
11 people were arrested for gathering in the hotel lobby to gamble Two middle-aged gamblers cried out for fear of affecting their children's future......

11 people were arrested for gathering in the hotel lobby to gamble Two middle-aged gamblers cried out for fear of affecting their children's future......

Chengdu Business Daily Red Star News

2024-05-12 21:14Posted on the official account of Red Star News of Chengdu Business Daily, Sichuan

11 people gathered in the hotel lobby to gamble, and when the police seized it, the boss reported that some people were panicking, and some people hid 20,000 yuan under the stool......

On May 12, the Red Star News reporter learned from the Public Security Bureau of Ya'an City, Sichuan Province that a few days ago, the police in Shimian County, Ya'an City, cracked a gambling case, arrested 12 people involved in gambling violations, and confiscated nearly 100,000 yuan of gambling funds.

11 people were arrested for gathering in the hotel lobby to gamble Two middle-aged gamblers cried out for fear of affecting their children's future......

▲ In the lobby of the hotel, when everyone was arrested for gambling

Previously, after the police of the Xinmian Police Station of the Shimian County Public Security Bureau found clues that someone gathered to gamble in a hotel in the jurisdiction, the Shimian County Public Security Bureau immediately set up a special team to find out the situation, and after three or four days of squatting, the police found that the hotel would gather in the hotel lobby at a fixed time every night to gamble. And when gambling, the hotel owner will also "watch the wind" in the lobby. The gambling location is in the hotel lobby, separated by a screen, and the social impact is relatively bad.

On the evening of May 6, with the strong support of the Legal Brigade of the Shimian County Public Security Bureau, the Public Security Brigade and various police stations, the special case team carried out meticulous control of the location and successfully arrested 12 criminal suspects involved in gambling.

"Seeing the arrest team entering the hotel, the hotel owner immediately reported the news." Zhou Tian, the person in charge of the task force and an instructor at the Yonghe Police Station of the Shimian County Public Security Bureau, said that at that time, some people tried to escape, and some people quickly hid the gambling funds......

At the scene, the arrest team arrested the suspects who wanted to escape one by one, and carefully searched at the scene, and found more than 20,000 yuan that the suspect hid under the stool. In the end, the police seized more than 95,000 yuan of gambling money at the scene.

After investigation, from 20 o'clock to 22 o'clock on May 6, 11 gamblers including Zhou, Wu, and Li gambled in the asbestos hotel in the form of "bullfighting bull" and "fighting fourteen". As the owner of the hotel, Yang Moumou knew that Zhou, Wu and others were gambling in the store, but still illegally provided them with gambling venues, tools and gambling funds for the purpose of profit.

11 people were arrested for gathering in the hotel lobby to gamble Two middle-aged gamblers cried out for fear of affecting their children's future......

▲ The relevant gambling personnel were sent to the detention center

At present, 12 people involved in gambling violations have been sent to the detention center for detention. The case is being further processed.

"Two of the gamblers, who were in their 50s, shed tears of regret after being caught." The police said they were worried that their gambling behavior could affect their children's future. Because some jobs will not only check whether the immediate family members have a criminal record, but also whether they have a criminal record, including gambling.

The police reminded that we should consciously stay away from gambling, establish a correct outlook on life, values and money, and do not embark on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes for the sake of gambling.

Li Xiaoming, Red Star News reporter Jiang Lin, according to Ya'an Public Security

Editor: Pan Li, Editor-in-charge: Li Binbin

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  • 11 people were arrested for gathering in the hotel lobby to gamble Two middle-aged gamblers cried out for fear of affecting their children's future......
  • 11 people were arrested for gathering in the hotel lobby to gamble Two middle-aged gamblers cried out for fear of affecting their children's future......

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