
"呷哺" can not be pronounced "jiǎ pǔ"Oh! What does Xiabu mean? And how to read it

author:A guest history said

Have you ever had the experience of having a friend party, when everyone is discussing various foods, and suddenly you hear a word - "Xiabu", and then you hesitate for a moment, wondering how to pronounce this word?

First of all, let's clear up a common misunderstanding, the correct pronunciation of the word "Xiabu" is "xiā bǔ", not "jiǎ pǔ"! Don't laugh, there are really a lot of people who miss it.

"呷哺" can not be pronounced "jiǎ pǔ"Oh! What does Xiabu mean? And how to read it

So, what exactly does "Xiabu" mean? Literally, "Xia" means to drink in small sips, and "Feed" means to feed, which originally meant to drink or eat in small sips.

It is often used to describe the act of tasting food in small bites, or as a baby sucking breast milk. In food culture, this word reveals a kind of elegance and enjoyment of tasting slowly.

Imagine that on a leisurely afternoon, you sit in an antique restaurant, in front of a small hot pot with one person and one pot, the soup base is bubbling, you pick up a thin slice of beef, gently dip it in the hot soup, and then taste it in small bites, isn't this the best portrayal of "Xiabu"?

"呷哺" can not be pronounced "jiǎ pǔ"Oh! What does Xiabu mean? And how to read it

"Xiabu" is not only a way to taste food, but also an attitude and philosophy of food in traditional Chinese culture. It tells us that eating is not just about filling our stomachs, but also about the enjoyment of life, and it is about respecting and appreciating food.

Speaking of which, I have to mention that there is a very famous chain of small hot pot restaurants, whose name is "Xiabu Xiabu". Every time you pass by, you can always smell the tempting aroma of hot pot, which makes people want to go in and eat.

And the name "Xiabu Xiabu" also seems to invite you to come and enjoy this wonderful hot pot time with me!

Interestingly, every time I go to eat "Xiabu Xiabu" with my friends, everyone will always jokingly say: "Today we are going to 'fake Pu fake Pu'!" Then they looked at each other and smiled. This kind of vignette has also become a kind of fun when we have dinner.

"呷哺" can not be pronounced "jiǎ pǔ"Oh! What does Xiabu mean? And how to read it

Now that you know the correct pronunciation and meaning of "Xiabu", do you feel like you have added a little more cultural knowledge? Next time you go to eat a small hot pot, don't forget to share this little knowledge with your friends!

Finally, I would like to ask you a question: when you eat "Xiabu Xiabu" small hot pot, what kind of ingredients do you like to eat the most? Is it tender beef, or crispy vegetables? Or is it the smooth tofu skin? Come to the comment area to share your "Xiabu" experience!

In this fast-paced era, may we all slow down, savor every bite of life, and enjoy the comfort and satisfaction brought by "Xiabu".