
The man eats beer duck, which is a fine of 1,300 yuan for drunk driving, Netizen: What is the purpose of the investigation?

author:Comfort fountain pen Q

In the dark night, Du drove on the road as usual, and just ran into the traffic police who were investigating drunk driving, but he didn't expect to blow the alcohol detector, and the result was 35mg/100ml, which was determined by the traffic police to be drunk driving and was fined 1,300 yuan. After asking Du, I learned that it was because I ate beer duck with a few friends and poured a bottle of beer into it.


Du's explanation sparked widespread discussion in the comments section online. Some netizens said that no matter what food contains alcohol, it may constitute drunk driving at the legal level. Traffic laws clearly state that the blood alcohol concentration of driving a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol cannot exceed 20 mg/100 ml. The test results showed that Du's blood alcohol concentration was higher than this standard, so it was an illegal act.

The man eats beer duck, which is a fine of 1,300 yuan for drunk driving, Netizen: What is the purpose of the investigation?

Some netizens also pointed out that when driving after eating alcohol-containing food, safety awareness should also be improved to avoid traffic accidents caused by alcohol residues. While another part of netizens questioned the purpose and indicators of the traffic police's night inspection. They argue that driving under the influence of alcohol should indeed be discouraged, but that a single meal can cause excesses, which seems to be far from the original purpose of preventing drunk driving.

The man eats beer duck, which is a fine of 1,300 yuan for drunk driving, Netizen: What is the purpose of the investigation?

Some netizens pointed out that drunk driving is mainly aimed at drunk driving, and it should be from the perspective of driving safety. However, the low concentration of alcohol residue caused by just one meal of food may not have a significant impact on driving. Overly strict enforcement may cause public inconvenience and be out of balance with the original purpose.

This incident once again raises a question: what is the purpose of the traffic police to investigate drunk driving? Preventing drunk driving and reducing traffic accidents should indeed be the primary goal, but enforcement strategies and metrics also need to match this goal in detail. Improper enforcement of the law will be questioned by society and may have a negative impact.

The man eats beer duck, which is a fine of 1,300 yuan for drunk driving, Netizen: What is the purpose of the investigation?

It is worth the traffic police department to interpret the opinions of all walks of life in a timely manner, adjust and improve the law enforcement strategy of drunk driving, and return law enforcement to the right path. No matter who is legally drunk driving, individuals should pay attention to their own safety when traveling. If you don't have to, it's better not to drink and drive. This is also a social consensus.

The traffic police do have their purpose in investigating drunk driving, but the details of law enforcement need to be continuously improved to take into account the rights and interests of the public and the security guarantee. Only through public supervision and the joint efforts of law enforcement can the punishment of drunk driving be made more reasonable and effective.

The man eats beer duck, which is a fine of 1,300 yuan for drunk driving, Netizen: What is the purpose of the investigation?

At last

The prevention and control of drunk driving is an important part of today's traffic work, and it is also in line with public expectations. However, the setting of law enforcement details directly affects the rationality and effectiveness of law enforcement. The traffic police department must not only eliminate the harm of drunk driving, but also take into account the inconvenience caused by individual subtle differences, otherwise it will lose credibility.

The man eats beer duck, which is a fine of 1,300 yuan for drunk driving, Netizen: What is the purpose of the investigation?

Only through communication with all sectors of society, so that the public can reasonably understand the purpose of law enforcement, and at the same time absorb public opinions to improve law enforcement policies, can we make law enforcement measures more scientific and reasonable while protecting road safety. We also hope that drivers can understand the regulations correctly, do not take them lightly because of individual nuances, and it is best not to drink and drive to avoid legal disputes.

The joint efforts of all sectors of society to explore a balance between ensuring public safety and taking care of individual reasonable needs are of great significance to promoting the development of the mainland's transportation industry.

The man eats beer duck, which is a fine of 1,300 yuan for drunk driving, Netizen: What is the purpose of the investigation?