-old lady sunbathes her back in the park every day, and goes for a check-up half a year later, what are the changes in her physical indicators?

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[1] Chinese Society of Osteoporosis and Bone Mineral Diseases. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of primary osteoporosis[J].Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis and Bone Mineral Diseases,2017,10(5):413-444.)

[2] Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Center for Dermatology Prevention and Prevention. Chinese Journal of Dermatology and Venereology,2019,33(9):972-976.
