
How to read the "饴" in "Hanyu Sun"? What does it mean?

author:A guest history said

Today we are going to talk about a warm and interesting idiom - "Hanyu teases Sun". First of all, I have to talk about the word "饴". Guess what, how to pronounce "饴"? It's not "tai", it's not "shift", but it's pronounced "yí", which refers to what we often call maltose!

The idiom "teasing the grandson" comes from an ancient and warm story.

How to read the "饴" in "Hanyu Sun"? What does it mean?

Imagine that in an ancient family, an old grandfather or grandmother sat on a chair with sweet maltose in his mouth, savoring the sweetness while teasing the cute little grandson under his knees. Does this kind of picture feel particularly warm and loving?

The meaning behind this idiom is actually far more than just literally teasing children. It depicts a scene of the elderly enjoying the joy of family, reflecting the satisfaction of the elderly in life and their deep attachment to their families.

Just like the poem says, "Hanging plain hair in the hall, teasing children and grandchildren", the "plain hair" here represents the gray hair of the elderly, and "playing with grandchildren" is the greatest joy in their later life.

How to read the "饴" in "Hanyu Sun"? What does it mean?

Speaking of which, an interesting little story suddenly occurred to me. There is an old grandfather, and his greatest pleasure after retirement is to tease his little grandson in the park with a maltose in his mouth.

Whenever the little grandson was attracted by the sugar and stretched out his little hand to grab the candy, the old grandfather would deliberately hold the sugar high so that the little grandson could jump up. In this way, the park is filled with the laughter of grandparents and grandchildren, and the people around them feel the warmth of this family.

Of course, "teasing grandchildren" is not only limited to teasing children, but also has a deeper meaning of the attitude and perception of life of the elderly. After experiencing the struggles and hard work of their youth, the elderly know how to cherish the happy time in front of them and enjoy every moment with their families.

How to read the "饴" in "Hanyu Sun"? What does it mean?

Just like the ancients who once said, "I should make fun of my grandchildren, and I can't resume politics", he chose to stay away from political struggles in his later years, return to his family, and enjoy the happiness of getting along with his children and grandchildren. This choice reflects both his wisdom and his deep affection for his family.

So, dear netizens, when you see the old people around you teasing your grandson, you might as well give them a smile, or accompany them to tease the children. Because in this warm scene, we can not only see the happiness of the elderly, but also feel the warmth of the family and the beauty of life.

Finally, let's cherish this time of "teasing grandchildren" together! Because it not only represents the happy old age of the elderly, but also contains our deep attachment and infinite love for family and life.